"They are all dead," the tomb guard said lightly, still not half-distracted in his eyes.

"you're lying."

   Lin Hong stared at his godless eyes, raised the Shadow Sword, and looked like he could do it at any time.

   "Hey, are you crazy? Just go out and think of other people?" Sun Jide was very puzzled and asked him in a low voice.

   "We all came in together, we always have to look for it, and besides...Do you really think he will send us out?"

   Lin Hong did not squint, still staring at the guards of the mausoleum.

   "Smart..." The guard of the mausoleum shook his head, seeming a little disappointed, and with a wave of his hand, he took off the long spear he was carrying with him.

   "You can't beat us, the guard of the other mausoleum is broken into pieces."

   When Lin Hong said this, he suddenly released a murderous aura. He was thinking that this living puppet is savvy, not a completely dead thing, so the murderous aura should work.

   As expected, the guards of the mausoleum stopped in place because of murderous intent.

   "It really works." Lin Hong said with a chuckle, relaxing his guard.


   Unexpectedly, the tomb guard suddenly moved and threw the spear, which turned out to be a black spider!

   The black spider does not have any defensive means. With the strength of the tomb guard, it is enough to kill her instantly!

   "East Emperor Bell!" Lin Hong was about to throw the East Emperor Bell over.


   When a bell rang, the East Emperor Bell quietly floated between the black spider's eyebrows, blocking the thrown spear.

  The Eastern Emperor Bell hasn't grown bigger, it's just the size of the earrings. If it's later, the black spider will die.

   "The man ran away, this despicable dog thing!" Sun Jide yelled directly when he noticed that the guard of the mausoleum had run away at some point.

   "It's troublesome now..."

   Lin Hong rubbed his eyebrows and retracted the Eastern Emperor Bell, while the black spider sat directly on the ground with his legs weakened, his clothes soaked in cold sweat.

   Sometimes you are not afraid of how strong your opponent is, but you are afraid that your opponent has brains.

   The guard of the mausoleum obviously knew that he could not beat himself and others, so he wanted to come over and lie to himself and wait for others. Seeing that he failed, he ran away by tricks.

   He didn't lose any money in doing this. He had the opportunity to get rid of a person, and then he could run away. All he lost was a spear. That's why Sun Jide would call him despicable.

   "I also blame me, I just lost my mind." Lin Hong sighed.

   "Sister Spider, I will protect you too."

   Lin still walked to the side of the black spider and said to her, still holding the shield in his hand.

   "Thank you..." The black spider picked up the longbow again and got up, but his legs were weak and he couldn't walk.

   "The system has a result, you can directly ask it for the map of this tomb."

   The heart demon spoke at this moment, seemingly relieved.

"System." Lin Hong called the system in his heart and quickly got a map of the tomb. In a moment, he couldn't help swallowing and spitting, "Be careful, everyone. There are four floors in this tomb, and there are 13 thousand institutions. many."

   "More than 13,000? Wait, how did you know?"

   Sun Kidd was puzzled, and how did he know that the tomb has four floors?

   Lin Hong chuckled, "Just leave it alone, follow me the rest of the way, it's not wrong."

   After he finished speaking, he rested with everyone on the spot because of the black spider, and then he began to lead the way, and finally stopped when he was in an aisle and began to fumble on the wall.

"found it……"

   Not long after, Lin Hong took a few shots at dozens of places on the wall, and a hidden door slowly opened from the wall beside it.

   "This, is this the way to the next floor?" Sun Kidd swallowed and spit.

   "Following? Go straight to the fourth floor! Let's go and have a look."

   Lin Hong smiled lightly. This secret tunnel was built in secret by the Maya's agency architects, because there was a level on the third floor, which was impassable inside and out. If they didn't do this secret tunnel, they would all die inside.

   For the sake of the integrity of the tomb, the newly appointed Mayan King prepared to let these institutional architects die directly in it.

   But who wants to die?

   Therefore, there is this secret path.

When everyone followed Lin Hong into the secret tunnel, one person walked out in surprise. It was the guard of the tomb. He frowned, wondering when there was a secret tunnel in this tomb. As a guard of the tomb for so many years, he didn't have the slightest bit. I don't know.

   "Let's go in and see..." He thought for a long time, and walked in with the newly found spear.



   Mayan King Mausoleum-the fourth floor underground.

   Everyone came here and found that this was already the main tomb. The space was extremely large. There was a high platform in the center, and on the high platform was a coffin.

   This coffin is a pure and transparent coffin. A corpse is lying quietly in it. After so many years, there is no decay at all, and the face is natural. It looks like asleep, not passing away.

   "This coffin is a treasure, not as good as us..." Sun Kidd took two steps forward, looking at the coffin on the high platform and said.

   "Don't let the coffin go?"

   Lin Hong smiled bitterly there, but this coffin is indeed a treasure, and the material is top-notch for the Mayans.

"What's wrong with the coffin, if you bring it back to us~www.readwn.com~, it will definitely give you a lot of rewards." Sun Jide couldn't help answering. Even Miss Xiao Mei would be very happy if he got this precious material. ?

   "When I mentioned you, I remembered one thing."

   Lin Hong rubbed his nose and took out the wheel of fortune.

   "What is this?" Sun Jide asked strangely, and he was no stranger to things that appeared out of thin air.

   It is relatively safe here, everyone gathered together, looking at the wheel of fortune in Lin Hong's hands.

   "Wheel of fortune, as long as you mute other people's names, there will be options, which option will be turned, what will happen to the other person, even death..."

  Lin Hong smiled lightly, and then muttered the Xiaomei robot silently. In an instant, thousands of options appeared on the wheel of fortune, and then turned on its own.

   "How come there are so many options?" Lin Hong frowned slightly, glanced around, and didn't find the death option for a while.

   "This...you are too much!"

   Sun Kidd was frightened there, watching the top pointer a heart pounding, and finally, the roulette stopped and the pointer pointed to a selection line.

   "You change to wear a skirt?" Sun Jide slowly read this one out.

   "It's useless again..."

   Lin Hong put away the wheel of fortune, and secretly said that although this thing looks great, but it is actually tasteless, the probability of one in a thousand is death... almost impossible!

   And on the earth, an underground laboratory.

   Numerous researchers are surprised to find that their boss, even wearing a cute skirt to do experiments! !

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