"This is where you used to draft?"

In a very old pedestrian street, Lin Hong and the three people walked for a while after getting off the car, and finally reached the place.

This is a small facade, with couplets on both sides, and above the small door, there is a sign of child star draft.

Xiao Feng nodded proudly: "How is it, very grand, isn't it?"

"Where is the style?"

Lin Hong turned his head in a puzzled way. There were old-fashioned characters written everywhere on this facade. It was hard to imagine that such tastes could be used to cultivate stars.

Xiao Feng curled his lips and murmured, "It's because you don't know how to appreciate."

I don't know how to appreciate?

It should be said that I can't appreciate it at all!

Lin Hong shook his head helplessly, seeing that the door was not closed, he walked in directly.

This is a promenade, and every step you take will have an echo. After passing through the promenade, your eyes suddenly open up, and it is a brightly lit room.

"Well, how many people signed up today?" Xiao Feng walked to the person who registered the identity.


The man answered immediately.

"Why is there just one?" Xiao Feng was extremely puzzled.

Lin Hong stood aside, chuckling in his heart, it seems that today will be over soon.

When they are sent back, they will be able to eat at Liu Anshuang's house.

"Boss, we employees have checked all our relatives aside, and this is how we finally agreed."

The employee said and sighed.

And Xiao Feng also rubbed his head: "Fortunately, there were more than ten yesterday, so I will train them first."

"Boss, eight of the ten have left, and two are hesitating." The employee explained again.

"Puff——" Lin Hong covered his mouth and couldn't help laughing.

He knew it was not feasible.

Xiao Feng glared at Lin Hong, then weakly took a chair and sat on it.

I have to admit that I failed.

"Don't be discouraged, today's failure is not enough to prove anything. Think about tomorrow." Lin Hong stepped forward and patted Xiao Feng on the shoulder.

"What's going on tomorrow?" Xiao Feng looked over.

"You will fail even more!"

Lin Hong said immediately, and he was in a good mood after he avoided the kick from Xiao Feng.

Suddenly, the sound of nature came from the speaker next to it.

"I want to have a home..."

"A place that doesn't need much size..."

It was Wu Xiaohua who stepped onto the draft stage with a microphone in her hand.

It's just a cappella, it sounds so good, but it's heartbreaking.

A song was soon finished, Xiao Hua's hand holding the microphone fell weakly, and Lin Hong and the others couldn't help applauding.

Xiao Feng couldn't make a sound in tears: "Bad friend, this child is too bitter..."

Lin Hong wiped the corner of his eyes and nodded.

Wu Xiaohua was very young, but she was displaced. She sang this song to herself.

She wants to have a home...

"I said, you might as well accept her as a younger sister." Lin Hong patted Xiao Feng on the shoulder and made a voice proposal.

"Little Hua, don't cry, I will be your brother from now on!"

Xiao Feng immediately stepped onto the draft stage and hugged Wu Xiaohua.


Lin Hong applauded the employees next to him.

This employee has long been full of tears without image. Lin Hong looked over and asked the question that he wanted to ask a long time ago: "Why are you the only employee here?"

"The boss pestered us every day and asked us to find the little girl from our relatives and neighbors, otherwise the wages would be deducted. Except for me, they are all in the detention center now." The employee said, tears even more.

It's not easy for anyone these days.

After a lot of farce, the one who came to participate in the draft came over.

She is a cute little girl.

Before he started performing, he was admitted by Xiao Feng.

"You are too casual..." Lin Hong looked at Xiao Feng sitting in the chair.

"If you have it, it's not bad, do you still pick?" Xiao Feng asked back.

Lin Hong thought for a while, it really made sense.

"It's past four o'clock, I'll take you home first, so that you can go to the dinner."

Lin Hong took out his cell phone and took a look. It was three o'clock in the afternoon.

Xiao Feng suddenly became a bitter face: "My parents are coming to see me today."

"I came to see you? Are you scolding you?"

Lin Hong chuckles, Xiao Feng's parents are very busy, and the family often doesn't meet each other. If they meet, it is definitely Xiao Feng's mistake.

"These are all trivial matters. The key is that if I bring Xiaohua back today, I can't explain it clearly." Xiao Feng was a little anxious. Just now he received the news that his parents were already waiting for him at home.

"What can't be said? Just say that it's your sister."

Lin Hong didn't understand.

"I am lo*ic*n! If I suddenly accept my sister, my parents will have to send me to jail!" Xiao Feng fiercely put his hand on Lin Hong's shoulder, and then raised his eyebrows.

"She will leave it to you first, see you later!"

After that, he ran away, Xiao Hua raised her hand to Xiao Feng's back, and put it down weakly.

This guy……

Lin Hong knew that what Xiao Feng said was true. If he brought Xiaohua back, he could go to the prison to see him the next day.

After all, this kind of thing was not uncommon.

"Xiaohua, elder brother will take you to dinner, okay?" Crouching down, Lin Hong smiled and looked at Wu Xiaohua.


Wu Xiaohua didn't speak, but her stomach screamed.

Lin Hong picked Wu Xiaohua up, unexpectedly light.

Wu Xiaohua hugged Lin Hong's neck, her eyebrows were tightly furrowed, her mouth pouted, and she was silent.

"That guy Xiao Feng will do it~www.readwn.com~ he won't leave you behind." Lin Hongneng vaguely knew what she was thinking.

"But... he clearly left me now."

Wu Xiaohua's voice was very small, if it weren't for Lin Hong's closeness, she wouldn't be able to hear it.

"Because he is at ease with me, knowing that I will definitely be able to take care of Xiaohua, go, I will take you to eat delicious food." Lin Hong smiled softly.

Just about to walk out of the promenade, he stopped.

A group of people came to face each other, looking at themselves, their expressions are not good.

"If I'm not wrong, are you here to find her?" Lin Hong put Wu Xiaohua down and protected her behind him.

The corridor was no more than three people wide, and the man in the front opposite was shirtless, with a terrifying scar on his chest.

Wu Xiaohua behind Lin Hong was terrified. She grabbed the corner of Lin Hong's clothes with both hands and dared not let go.

This scarred man, with a fierce appearance, looked at Lin Hong now: "Since you know, I will hand her over quickly, saving my gang of brothers to chop you into a thousand or eight hundred pieces!"

Thousands, eight hundred paragraphs, that's really enough.

Lin Hong touched his chin and thought a little: "Are you villains like to talk big, so you can't have a good time?"

After that, he put on a beating face and hooked his finger at the scarred man.

This scarred man has a hot temper. Where can he stand this stimulus at this time?

He stretched out his hand and tore the clothes on his left arm, and a bright machete appeared suddenly. It turned out that he was tied to his arm.

"What is your relationship with those three people in the morning?"

As soon as Lin Hong saw this man's posture, he suddenly remembered the three people who slashed Xiao Feng at the back of the school in the morning.

The left sleeves of those three people were also broken, just like the scarred man in front of him.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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