"I don't know what happened to the teacher." Lin Hong thought, already driving to the school gate.

He didn't know Mancho's phone number, so he had to come over and inquire first.

Outside the principal, he pushed the door and entered, easily found Mancho's phone number, took out his cell phone and dialed it.

After waiting for a long time, someone finally connected.

"Hello?" Mancho was on the other end, her voice now sounded haggard.

"This is Lin Hong, has something happened to you?"

Lin Hong saw that there was a plate of peanuts on the desk, so he peeled the peanuts to eat while communicating with Mancho.

There was a moment of silence on Mancho's side, which made Lin Hong almost think that the phone was broken.

"It's okay, I'll go back to work tomorrow. Mancho said so.

"Tell me if you have a problem, and I will help you."

Lin Hong was eating peanuts, and Mancho on the other end of the phone seemed to be sobbing: "It's really not necessary, I'll hang up first..."

After speaking, she hung up the phone.

Lin Hong shook his head and put the phone back in his pocket.

There is a list on the desk with the contact information and residential addresses of all teachers.

"Let's go and take a look." Lin Hong took the address of Manqiao's house in his heart, and walked out of the principal's office.

On the other side, Mancho was crying in her room. Her room was very small, but four or five square meters, and only one cabinet was left besides one bed.

Outside, her father Mambo was knocking on the door frantically.

"Girl, you have to save dad!"

Mancho's tears fell from time to time, and she really hated this dad who was caught in gambling.

"Wang Ba Laozi, I will feed you and study alone, and now you don't care about your father?" Outside the door, Mambo cursed.

"Father! I gave you all my money!"

Mancho hugged his legs and leaned against the head of the bed.

"No money, if you go out to sleep with you, you can get 200,000 yuan!" Mambo leaned on the door and looked at Mancho in the house through the glass.

Who would have thought that it was his own father who said this.

There are tears on Mancho’s face. Since gambling, the family’s tens of thousands of fortunes have been squandered. His father had no money to gamble, so he borrowed a black loan and started borrowing 50,000, which was only a few. Month, it has become two hundred thousand.

"Girl, if you don't go, I'll have to be beaten to death by them." Seeing that Mancho was silent, Mambo slapped the door quickly.


Mancho clenched his fists, crying hard, without replying.


I hate you so much.

Lin Hong finally came downstairs to Manqiao's house, but the door was locked and he couldn't open it without the key.

Just as he was about to pull it open with brute force, an old lady took the bottle and opened the door from inside: "Who are you?"

"I am a friend of the 408 head of household, and her name is Mancho."

Lin Hong spoke quickly.

"Ah, you are her friend, go up quickly, quickly persuade Mancho to her father, be a good person..."

This aunt sighed a little, then let Lin Hong come in after she finished speaking.

"Auntie, what's wrong with Mancho's father?" Lin Hong asked doubtfully. For the first time, he thought that Mancho's father was seriously ill.

"Her father didn't know how to learn, he didn't know what to do, he learned to bet, he didn't say anything about the deposit house, he even borrowed a black loan!"

After the aunt whispered, Lin Hong already understood a little.

Right now, he went straight to the fourth floor, stood in front of door 408, and rang gently.

"Who?" The door was opened, and a man who looked old and skinny came out.

It should be Mancho's father.

At the moment, Lin Hong smiled politely: "I'm Mancho's friend. She didn't go to school today. I'll take a look."

"Just right! Hurry up and persuade my daughter to go!"

Mambo immediately said, pulling Lin Hong closer to the house and closing the door.

Lin Hong was astonished for a while. Just now, the aunt said that Mancho's father was involved in a gambling, and asked herself to persuade him. Why did Mancho's father let herself persuade Mancho as soon as he came in?

He looked at Mambo: "What do you want me to persuade Mancho?"

"Isn't it that I owe 200,000 yuan to the outside world, what age is it now, let her sleep with others without doing it!" Mambo looked very angry.

And Lin Hong's eyes widened, this... is it what he said as a father?

For a while, he was very angry and smiled: "Let me ask, what age is it now?"

"Open era!"

Mambo's father answered quickly, almost without thinking.

"The era of openness is not a sex/open era!"

Lin Hong shouted angrily. When he entered the house, he found that the whole room was messy, everything that could be sold was sold, and everything that could not be sold was smashed.

There is no doubt that they are all masterpieces made by the person in front of them.

Mambo felt ashamed for a while: "Spoken dirty at a young age? I will teach you for your father!"

After he finished speaking, he picked up a wooden stick on the ground, with a few crooked nails on the top of the stick.

"You are not worthy."

Lin Hongchao laughed and came to the locked door.

The glass on the door was broken, and the glass locks were scattered on the floor of the house, faintly, he could hear Mancho sobbing.

Exhale: "I have said it, tell me if you have any difficulties, and I will help you."

Mancho heard the sound, UU reading www.uukānshu.com looked at it, seeing it was Lin Hong, and suddenly burst into tears.

"Don't cry..." Lin Hong had a headache, he really couldn't handle the girl crying.

"Smelly boy, I'll kill you!" Mambo took the wooden stick and hit Lin Hong.

The nails on the top directly cut out a few big holes in Lin Hong's suit.

"My suit is worth 100,000 yuan." Lin Hong turned around and sneered at Mambo.

The suit is so broken that it can no longer be worn.

Mambo disagrees: "If you can be friends with my girl, you can buy a suit with one hundred thousand?"

"You don't need to worry about this, let me ask you, I will give you 300,000, can you quit gambling?"

Lin Hong didn't care about the suit, but asked instead.

Hearing this, Mambo's eyes suddenly became bright: "Five hundred thousand!"

"Lin Hong, you can't give it to him!"

Mancho made a sound at this time, opened the door, walked out of the room, and grabbed Lin Hong's clothes.

Lin Hong did not speak, but looked straight at Mambo: "You swear, you won't gamble anymore."

"I swear, if I gamble again, it will be a bastard, daughter, you have to trust your father!"

Mambo looked anxious.

Seeing this, Mancho hesitated.

"I'm going to get the money." Lin Hong finished speaking, took the key on the table and walked out.

As soon as he walked out, Mancho chased him up.

"Thank you... I will definitely return the money to you!"

Mancho is a very stable person, knowing that he will repay his favor.

But Lin Hong shook his head: "It's okay, you should know that this money is nothing to me."

"Then I have to pay it back too!"

Mancho said seriously.

Immediately, Lin Hong chuckled, stopped and looked at Mancho, who also stopped and looked at Lin Hong.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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