I Can Become a Treasure by Picking Up Garbage

Chapter 600: Really didn't peek


   The young dragon's voice was weak, and he flew over Lin Hong's head and lay down.

   "It seems to like you very much." Xu Mao was extremely surprised, and at the same time, he was surprised.

   That is the dragon clan, who has never looked down upon human beings, but now, they are so intimacy with him.

   "I didn't lie to you, I really like this kind of animals."

   Lin Hong looked at Xianghan with a serious face.


   Xianghan stomped his feet when he saw his innocent look.

   Before, he used various prevarications to say that he is not a masked Taoist priest. Some of them used this to deceive him, but he actually believed it!

   This kind of half-truth and half-false lies are really annoying!

   "Okay, go into the cage." Lin Hong snapped his fingers, and the young dragon disappeared instantly.

When    appeared again, he was already locked in a cage and couldn't struggle.

"so poor……"

   Xianghan walked to the cage, but was murdered by the young dragon.

   Lin Hong put down the cage, then took out a small cage with his backhand: "I also rescued this swallow rat."

   "Brother, you can keep this swallow rat, it is very useful to raise it."

   Xu Mao took a long breath, and it was a blessing to make Lin Hong his elder brother.

   "Then...I'll accept it." Lin Hong was silent for a moment, deliberately getting a pet for his apprentice Xue Qianhan, which was just right.

   Soon, everyone parted ways, Xu Mao carried the cage that held the young dragon and left.

   "He just asked me to give you this thing."

   Suddenly, Xianghan took out a small boat, which was only the size of a palm at the moment.

   Lin Hong quickly looked in the direction where Xu Mao was leaving: "Hey, gave it to me, how do you get back?"

   However, Xu Mao had already walked far away and disappeared, obviously doing it deliberately.

   "Sister Xianghan, how silly you are, give it to you."

   Lin Hong rubbed his eyebrows, feeling painful.

   "I'm not stupid!" Xianghan was upset, standing up.

   "Then I ask you, is there anyone in this world who is stupid than you?"

   "Yes...no, no!"

   "Don't you admit it yourself?"

   Lin Hong shrugged, was stared at by Xianghan, but didn't care.

   Xianghan turned to look away: "Let’s go back, now it’s too dangerous outside."

   "Okay...Sister, I have a suit that suits you very well."

   Lin Hong took the spaceship, and after instilling aura, he took it as his own, enlarged it, and at the same time was interested in it.

   "What clothes?" Xianghan was a little confused after getting on the boat.


   Lin Hong also boarded the ship and flew towards the Yuehua Immortal Palace. At the same time, he took out a dark maid outfit from the storage ring.

   Among them, there are even matching magic wands and red stockings.

   Xianghan blushed: "Exposure clothes... abnormal!"

   Super short skirts, heart-shaped gaps in the clothes, only the kind of bad women would wear them, right?

   "Don't like it? What a pity."

   Lin Hong secretly said that it is a pity that if Xianghan wears a maid outfit, it will definitely be full of temptations.

   "Take it first." Xianghan was silent for a long time, grabbed the clothes, and ran to a room on the ship.

   "This Nizi...Forget it, let's practice first."

   Lin Hong let out a breath, sat down cross-legged and practiced, secretly saying that Xu Maoke really left a big gift for himself.

   "The Tiancang looting group found that the treasure house was empty, and was going crazy." Suddenly, the inner demon laughed.

   "This group of guys deserved their sins, they won't be arrogant for long."

   Lin Hong chuckles when he hears this, and takes out the fairy stone from time to time to absorb the spiritual energy inside.

   The sky is bright.

   was faster than I guessed, the trip only took a short day.

   parked the spacecraft outside the Yuehuaxian Palace, he came to Xianghan’s room and knocked on the door: "Junior sister, we are here."

"wait wait wait……"

  In the room, Xianghan's voice was flustered, she had already put on the maid costume, but couldn't take it off.

   Lin Hong knew this from the demons, and couldn't help rubbing his eyebrows: "Junior Sister, do I need to go in and help you?"

   "Don't come in!" Xianghan said immediately, in a hurry, but didn't dare to use force.

   The clothes are indeed good clothes, but they are too revealing... I can only wear them and admire them. If they are seen by others, it would be too shameful.

   "Well... it's me, don't do it."

   Lin Hong said, returned to the deck, looked at the disciples who ran out of Yuehua Immortal Palace, and smiled lightly.

   "Oh my God, Brother Qingsheng got a spaceship back!"

   "As expected, Brother Qingsheng."


   All the disciples were amazed. In contrast, the title of Senior Brother Qingsheng was more widely circulated.

   After waiting like this, I waited for an hour.

   Lin Hong came to the door again, raised his hand and knocked: "Don't worry, the zipper is pulled downwards and needs to be pulled straight down."


   Xianghan pulled down the zipper, but suddenly thought of something, his face flushed.

   She couldn't help but panic: "Are you peeking?!"

   Otherwise, how can you know which step you have taken off?

   "No, I'm a decent gentleman, how could I take a peek... Junior sister, your skirt is curled up, you have to pull it out before you can take it off."

   "You wait for me to change my clothes!"

   Xianghan gritted his teeth and did as he said. Finally, he completely took off the maid outfit, then changed his clothes and took out the longbow.

   Lin Hong looked dazed: "Senior Sister, I'm helping you, why are you still doing something with me?"

   "Don't explain...you apprentice!"

   Xianghan's eyes were tearful, and an arrow shot directly.

  In a short time, Lin Hong collected the take-off ship and ran into the Yuehua Immortal Palace: "I really didn't take a peek."

   "A ghost believes you!"

   Xianghan chased after him and shot arrows from time to time. In the end, he was stopped by an elder to end the farce.

   Practice room.

   Back here, Ren Lao and others are cleaning, and Xue Qianhan is practising honestly.

   Everything is in order.

   Lin Hong breathed a sigh of relief: "I don't know if Nizi will come after him~www.readwn.com~ I didn't really peek, but I used the system to find out what she should do and tell her, which is really wrong.


   The door was knocked suddenly.

   "Who?" Lin Hong asked quickly.

"it's me……"

   Just listen, Shu Yao's voice comes.

   Lin Hong breathed a sigh of relief and went to open the door.

   Shuyao walked into the house and rubbed her eyes: "You go out when you are locked in the palace, and the palace chief will ask you for a crime."

   About the palace lord, Lin Hong had to agree.

   "If you don't know Xianghan will be called over..."

   Leaving the exercise room, Lin Hong walked to the hall and rubbed his painful head.

   "Congratulations, you guessed it right." The heart demon said at this moment.

   After a pause, Lin Hong looked towards the horizon and suddenly found that the Guardian Formation had been activated.

   This means that Yuehua Immortal Palace is officially locked.

   Don’t let in, don’t let out, cut off from the world!

   "It seems that the Cthulhu Contract makes everyone very scared... Do you have any good ideas?"

   Lin Hong couldn't help but speak out.

  The heart demon thought for a while: "The system can detect who has learned the Cthulhu contract, which may be a breakthrough."

   "It must be, wait until I see the palace lord."

   Lin Hong turned to feel confident, smiled lightly, and went straight to the hall.

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