I Can Become a Treasure by Picking Up Garbage

Chapter 61: Spear of the Starved Ghost

When he said this, Lin Hong remembered the one he met with Xiao Feng last night. This should be the so-called fish that slipped through the net.

"Ah, why are you here?" Pang Shanwen's voice came. Lin Hong looked up and saw that she had just walked out from the corner of the garden, staring at Pang Jin and the others.

Pang Jin and the others looked at each other, and each performed light work and left.

Pang Shanwen nodded in satisfaction, and then came to Lin Hong. After a while, his face became more and more red, but he said nothing.

"You girl, have a fever?" Lin Hong reached out a hand strangely and pressed Pang Shanwen's forehead.

"Woo..." Pang Shanwen stepped back quickly, then blushed: "I didn't have a fever, I...I'm here to thank you."

"It should be done."

Lin Hong chuckled, not paying attention at all.

Immediately, he looked at the clothes Pang Shanwen was wearing, and he was puzzled: "Why are you still wearing school uniforms?"

"No...doesn't it look good?" Pang Shanwen hurriedly interrogated.

She thought about it for a long time before she thought of coming to see Lin Hong in school uniform, because in this way, the advantage of her student girl was highlighted!

Lin Hong wondered: "Of course you look good in everything, but how do I feel that you are weird today?"

"Isn't there a pretty sister who said she wants to chase you..."

Pang Shanwen lowered his head, pouted, and muttered softly.

Lin Hong was even more puzzled: "What does she have to do with you after chasing me?"

"It doesn't matter to me! I, I'm your sister!"

Suddenly, Pang Shanwen was anxious, and he talked about it for a long time, only to reveal the identity of his sister.

Lin Hong smiled bitterly: "Well, you should be frightened. Go and rest. I plan to go out."

"What are you going out for?"

"Help the relevant departments clean up those monsters, don't worry, I will be fine."

"Who cares about you..."

Pang Shanwen murmured and raised his head, only to find that Lin Hong had already left, and immediately stomped his feet.

Aside, behind the tall lawn.

"Do you think the young lady is arrogant?" Pang Jin couldn't help but said, looking at the crowd beside him, who also squatted here.

"I only know that my brother must be stupid."

Xiao Feng hugged Wu Xiaohua and hid here too, speaking unwillingly.

The other three Pangmu nodded again and again.

At this time, Lin Hong had already arrived on the street and killed no less than three genetic creatures.

The fourth one!

Green blood spattered, Lin Hong took back the blood moon halberd and wiped the sweat from his head. He killed genetic creatures here, which might make his mother less dangerous.

Seeing the many pieces of meat wriggling on the ground, he had a whim.

This thing may become a treasure...

Immediately, he knelt down and picked up a piece of meat, only to see a white light flashing.

[Something obtained, parasitic bullets. 】

Looking at the little meat ball in the palm of his hand, Lin Hong frowned.

Shoot this thing into a person's body, and that person will mutate into a genetic organism.

Immediately afterwards, he picked up all the meat on the ground, and all the things he got were parasitic bullets.

"Think about it carefully. When I got the exercise before, all the garbage I touched was paper shells..."

He smiled lightly and finally understood the routine of this system.

Fixed types of things can get fixed things, just like if they weren't paper shells, they wouldn't be able to get exercises. If they weren't these pieces of meat, they wouldn't get parasitic bullets.

Throwing these bullets into the storage ring, he took out his phone to check the time, it was almost night.

Nowadays, no one can be seen on the street, and everyone went home to hide.

Except for people like Lin Hong who hunt and kill genetic organisms everywhere, only people from the relevant departments are left running on the reception.

A small alley.

It was dark and dull, and a team of relevant departments ran in, but there were bursts of miserable screams.

"So hungry..." A hoarse voice came from the alley.

The alley is not far away.

Lin Hong rubbed his right shoulder. Now that it is completely dark, he has killed no less than ten genetic creatures, and all he gets is genetic bullets.

Just when he was about to go back to rest, he saw someone in front of him running towards this side. Because the sky was too dark, it was a bit remote and there were no street lights. They could only see the outline of each other.

"Hey, it's dangerous here, go home!"

Lin Hong yelled at them.

But those people still ran towards them, and when they came closer, Lin Hong suddenly called out the Demon God's Halberd.

These four people are from the relevant departments.

Behind them, a huge genetic creature was five meters high, chasing them.

"Run!" Lin Hong roared and rushed towards the huge genetic creature.

"So hungry..." This huge genetic creature roared.

Its belly dragged to the ground, its eyes were blood-red, and its mouth was filled with numerous needle-like teeth.


Lin Hong frowned and took out dozens of stones from the storage ring, all of them ejected.

"Swish swish-" dozens of cracking sounds.

Those stones were all hit on the genetic creatures, inlaid two or three centimeters in.

"It didn't even break through?"

Regarding this, Lin Hong did not have time to be surprised, because genetic creatures had already come to the front, he hurriedly performed the exercises.

Seal the magic chaos!

Like a demon, he danced a blood moon halberd and slashed directly on the belly of the genetic creature~www.readwn.com~ and cut out a huge vertical wound.

"Hungry, give me food, give me food!!"

Unconsciously, the genetic creature roared, and directly reached out and grabbed the blood moon halberd.

Seeing that the blood moon halberd was firmly grasped, Lin Hong's heart moved, first put it into the storage ring, then took a step back, once again called the blood moon halberd, and swung a halberd horizontally.

Suddenly, a cross-shaped wound appeared on the stomach of the genetic creature.

All kinds of intestines flowed out, exuding a stench.


The genetic creature bowed its head and ate its own intestines.

Lin Hong almost didn't spit it out, but saw the genetic creature bite his intestines, and the contents scattered all over the floor.

In addition to some feces, there are human stumps and broken arms, and even mice, he has seen a lot.

The genetic creatures ate with relish, and gradually fell to the ground and died.


Lin Hong frowned and stepped forward, this huge genetic creature actually ate itself.

Although disgusting, he reached out his hand and touched the corpse of the genetic creature.

A burst of white light.

[Congratulations on getting the spear of the starving ghost]

Lin Hong held the gun in his hand, and there was a chill in his back.

This is a dark gray pistol with a small skull on it, like the bones of an unborn baby.

"This thing..." Lin Hong aimed at the mouse on the side and pulled the trigger.

A cloud of black material flew out and hit the mouse.

The mouse's eyes were red in an instant, and he began to eat everything he could see, and in the end, he was alive and well.

"This gun is too vicious..."

Lin Hong put the gun into the storage ring and exhaled.

Like the parasitic seeds before, plus the spear of the starving ghost, they are all extremely vicious things.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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