"Nothing is impossible, the money is borrowed from others? Five hundred thousand, it is better to give it a try, otherwise when will the money be paid back? Besides...the money is gone, I can borrow you." Huang Mao Walked to Mambo and whispered in his ears.

"So, you gambled again?"

Lin Hong leaned Erlang's legs, listening to Mambo's words, couldn't help but chuckle.

"I took a hundred yuan to bet at the time, and then I won seven thousand, and I lost again... I took money from the money and gambled again. The more I took, the more I could see that the money was not enough. Just borrowed some money..." Mambo sighed, lowering his head not knowing what he was thinking.

"I made a decision."

Suddenly, Mambo raised his head with determination in his eyes.

"What did you decide?" Lin Hong asked curiously.

"I don't want to continue to inflict you, son, please take care of Mancho. She has lost her mother since she was a child, and now I have a **** father..."

With that said, Mambo exhaled deeply, walked to the kitchen, picked up the kitchen knife, and opened the door.

Lin Hong glanced at the past: "Are you planning to go desperately?"

"I'll kill that yellow hair!" Mambo nodded.

"You slaughtered him and went to jail. Tomorrow there will be golden, purple, and green hairs to take over. How will you let your daughter live by then?"

Lin Hong smiled softly. Fortunately, Manjo drank too much to sleep, otherwise he might be sad.

Mambo sighed again: "Since I said those bastards, I am no longer worthy to be her father..."

"If you still have some conscience, go and rest. I live in the guest room."

Lin Hong took off his suit and shook his head reluctantly. Such expensive clothes had only been worn for a few days, and it was broken like this.

He plans to stay overnight, and I am afraid that the yellow hair will still come tomorrow, and it will be convenient for him to be there by then.

In this way, one night passed.

Early the next morning, Lin Hong was lying on the bed, playing with her cell phone boredly.

"Lin Hong, I'm eating." Mancho's voice came from outside, Lin Hong responded, put his phone away, and walked out of the house.

Mancho was in a very good mood. I heard that Lin Hong stayed overnight and cooked a large table of dishes.

"Dad, eat more."

At the dinner table, Mancho gave Mambo a piece of meat, his face couldn't hide the joy.

And Mambo, lowered his head, with a look of guilt.

Lin Hong ate the food on his own. Yesterday, he discussed with Mambo and told her to tell her that the money was clean.

After dinner, Mancho cleaned up the dishes and wanted to go to school with Lin Hong.

But before the words were spoken, the door was violently knocked open.

"Oh, this is a headache." Lin Hong rubbed his eyebrows. He still wanted to take Mancho away first, but he didn't expect them to come so quickly.

What came in was a copper-colored bald head, round head, round brain, round eyes, indescribably funny.

The yellow snake came in and pointed to Lin Hong: "That's the man, Dasha, **** him for me!"

"I'm not called Dasha..."

Dasha mumbled and looked at Lin Hong, who was 1.9 meters tall like a hill.

Mancho seemed to think of something, and looked at Mambo: "Father, you... didn't you pay back the money?"


Mambo flushed, but in the end he said nothing.

Disappointed, Mancho looked at his father, tears left behind.

Lin Hong rubbed his nose and looked at the so-called Dasha. This guy looked extremely thick and dull. The nickname Dasha was appropriate.

"I'm going to hit you!" Dasha leaned forward and slammed into Lin Hong.

Lin Hong raised his hands to block, but the moment he was hit, he backed up two steps in a row and almost fell.

What a great strength!

His hands were a little numb, so he said nothing.

No trace on the snow!

After coming to Dasha, he blasted a punch, because he was afraid of killing people directly, so he only used 70% of his strength.

But this punch on Dasha's body just made him snorted, his skin trembled, and his heavy body still stood motionless.

"This..." Lin Hong blasted out a few more punches, showing surprise on his face.

It felt like hitting an armor, not really hitting this person.

"Dasha used to be a Shaolin bronze monk. He has the ability to not be bad. You have never seen it before!" Huang Snake looked at Lin Hong jokingly.

"King Kong is not bad?"

Lin Hong chuckled, it's not a coincidence.

He now has a lot of King Kong not bad talisman!

I don't know if his King Kong is not bad or bad, or his own King Kong is not bad.

At the moment, he secretly used one for himself, then went to the middle of the living room, and beckoned to Dasha: "Come on, let's make a good move!"

"Lin Hong..." Mancho wanted to step forward, but was held back by her father.

Lin Hong smiled softly, gave Mancho a look that made her feel relieved, and then looked at the big silly in front of him.

"What's the trick?" Dasha is not a fool, but a little stupid.

"Dasha, what do you do, hit him!"

The Yellow Snake is about to collapse.

"You punch me, I punch you, and I can't hold on to lose, how about?" Lin Hong smiled softly at Dasha.

"Um... OK!"

Dasha looked at the yellow snake, then nodded to Lin Hong.

Huang Snake stomped his feet straight: "The arrogant boss said, let you listen to my orders!"

Crazy... Boss?

"The arrogance in your mouth, but the arrogance of the Zhang Group?" Lin Hong looked at the yellow snake~www.readwn.com~ with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Oh, are you scared? Even if the profit is 2.7 million, you will be spared if you give the money!"

The yellow snake snorted.

Mambo stepped forward: "This is only one night, why is there an extra 700,000!?"

"I also counted my medical expenses!"

The Yellow Snake looked at Mambo, a look of you like me.

"Father..." Mancho looked at Mambo, unable to say anything for a while, and some were just heartache.

Lin Hong chuckled. He didn't expect that this arrogant man was really the arrogant man he knew.

Putting the matter aside for the time being, he looked at Dasha: "You come first."

After he finished speaking, he stood up and raised his head without moving, which made the Yellow Snake laugh for a while: "You don't know how to pose, and you dare to fight Dasha? Dasha, kill him!"


Dasha slammed a punch, hitting Lin Hong's chest.

In the nervous expressions of Mancho and others, after three seconds, Lin Hong remained motionless, but smiled softly: "Your strength is not enough."

"It's you, roar!"

Dasha Yuanyuan's eyes didn't have many eyebrows, so he leaned forward and roared,

This should be the so-called posture, right?

Quietly use a giant talisman, this talisman can increase the damage of about three times when you hit the next attack.

Like them, those rough and thick skinned, without real knives and guns, can't tell the victory or defeat at all, of course, it doesn't count as Lin Hong who cheats on the system.

Looking at Dasha, Lin Hong exhaled, "Don't be beaten to death by my punch!"

After speaking, he punched Dasha's chest with a faint whistling fist.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content! Author's message: Enjoy a collection, otherwise I think I can let them fight for a year.

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