A man with a knife walked slowly, it was the knife lunatic who hadn't seen for a long time.

   At this time, his body was full of sword energy, and his eyes were lazy: "It's so lively, why don't you call me?"

   "Knife maniac..."

  Wang Yinlong looked over and smashed the attacking sword energy.

   "Quickly, help hold him!" Xiang Han said quickly and shot Wang Yilong with all his strength.



   When the arrow got close, Wang Yinlong raised his hand and crushed the arrow.

   "The elder is coming, I don't have time to continue playing with you." Wang Yinlong said, the smile on his face was even worse, with a gloomy face, if you can't enter the realm of the late real fairy before the elder comes, you will die.

   "Are you misunderstanding something? Quick, teach me the Cthulhu Contract."

  The madman with a knife holding a big knife, could not help but frown slightly, and said to Wang Yinlong.

  Lin Hong looked over: "You are really a lunatic!"

   There is no doubt that he wants to use this to improve the realm of the sword path!

   "I am a lunatic sword, of course I am a lunatic...otherwise?"

   The lunatic knife Feng Qingyun looked at it lightly, there was no expression on his face, and his answer was indifferent.

  He, for the sword, can sacrifice everything, if he can go further, he will not be afraid of death, let alone the Cthulhu Contract?

   "Hahaha, well, I will teach you when I eat Shuyao's heart." Wang Yinlong laughed and rushed towards Shuyao.

   "Don't even think about it!"

   Lin Honghu is in front of Shuyao, already showing his namelessness.

   "Dead!" However, Wang Yinlong only punched his sword, and at the same time, his momentum continued, his entire hand penetrated his heart.

   "Here again..."

   Lin Hong couldn't wait to yell at him. He felt dizzy when his heart was broken.

  Although he won't die, but this is a high probability that he will faint.

   There is no time to think about it. He bit his tongue hard, forcibly stayed awake, hugged his arm tightly, and dragged it for as long as he could.

   "Asshole, let go!" Wang Yinlong couldn't help but scolded when he found that he couldn't reach out.

   "Why haven't the elders come yet!"

   Lin Hong roared, spouting a mouthful of hot blood.

   At this time, Shu Yao Leng was in the same place: "Lin...Senior Brother Lin?"

   This is trying to protect his back, I seem to have seen it somewhere.

   is a long, long time ago.

where is it? at what time?

   She was puzzled, but she couldn't remember it at all.

   "Madman, you disappointed me too much!" Xianghan held an arrow in his hand, cursing the maniac, and stabbed Wang Yinlong at the same time.

   "Go away!"

   Wang Yinlong is like a beast, completely losing his mind.

   patted out with a palm and patted directly on Xianghan's shoulder. In a moment, Xianghan's eyes were blank, and he was slapped flying out.

   Lin Hong's eyes widened, with blood in his mouth: "Sister Xianghan!"

   "Don... cousin?"

   The lunatic knife shrank his pupils, rushed over and caught her.

   Xianghan was dying, breathing weakly, raised his blood-filled hand, and patted the madman's face: "My stupid brother..."

   The voice smiles, like a butterfly flapping its wings.

   "You will be fine, you can't help but something will happen."

   The knife madman said, he went crazy, drew his long knife, and went straight to Wang Yinlong to kill.

   "Asshole, you **** it!" The lunatic knife yelled, thinking that his cousin would not be affected, but ended up like this.

   "I want to eat the hearts of all of you."

   Wang Yinlong completely lost his humanity and fell into desire.

   Eat the heart!

   He just remembered to do this. As for whom to eat, does it matter?

   "I want you to die!" The sword lunatic used his unparalleled sword technique, and the strong sword energy dissipated, and then...the realm broke through.

   The world dimmed instantly, and he was about to face the vision of breaking through to the realm of real immortals!

  Wang Yinlong's eyes flashed with jealousy.

   He used the Heretic God contract to break through the realm, and he has no such thing as a heaven and earth vision.

  Because... has been regarded as a different kind by heaven and earth.


   The knife lunatic hadn't heard of the vision. The seemingly messy knife technique was easily blocked by Wang Yinlong with one hand.

   However, the power of Wushuang Swordsmanship is not here.

   The lunatic sword turned his blade and stabbed him in the heart. He was already in the realm of the early stage, and this sword carried infinite power.

  Wang Yilong was directly pierced into the heart: "Why, why, I am the middle stage of the true immortal, you are clearly the beginning!"

   He has already recovered his sanity, and he is puzzled at the moment, not knowing why this is the result.

   "You are true to the realm of the real immortal mid-stage, but you use a side door, how can you compare with the dragon?"

   Lin Hong finished speaking in a cold voice, and slowly backed away, a hole in his chest that was extremely eye-catching.

   Normally, there is only one dead end for a person suffering such a serious injury.

   However, when Lin Hong took the Recovery Pill, the hideous wound began to squirm quickly and gradually recovered.

   The scary thing is that the heart that had been shattered is also growing well.

   "Sister Xianghan, you wake up soon!" Shu Yao had already taken care of Xianghan and fed a lot of recovery pills.

   "She's okay, she just passed out..."

  Lin Hong looked over and pursed his lips. It was only a short while ago that Xianghan would really be dead. Fortunately, Nizifei was able to recover her pill in time.

   Shuyao cried with joy, holding Xianghan.

  Wang Yinlong has no strength anymore, and his face is scared: "No, I don't want to die here, I will become the best player in the world."

   "The dream should wake up, but it's too late."

   Lin Hong's heart is as good as before, and now he shook his head slightly.

   The elders arrived at this time, and they were all surprised to see that a bunch of their little guys actually killed Wang Yinlong, who is now in the middle stage of the true fairy.

   The madman with the knife was motionless at this moment, looking at the vision in the sky, and clenching the scabbard tightly.

   The vision of breaking through to the realm of real immortals~www.readwn.com~ It's extremely difficult. Only one person in a hundred will succeed. Can you... OK?

   He was relieved when he learned that Xianghan was fine, but he didn't think that the breakthrough, which had been delayed for a long time, finally came.

   "It's just a mere anomaly. I'm not afraid of death. Are you afraid of these?"

   Lin Hong's lips were white at this time, even though his body was tough, he still couldn't bear such a devastation.

   "That's right...You are the Young Master now, right?" The lunatic knife smiled, and said, patted his chest, "Brother! I hope you can lead the Yuehua Immortal Palace further."

   "I just play in front of you, in the future...when I didn't say it."

   Lin Honggang wanted to push it away in the future, but when the elders looked over, he rubbed his nose.

   turned to Xianghan's side and hugged her up: "You stupid girl."

   Just now she was seriously injured, she went desperately without saying a word, completely ignoring her own safety.

   "Is she really okay?"

   Shuyao was still a little worried, and at the same time, doubts filled her eyes.

   Myself... Have you ever seen Lin Hong, and where is it?

   "It's really okay, let's go, let's take her home." Lin Hong chuckled, and at this moment, Wang Yinlong had been rectified by the elders on the spot.

   "Unfortunately, Master, she went out..."

   Shuyao suddenly sighed, if her master Li, deputy palace lord was there, how could Wang Yinlong dare to be rampant before?

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