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Lin Hong responded and motioned for her to continue.

"I went there a few times later and came to the conclusion that it was not a foreign star, but a huge life form."

When Qiu Yingmeng said this, her eyes were full of lament, and the world was really full of surprises.

Lin Hong dumbly said: "This joke is not funny."

If it is really a living body, wouldn't it be many times larger than the earth?

"I'm not kidding, that living body has hands and feet and walks in the universe."

Qiu Yingmeng smiled bitterly, knowing that it would be considered a joke, but the most absurd thing is reality.

Lin Hong pursed his lips: "Okay. Is that monster far from the solar system?"

"This is exactly what I want to say. The monster is walking towards the solar system. It is estimated that it will arrive in about three years."

Qiu Yingmeng sighed, what would happen if such a monster descended?

Lin Hong frowned: "Is it possible that this monster is the enemy we are about to face?"

In this way, it is very likely that the Lord of the Undead is controlling this monster and wants to use it to deal with the earth.

"We have almost no chance of winning."

Qiu Yingmeng said bitterly.

"No... there is a chance." Lin Hong chuckled.

It is too early to be downhearted, knowing what the enemy is, at least have a goal.

He quickly left the underground base, carefully collected the gene extractor, and collected genes with this thing, Qiu Yingmeng might become her own trump card.

Back to the capital, unknowingly, it was already evening,

He randomly found a hotel to live in, and by tomorrow, he would know the answer to Yan Yun's fate, but this answer is no longer so important.

The next day.

Lin Hongda came to the Yanyun family early in the morning and walked directly into the bedroom where Yan Yun knew his fate.

He came to the window and looked at Yan Yun's life-saving sleep, and smiled: "The sun is already basking, so you still get up?"

"You came early..."

Yan Yun knew his fate for his arrival, but he didn't expect it to be so early in the morning.

Lin Hong nodded: "Hurry up and tell me your answer, and at the same time, I want to surprise you."

"What surprise?"

Knowing his fate, Yan Yun was still in a daze, and sat up.

Lin Hong chuckled: "Tell me your answer first."

"Well...I don't want to leave the Yanyun family, I hope you can understand me."

After Yan Yun knew his fate, he seemed to be no longer interested in the surprise in Lin Hong's mouth.

Lin Hong helpless: "Are you a lazy cat?"


Yan Yun Zhiming vaguely imitated a meow.

Lin Hong dumbly said: "I have a baby."


When Yan Yun knew his fate, hearing him say this, he immediately became energetic and looked at him puzzled.

"Don't get me wrong, none of them are of your own life." Seeing her nervousness, Lin Hong knew that she still cared about herself.


Yan Yun breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Lin Hong was fooling around outside.

Lin Hong immediately continued: "There are a lot of children, you may not be able to accept them for a while."

"How many?"

Yan Yun let out a gasp, disapproving.

How much can there be, no more than one or two at most.

Lin Hong smiled mysteriously: "I guess there are tens of thousands of them."

He didn't ask how many children there are in the orphanage, but there are already more than 800 orphans, and tens of thousands of orphans are not impossible.


Yan Yun Zhiming looked puzzled.

She scratched her head, she didn't know what to say at all. Is this a strange habit?

"They are all orphans. They live in the orphanage I built with money. I think I deserve to be their father." Lin Hong took Yan Yun's fate in his arms and whispered.

"It turned out to be like this... I'm still thinking about how you wrote so many children's names on your hukou."

Yan Yun was relieved, if Lin Hong really had so many children, what should she do?

Lin Hong chuckled: "Look, I have so many righteous sons and daughters, but I still don't have a biological one."

"What are you doing?"

Yan Yun's face blushed at once.

Lin Hong chuckled: "Don't worry, I will be gentle this time."

"You... badass."

Yan Yun knew his fate and wanted to resist, but where did he resist?



After one hour.

Lin Hong walked out of the room, full of energy, and at the same time had explained everything.

He looked at Xiaojuan: "Go and take care of your Patriarch."

Now, it is necessary to rush to the fairy palace, this time it will be three years long.


Xiaojuan walked into the room and became accustomed to these things.

Lin Hong left the Yanyun family and came to the streets of the capital, reluctant to leave.

The inner demon said: "Hurry up, don't take this as a memento, three years, it's just a command room."

"I hope that when I come back, I can save everything."

Lin Hongshen exhaled, instead of using a flying saucer to go to the fairy palace, he chose Taxue Wuhen.

He wanted to take a good look at this world at the end.

Half a day later He came to Daxinganling, passing the Medical Fairy Valley on the way, and came to visit him.

Xue Qi greeted him: "Young Master Lin, are you here to fuck?"

"Well, how is she thinking, would you like to go with me?"

Lin Hong nodded, and then asked him curiously.

Xue Qi smiled bitterly: "These days, the owner of the valley has been indulging in alchemy. I guess he hasn't thought about other things at all."

"This guy……"

Lin Hong smiled bitterly and walked to Su Xian'er's room.

Before I walked into the house, I smelled a scent of medicine.

Xue Qi followed: "Mr. Lin, otherwise you can wait, the valley master will be able to become a pill immediately, and entering now will easily lead to abandonment of all previous efforts."

"So serious? Then I'll wait."

Lin Hong was not self-willed either, nodded and agreed and waited quietly.

After a long time, when he was so boring, a strong fragrance of medicine burst out from the room.

Xue Qi showed excitement: "God pill, this is a **** pill! It turned out to be!"

The reason why he was so excited was because the pill that Su Xian'er had trained was a **** pill that only Shennong had successfully refined!


The door was opened, and Su Xian'er walked out with a haggard face.

Xue Qi was very excited: "Congratulations, Master Gu for becoming a **** pill!"

"If it weren't for Shennongding, it would have failed..."

Su Xian'er was a little lost. To put it bluntly, she was not good at home.

Lin Hong was very curious: "What is the **** pill you are talking about?"

"This is the **** pill that can make people break through from the acquired realm to the innate realm!"

Su Xian'er took out the pill. The pill looked ordinary, but its effect was amazing.

Since ancient times, a breakthrough from the acquired realm to the innate realm can only be done by fate, but this medicine can actually achieve a force breakthrough!

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