I Can Become a Treasure by Picking Up Garbage

Chapter 59: How about the soles of the shoes?

A deep mountain forest outside China.

Assassinate the owner's base.

Greedy wolf is dead, broken army is also dead, but no one brings it back.

At this time, the moon was leaning against the wall, looking gloomy.

"Moon, let the five of us deal with him together!" Bai Huxing looked at the moon and couldn't help but say.

"What if you die too?"

The moon turned to look at the display screen hanging aside, his voice hoarse.

On the screen, Lin Hong was fighting against the wolf and the army breaking.

Fortunately, the wolf greedy said that he was defeated by Yili, but it was strange to break the army. When he rushed to Lin Hong, the monitor cut off the signal.

This monitor, which everyone in Qixing has, is embedded in the chest.

"Huh, when the third potion is injected, are you afraid of him?"

Canglongxing snorted coldly.

The moon shook his head: "The next potion is being developed, and it will not be available in two or three years, and according to your physique, Miss Xiaomei estimates that only one will survive at most."

They have seven stars, and their physique is said to be the strongest in the world. This third potion is so terrible?

Canglongxing couldn't help but shut his mouth.

"Go and select the new Greedy Wolf and Breaking Army."

The moon said helplessly. At this time, the sky was already bright outside.


Lin Hong drove the car into the main road, and when he was driving, he took the time to breathe.

"Monster!!" Suddenly, a person ran past the car in a panic, screaming in his mouth.

Lin Hong's eyes widened and quickly stepped on the brake.

Because of inertia, Xiao Feng's forehead slammed into the front window, and Wu Xiaohua, who was asleep in the back seat, turned over from the seat.

"Running around on the street, do you think you will live a long life!?" Xiao Feng covered his forehead and shouted at the man who ran away.

"It is too long for him not to run. You are waiting in the car. I will go and fight with this genetic creature."

Lin Hong looked at the pedestrian street opposite, a genetic creature that was destroying a building.

Xiao Feng grabbed Lin Hong's arm: "What do you care about so much, the relevant departments will come and solve it!"

"With this ability, of course you can't just stand by and watch it eat people?"

Lin Hong asked.

Around the monster, there were already many residual limbs, and it was obvious that they had eaten a lot of people.

Xiao Feng gritted his teeth: "When did your kid like to be a hero so much?"

"Don't worry, you know I don't do things that are uncertain."

Lin Hong patted him on the shoulder and then got out of the car.

The monster was about the same size as the greedy wolf of the second wolf transformation, but it was hairless and had four arms.


At this moment, the monster grabbed a man and was about to swallow it.

With the blood moon halberd in his hand, Lin Hong quickly ran to the monster, leaped to his feet, and slashed the arm where it was holding the person.

The arm broke suddenly, and green blood sprayed all over the place.

The monster cried strangely, turned to Lin Hong, and reached for the remaining three hands.

Compared with Pojun and Greedy Wolf, these genetic monsters are really too weak.

Lin Hong shook his head, waved the halberd in his hand, and cut the genetic monster into several pieces in twos or twos.

Frighteningly speaking, this monster was clearly divided into several petals, but it was still squirming on the ground, as if it hadn't died completely.

"What about the car?" Xiao Feng rushed over with Wu Xiaohua in his arms.

Lin Hong looked back and found that the whole street was in chaos. Numerous cars blocked the street. The sound of horns was endless. His car was bet in the middle, and he couldn't move forward or back.

"It's okay."

Lin Hong said, stepping forward and putting the car into the storage ring.

Xiao Feng opened his mouth, shocked in his heart, but did not ask. Lin Hong said last night that some things should not be said too clearly.

"There must be no way to hold the concert. Fortunately, I didn't pay."

Suddenly, Xiao Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Hong turned his head: "Did you directly arrange a concert for Wu Xiaohua for your debut? What do you think?"

"Anyway, there is money, tens of billions!"

Xiao Feng is indifferent.

He turned the little flower in his arms and looked at Lin Hong: "Now we have nowhere to go, where are you going? It's better to take us."

"Okay, I will take you to Father Pang."

Lin Hong nodded.

The three walked to Pangjiazhuang Courtyard.

It didn't take long before they walked into a school, preparing to take shortcuts between the front and back doors, but just halfway through, Lin Hong stopped and turned to look aside.

Xiao Feng helpless: "Let's go quickly, you don't be a hero!"

I saw two genetic creatures raging deep in the campus.

"I am not a hero this time, don't run around!"

Lin Hong didn't intend to be nosy at first, but he saw someone.

Pang Shanwen!

She was piled with a group of students in the open aisle on the third floor of the teaching building, and in front of them was a genetic monster.

Why did Grandpa Pang still let her come to school?

Lin Hong ran towards that side, but was stopped by the genetic creature in the middle. He took out the blood moon halberd and prepared to deal with them first.

Main teaching building, balcony on the third floor.

Pang Shanwen, in a high school uniform, was hiding in a crowd, watching the monster slowly walking in front of him, his legs trembling involuntarily.

Gradually, they retreated to the end of the balcony. The door of the next classroom was blocked by a pile of tables and chairs, and it was already irreversible.

"I don't want to die!!" a student shouted suddenly.

In the eyes of everyone, he jumped directly from the third floor, and finally fell to the ground, motionless, life and death unknown.

At this moment, those who were about to jump off the building instantly lost their minds.

How to do……

"Pang Shanwen~www.readwn.com~ is going to die anyway, let's kiss each other?"

A person suddenly squeezed to Pang Shanwen, breathing quickly, and his face flushed.

He chased Pang Shanwen for more than a year, and now he is dying, he is ready to go crazy.

Pang Shanwen shook his head quickly: "Don't even think about it!!"

She actually came to school with her bodyguards, but she didn't expect the situation to be so serious. The bodyguards died in order to protect her.

"Pang Shanwen, it's **** dying, don't you let me drive the meat?"

After the man finished speaking, he grabbed Pang Shanwen's hair and kissed her lips.


Pang Shanwen was terrified.

Some students around all looked over, showing greed on their faces, and moved towards this side.

Her hair and hands were all caught by the people around her. In despair, she closed her eyes.

It's better to die first...

"How does it feel to kiss the soles?"

A familiar voice came from behind, opened his eyes, and saw that there was a shoe in front of him. The person did not kiss him, but on the shoe.

Looking back, she burst into tears suddenly: "Wow..."

Lin Hong jumped off the balcony and took Pang Shanwen in his arms.

"You don't learn well, how did you study?" Lin Hong glanced at the people around him, with a cold tone, putting on his shoes again.

"Huh, I'm going to die anyway... How did you come up?"

The person who kissed the sole wiped his mouth frantically.

Lin Hong chuckled: "Of course, I jumped up."

After that, he turned his hand, and a stone with a wide thumb appeared in his hand.


Bounce the stone at the genetic creature.

This stone pierced the monster's head directly.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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