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"In the entire Yuehuaxian Palace, no one with a tattoo on his wrist was found."

Soon, the inner demon gave an answer.

Lin Hong responded, feeling a headache, all the way back to the practice room.

He said to Zhuo Yaqin and others who were guarding outside: "Follow me in, don't guard outside recently."

"Yes, boss!"

A group of servants agreed, followed him, and walked into the practice room.

"Master, are you back?" Xue Qianhan was practicing, holding a fairy stone in his hand.


Lin Hong nodded solemnly.

Zhuo Yaqin discovered his strangeness: "Master, what happened?"

"It's nothing, anyway, you must not listen to any temptations, understand?"

Lin Hong shook his head, already letting her address him.

The crowd agreed.

The door was knocked, it was Xu Mao.

After he came in, he let out a long sigh and sat on the ground: "It's over..."

The other sects who had been persuaded by him learned that the Heretic God contract had appeared, and they repented one after another, which made him all alone again.

"Still worrying about the Tiancang Robbery Group? Let's go with you."

Lin Hong pondered for a moment, and it was easy to guess why he sighed.

Xu Mao was moved, but then smiled bitterly, "Forget it, forget it."

There was a real immortal Dzogchen realm in the Cang looting regiment that day, even with Lin Hong's help, it was just a snare.

"It's just a steal, don't forget who my master is."

Lin Hong smiled softly. These days, there are often training stealers, and the success rate is greatly improved.

"But..." Xu Mao was helpless, he was not his master after all.

"Haw, isn't it, man?"

Lin Hong was a little speechless, and the big deal would be to ask the Fire Dragon to go to the Tiancang Raider Group to help.

Xu Mao gritted his teeth: "Brother, I did it with you!"

"Then we will start."

Lin Hong said, twisting his neck.

In fact, there is another purpose for him to go out, which is to find people who spread the Cthulhu Contract.

Obviously, that person is not in the clan, and it is estimated that in a short time, the Yuehua Immortal Palace will lock the palace and prohibit anyone from entering or leaving.


Suddenly, there was a loud knocking of the gong, hurriedly and orderly.

"Boss, it's the gong that locks the palace, and Yuehua Immortal Palace locks the palace!" Lin Hong was still wondering, but Ren Lao gave the answer.

"Sure enough... It's not too late, let's act quickly."

Lin Hong nodded silently and led Xu Mao out of the practice room.

After not taking a few steps, Xu Mao stopped, showing regret: "Brother, let me go by myself. I made such a big mistake. I would apologize with death when I go back. It's better to fight."

"Don't fart, if I find it for you, don't you have to die?"

Lin Hong glared at him. Now, once Yuehua Immortal Palace is locked, it is absolutely safe, but there is no need to worry about Xue Qianhan and the others.

Although he became the eldest brother only by accident, he did not help himself less. Now that he is in trouble, how can he turn a blind eye?

"But..." Xu Mao sighed, how could he find it back?

"No but, it's a big deal, I'll die with you."

Lin Hong shook his sleeves, speaking calmly.

Xu Mao was taken aback, a complicated expression filled his eyes, and after a long time, he nodded.



The immortal gate of Yuehua Immortal Palace has been completely sealed off.

Lin Hong came here and was stopped by a few disciples: "Even if you are the Young Sect Master, you can't live through it!"

"Look, there is a cow flying again in the sky!"

Lin Hong suddenly exclaimed and pointed to the sky in the distance.

Everyone looked at it and thought it was a vision.

"Where?" Even Xu Mao looked over there for a while.

"Stupid, go quickly!"

Lin Hong grabbed his arm and directly used Taxue Wuhen and ran out of the mountains.

Inside the palace, a loft.

Vice Palace Master Li and Palace Master are here, looking at Lin Hong who is gradually going away.

Vice Palace Master Li was puzzled: "Palace Master, don't you worry about something wrong with him?"

"Don't forget, he was taught by that person, and he also learned other housekeeping skills, just stealing something..."

The palace lord put his hands behind his back, his expression was faint, and there was no wave of waves on his feminine face.

Chu Yunzi, the number one thief in the world, the person who stole the entire immortal world...

The disciples he taught, if they just steal, how could they fail?

Furthermore, he had sent Chu Yunzi to protect him secretly, and with the addition of a divine weapon, even with the hard steel of the Tiancang looting group, it would be no problem.


A hundred kilometers away from Yuehua Immortal Palace, Lin Hong was stopped by Xu Mao.

He stopped, baffled: "Why are you stopping?"

"I have a flying magic weapon here, faster than we can run."

Xu Mao took out a slap-sized wooden boat and waved his hand. The boat became a normal size and floated in the air.

This is much better than my own flying gourd...

Lin Hong admired in his heart that neither the area nor the supporting facilities are comparable to flying gourds.

"Take me one." Suddenly, a voice came from Xianghan.

"Why did you follow it? Go go, go back."

Lin Hong waved his hand quickly.

Xianghan Liu frowned slightly: "Don't let me follow. Believe it or not, I won't let you go?"

When Xu Mao heard the words, he went on board first in silence.

This ship cost several billions is a top-notch flying magic weapon, solid body and extremely fast.

"If you want to follow, just follow, remember, safety is the most important thing."

Lin Hong felt a headache, but didn't say much.

"Reluctantly promise you." Xianghan finished speaking and boarded the boat directly, followed by Lin Hong.

Afterwards, with the spacecraft lifted off, they went straight to the mountain where the headquarters of the Tiancang raiding regiment was located.

"There are only two rooms, one for each of you."

On the deck, Xu Mao spoke.

After being enlarged, this ship is no different from an ordinary ship, with two separate rooms.

Lin Hong refused, sitting cross-legged on the spot: "No need, I just want to practice here."

After he finished speaking, he began to practice, quietly speaking, and completely sinking his heart.

"There is still no suspected target nearby..."

The inner demon said this from time to time, that the man in black seemed to have disappeared mysteriously. They had passed by two small towns and several villages, but they were completely gone.

"I don't need it anymore, the scenery here is so beautiful." Xianghan also said, looking at the distant scenery, her face intoxicated.

"Then... I won't bother."

Xu Mao felt inexplicably that he was a little redundant here, so he backed silently and hid in the room.

For a long time, Xianghan, who was tired of seeing the scenery, looked at Lin Hong, "Aren't you tired if you practice like this?"

No matter what time, he seemed to be cultivating, and seemed to never stop.

"Of course tired, but there is no way. If you want to improve your strength, this is essential."

Lin Hong shook his head and found that there was a formation on the deck to increase the concentration of spiritual energy. He couldn't help but chuckle and concentrate on his cultivation.

In the evening.

When they arrived at the target mountain range, they had to say that the spacecraft was really fast.

If everything goes well, you can return to Yuehua Immortal Palace tomorrow afternoon, but the premise is to steal the young dragon back.

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