He speaks with confidence.

Shuping was so angry that she couldn't speak, and Shuyi relied on his strength to break free from the shackles of the thug, and rushed towards Kasya.

"Asshole, let me kill you first!" As a father, Shu Yi's face was terrifying.

Ka Shiya sneered coldly, and when he saw Shu Yi approached him, he raised his foot violently.

This kick was raised very high and kicked directly on Shuyi's chin.

A few of Shuyi's teeth flew out, flying upside down a meter or two, crushing the chair, and being controlled by the thugs again.


After Kasya finished speaking, he looked at Lin Hong with joking in his eyes.

He took a step forward: "I have already said that when I get tired of playing with her, I will return her to you. It seems that you really don't know yourself!"

Lin Hong was about to speak, only to hear a "pop--", the door was slammed open.

"Master Card, what's going on?" Shu Youqian was stunned when he saw this scene in the box.

The security did not come. Zhang Kuang and Xiao Feng followed him.

Seeing this, Xiao Feng hurriedly stepped forward: "You foreigner, let go of my brother!"

"Who do you think you are?"

Kashiya sneered.

There are two steps in hand with money: "Master Ka, there are two gold mines in his family, and his father is a figure on the national rich list."

This made Kasiya immediately reiterated the Xiao Feng in front of him.

"Re-introduction, my name is..."

Immediately, Kasya was ready to take a step back.

"Keep rolling, don't let go of my brother, I will make you look good!" Xiao Feng cursed, wearing a plaid shirt, looking extremely demeaned.

Zhang Kuang came with a crowd of Yellow Snake.

He pointed to Lin Hong's thugs who was holding him behind him: "Dasha, you go help my brother, others, give me a fight!"

"I'm not called Dasha..."

Dasha muttered, seeing Lin Hong his stomach hurts so badly, why should he help himself?

Just when he thought so, Lin Hong moved.

He stomped on the soles of the thugs behind him.


"Ah!!!" The thugs quickly released Lin Hong, clutching the already flat soles, rolling on the ground in pain.

Although he moved his feet, Lin Hong clapped his palms: "Come on, I want to hit ten!"

Kasya stepped back in amazement: "Give it to me!"

When he finished speaking, he ran out of the box.

Lin Hong disdainfully chuckled, and soon beat up Dasha General's remaining thugs and rescued Shu Yao and the others.

"Thank you for saving our family!" Shuyi was about to kneel on the ground. He looked miserable at this time, with blood in his mouth.

"Don't you, kid can't bear it."

Lin Hong hurriedly helped, but Shu Yizhen was not allowed to kneel down.

Looking at Shuyao, who was already crying aside, Lin Hong patted her on the shoulder: "Uncle will leave it to you, I will get Kasya back."

After speaking, he ran out of the box, but saw Kasya standing by the stairs, looking at himself.

"You didn't run?" Lin Hong smiled.

"Why do you want to run, you are just a stronger little chicken." Kasya said, and a bunch of people rushed up from the stairs.

"This is a very powerful force in this city, the Machete Gang, wait to kneel and beg for mercy."

Kasya looked at Lin Hong with contempt in his eyes.

And the scared man who just ran up, seeing that his opponent turned out to be Lin Hong, he immediately raised his hand to Kasya and shouted, "Brothers, take this foreigner to me!"

Unexpectedly, he was still an acquaintance.

Lin Hong couldn't help but hugged his shoulders and watched the play with Xiao Feng who had already walked out of the box.

Kasya couldn't believe it: "You betrayed me!?"

The machete helped those people, although the knives were all fake, but the fists were not fake, and they rushed towards Kasya one after another.

Kasya was very angry, and punched the man who ran in the front, and the man was immediately beaten into the air.

Immediately, I just listened to "Peng".

Everyone trembled.

I saw that there was an extra delicate pistol in Kashiya's hand, the muzzle facing the ceiling.

"Oh shit!"

Kasya yelled angrily.

"Hey, the one who became angry!" Lin Hong walked out of the crowd and looked at Kasya jokingly.

Although he was not afraid of this shot, he could not let Kasya hurt his brothers and friends.

Kasya pointed the gun at Lin Hong: "Kneel down!"

It's all because of him that all this has become so bad!

At this moment, Zhang Kuang gave a wink at the Dasha beside him.

"I'm going to go!"

Dasha nodded, roared, and then rushed towards Kasya.

What are you yelling at! ?

Zhang Kuang almost vomited blood without being angry.

When Kasya heard Dasha's voice, he turned his head abruptly, and shot the Dasha who was rushing forward.


"Puff—" Dasha was shot at the base of his leg, and a blood arrow was shot.

Lin Hong's face condensed, and he rushed to Kasya quickly. The distance between them was only six meters away.

"Peng——" Kasiya directly shook his hand, without hesitation, fired a shot at Lin Hong.

This shot was directed at Lin Hong's forehead.

This shot will kill people!

Whether it was the anger of Xiao Feng, Zhang Kuang and others, or the mocking expressions of Shufen and Kasya, they were all accompanied by Shu Yao's screams, watching the bullet hit Lin Hong's forehead.

"Do you think I will die?"

As soon as the bullet touched Lin Hong's forehead, he suddenly raised his hand and covered his forehead.

In the eyes of everyone in disbelief, he stretched out his hand, palm facing up.

I saw that a wrinkled bullet was lying there.

And his forehead, there was no trace of scars.

"You are not a human!" Ka Shiya gritted his teeth and fired three bullets at Lin Hong in a row.

Lin Hong carried one hand behind his back ~www.readwn.com~ with the other hand, he repeatedly grabbed the flying bullets.


A total of four bullets were held by Lin Hong.

Looking at Kasya, Lin Hong chuckles: "You are the rubbish."

Having said that, he slowly tilted his hand, and the four bullets on it all fell on the ground, making a crisp sound.

"Ka Ka Ka -" Kasya wanted to shoot, but there were no bullets.

"You are a man or a ghost!!"

Kasya threw the gun in his hand at Lin Hong, trying to back up, but suddenly his calf was caught by the big silly, and he fell to the ground unstable.

Why do so many people ask me this question?

Lin Hong shook his head helplessly: "I am not a human, but can I still be a ghost?"

"Don't kill me, don't kill me please... you kill me, you will go to jail, go to jail!!"

Kasya suddenly smiled madly.

Lin Hong chuckled: "When did I say I would kill you?"

"Then...then I'm going, let go, let go of me!!" Kasya kicked Dashou fiercely, pulled his leg out, and ran away rolling.

"I gave you a big gift, but don't forget to check it."

Suddenly, Lin Hong chuckles behind him, Kasya didn't care at all.

Xiao Feng stepped forward and picked up the exquisite pistol: "Just let him go?"

"Don't worry, he will be desperate."

Lin Hong chuckled.

Immediately, he looked at Shu Yao, who was hobbled with tears: "Let’s eat first."

Xiao Feng looked at the stairs incomprehensibly, desperate? How desperate can be...

Outside the Samsung restaurant.

Kasya came to the garden next to him.

It is only open to the guests of the Samsung restaurant, but generally no guests come to this park in a bored time, so at this time there is only Kasya alone.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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