
   "We... Duobaolou?"

   "Oh my God, Master Jiang Tao won't join Duobaolou?!!!"


   For a while, people were shocked. This is definitely big news.

   Looking at the clamoring crowd, Jiang Tao nodded: "Yes, through this auction, I, Jiang Tao, formally announced that I will join Duobaolou. Since then, I have become an honorary vice president of Duobaolou."

   turned out to be true...

   People are boiling even more, this event will become the most important news in recent months!

"It's not too strange that the treasure building will take the young dragon out for auction. It turned out to be a force. A Jiang Tao and the young dragon. I'm afraid this news will sweep the Northern Territory and even the entire fairy world." Xu Mao was sober, watching things. It's very thorough.

   "Just take the liberty to ask, Drake... is he good?"

   Lin Hong swallowed and spit, as if he had never faced the value of Xiaolong.

   "A priceless treasure!" Xu Mao directly summed up the value of the young dragon in four words.

   "Then it seems that today's priceless treasure is the Open Heaven Sect."

   Lin Hong couldn't help being surprised. Xu Mao could be described as a priceless treasure, which shows how precious it is.

   Xu Mao nodded, but shook his head again: "Not necessarily, they are here..."

   "Who's here?"


   Just when Lin Hong was strange, a noise came.

   Someone exclaimed: "It turned out to be a phantom projection, it must be Master Jiang Tao's handwriting again!"

   "That's right...how can something like the young dragon not let the three big sects gather and participate in the auction together?"


   People were boiling, and two translucent figures appeared on the auction stage.

   One of them is a bald man: "Xuanmen, I'm here to participate in the auction."

  Xuanmen, one of the three major sects, is located in the southern region and is very powerful.

   "I haven't applied the rouge yet...Akasaka Sect, bring it up to participate in the auction."

  The other is a woman, whose face can only be called beautiful, and she is faintly more beautiful than Xianghan.

   However, if compared with Shuyao, it would be trivial.

   "Thank you two for coming to this auction, because time is limited, let's start directly."

   Zhuo Yaqin said, phantom projection has a time limit, which is why they are not allowed to come over at the beginning of the auction.

   In Box One, both Lin Hong and Su Xumao frowned tightly.

   Xu Mao sighed, "I know, it won't work if there is no heavy bleeding this time..."

   "The clothes that woman is wearing, how do I feel like I have seen it there?"

   Lin Hong was staring at the clothes of the person from the Scarlet Heaven Sect, and felt familiar. With his own strength, it is impossible to remember wrong.

   "Mayan ruins, altar, Lin still." The inner demon suddenly said something like this.

   "So that's it..."

Lin Hong pursed her lips, remembering that when He Lin was on the earth, He Lin still went to the Mayan ruins. As a result, that time, Lin still discovered her own Mayan identity. In addition, she was also brought by the altar. The fairy world.

   The person who took her away was a loli, and the clothes he wore were the same as those of the Chixiao Sect on the stage!

   It's just...that saves more fabric.

   Thinking of the scene when Lin was still taken away, he still felt a little heartache.

   "Big Brother, what are you thinking?" Xu Mao asked Lin Hong strangely when he realized that something was wrong with Lin Hong.

   "How far is the Chixiao Sect from here?"

   Lin Hong asked directly, exhaling deeply.

   Xu Mao thought for a while: "It's located in the Western Regions, very far away. If you use the teleportation array, it will take ten and a half days, and you need enough funds."

   "I see, thank you."

  Lin Hong exhaled deeply, and temporarily cut off the thought of going to Chixiao Sect.

   "Then, the auction starts, there is no reserve price, and each bid cannot be less than one billion!" Zhuo Yaqin said on the auction stage, announcing the start of the auction.

   "Three hundred billion, this is already the limit of our Chixiao Sect." The Chixiao Sect came and said while applying rouge powder.

   "500 billion..."

   The bald man from the mysterious door gave the price.

   In Box No. 1, Xu Mao gritted his teeth and stood up: "Open Heaven Sect, 600 billion immortal stones!!"

    The rise of hundreds of billions of billions, which made most people present dare not breathe too much.

   "It is worthy of being the three major sects, with terrible background."

   Xianghan couldn't help whispering, if there are so many immortal stones in Yuehua Immortal Palace, there must be, but it is estimated that selling the entire Yuehua Immortal Palace can be worth so much.

   Lin Hong rubbed his eyebrows and felt the gap.

   "650 billion." The girl from the Chixiao Sect bid again.

   "Didn't you just say that 300 billion is the limit?"

  The bald head of the mysterious door frowned.

   The girl said, "I broke the limit, why, no?"


   The bald head of the Xuan Men was too lazy to frustrate with the woman, so he asked them whether the proprietor would continue to raise the price.

   "700 billion!" Xu Mao shouted at this time.

   Now every 50 billion mentioned, it is already pretty good, even the three major sects are already overwhelming.

   "Are there other customers paying higher prices?"

   Zhuo Yaqin still presides over the auction, and this moment will be her most glorious moment, auctioning hundreds of billions of treasures!

   Box No. 1, Xu Mao was nervous and sweated.

   Xue Qianhan is holding Lin Hong's hand: "Master, that dragon looks so pitiful, is it the same as Qianhan, can't find his father and mother again?"


   Lin Hong didn't know what to say, just smiled bitterly.

   "Don't come, don't come, I really can't hold it!" Xu Mao whispered.

   "Xuanmen, bid 710 billion."

The bald head of the Xuanmen is now bidding again~www.readwn.com~ It is obviously unwilling to give up, wanting to fight, a young dragon is too important to the Zongmen, it will be great if it is trained Boost.

   "The Chixiao Sect has withdrawn from the auction." After the Chixiao Sect's woman finished speaking, she cut off the phantom projection and disappeared.

   "Seven thousand ten billion celestial stones once!"

   "712 billion celestial stones twice!"

   Zhuo Yaqin opened the countdown. If it reaches three times, the young dragon will belong to the mysterious door.

   "720 billion!!!" Xu Mao patted the table and continued to bid.

   "Wait a minute..."

   Xuan Men bald and frowned, and continued to ask for instructions.

   Xu Mao is not happy at the moment: "It's called Zhuo, hurry up and count down, what are you waiting for?"

  He doesn’t want to waste time, if he can finish the countdown on the way that person asks for instructions, it’s the best result.

   Zhuo Yaqin nodded and began to count down.

   When the count was up to the second time, the person from the Xuanmen hurriedly spoke up and increased the price by 5 billion.

   "Five billion are you embarrassed to add up? Seven hundred and thirty billion!"

   Xu Mao was already blushing and his neck was thick, and his head was up.

   The Xuanmen bald frowned: "You stinky boy, didn't you just add 5 billion?"

   "I'm so embarrassed!"

   Xu Mao said, for Kai Tianzong, every mention of something is already a strain.

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