"Are you bullying the people?"

The two Chixiao Sect disciples brought the black-hearted vendor to the front and said loudly.

Lin Hong carried his hands on his back: "The people you are talking about are the people who buy fakes?"

"You're bloody, I'm the precious jade on the top!"

The stall owner still had the genuine product, and raised his hand to take out a gem, which seemed to be expensive.

"Who... are you?" One of the disciples of the Chixia Sect found that Lin Hongqi was extraordinary and couldn't help being surprised.

"They are bullies, gangsters!"

The Black Heart Vendor said this way, a little eagerly.

Xue Qian wanted to do it coldly, but was pressed by Lin Hong's shoulders: "Do you know this?"

After he finished speaking, he took out a mantra pill.

"This, this is the lost mantra pill?"

The two disciples were amazed, and their eyes were incredible.

Lin Hong said more lazily, looking at the black-hearted stall owner: "Do you eat it yourself, or do I feed it to you?"

"What is it, why should I eat it?"

The black-hearted vendor was flustered. Although he didn't know the specific effect, he was obviously extraordinary.

"Don't have to... let's talk about it, what the truth is." The two Chixia Sect disciples had already reacted and stared at the black-hearted vendor.

Dare to come up with this kind of medicine, obviously people have confidence in their hearts.

In this case, it can only be the ghost of the stall owner!

"What, what the truth, I've said it all." The black-hearted vendor was sweating.


Lin Hong flicked his finger, and the mantra pill entered the belly of the black heart vendor.

He asked loudly: "What did you sell to my apprentice just now?"

"A broken stone..."

"How many celestial stones do you want?"

"Ten thousand inferior..."

The black-hearted stall owner looked terrified, what was going on, how could he tell the truth?

"From today, cancel your right to sell in the city." The two Chixia Sect disciples looked ugly.

This city is in charge of their Chixia Sect. It is really embarrassing to have such a thing happen!

"Damn, damn!"

The statutes of the Mantra Pill quickly passed, and the pupils of the Black Heart Vendor shrank.

He gritted his teeth: "You guys didn't let me live!"

If you can't cheat others, you can't survive at all. In that case, it's better to fight for it!

"What do you want to do?"

The two Chixia Sect disciples quickly evacuated the nearby people and stood in front of Lin Hong at the same time.

"What are you doing... Heh, Cthulhu, Cthulhu, I am your loyal believer, and I wish to make a wish to you here!" The Black Heart Vendor grinned, his smile looked extremely hideous and terrifying.

"Yaqin, you take Qianhan to the back."

Lin Hong's expression condensed, this was the first time he saw the signing of a Cthulhu contract.

Soon, Xue Qianhan was taken to the back by Zhuo Yaqin, and the black line stall owner completed the contract in an instant.

He stared at everyone in Lin Hong: "Weird, weird... What I wished was to kill you, but Lord Cthulhu gave me supreme power without letting me do the task."

"This... Cthulhu just wants to kill you, he is already at the realm of true immortality."

Suddenly, the demons stunned.

"Sure enough, I was stared at by him." Lin Hong's chest was dull.

From the words of the Black Heart Vendor just now, you can hear that there is a person called "Cthulhu"!

"Hurry up and leave it to us!" At this moment, the two Chixia Sect disciples shouted.

"No...you can't beat this guy."

Lin Hong twisted his neck and slowly drew out the Yingying Sword.

The two Chixia Sect disciples could feel the power emanating from the black-hearted vendor, and they broke into a cold sweat. Hearing what Lin Hong said, they looked puzzled: "Could it be that you can beat him?"

"Joke, I'm already an absolute master now. This is the power of the Cthulhu. With him, can he beat me?"

At this time, the attitude of the black shop stall owner was extremely arrogant and hideous.

But soon, he couldn't be arrogant anymore: "What? Why, Lord Cthulhu, why is this?!"

He received a task and stopped breathing last second.

Last second...

How can people affect the past?

However, he did not complete the task. As for the price, his soul was taken away.

The remaining empty shell did not die like Ling Wu and the others, but began to go crazy.

The only thing to do is...Kill Lin Hong!

"Quickly get out of the way and let me deal with him!" Lin Hong got cold behind his back and let out Lin Yi directly.


The black shop stall owner came to the front in no time and punched, but was blocked by Lin Yi who appeared suddenly.

Lin Hong breathed a sigh of relief: "Almost..."

If this is not the case, he is likely to be broken into pieces, no matter how special his physique is, he will not be able to recover.

"What a terrible strength."

The two Chixia Sect disciples were originally from the inner courtyard, and their faces were pale at the moment. They were neither going to go, nor were they not going to go.

"Are there any masters in your city?" Lin Hong looked over and asked tentatively.

"It was originally there, but I just went out a few days ago... I won't be back until half a day later."

The Chixia Sect disciples quickly answered.

Lin Hong frowned: "In other words, I can only rely on Lin Yi now."

Unexpectedly, the black-hearted stall owner actually had a Cthulhu contract, but he didn't use it for a long time. It was really insidious.

"Blam me, I didn't investigate carefully."

The inner demon smiled bitterly now, and missed a bit from beginning to end.

All he checked were people who had already used the Cthulhu Contract, but he didn't check those who had already learned ~www.readwn.com~ but they were still useless!

Immediately, he checked the Yuehua Immortal Palace with the system and found that no one had learned the Cthulhu Contract, and he was relieved.

"Kill Lin Hong, kill Lin Hong!!" The black-hearted stall owner roared loudly at this time, fighting Lin Yi.

At some point, the radius of one kilometer has been in ruins. Fortunately, people nearby have evacuated, otherwise there will be heavy casualties.

"Is there a teleportation formation in this city?"

Lin Hong looked at the two disciples and knew it a long time ago.

One of them nodded: "Yes, it goes straight to our Chixia Sect."

"Introduction, I am the Young Master of Yuehua Immortal Palace, Lin Hong, I want to visit Chixia Sect, can you take us there?"

Lin Hong said as he took out the token representing the identity and led them back.

"It turned out to be the Young Palace Master of Yuehua Immortal Palace, of course." The two people hurriedly handed over, but they had never heard of Yuehua Immortal Palace.

"Go, go to the teleportation array."

Lin Hong nodded, finished speaking, greeted Zhuo Yaqin and the others together.

Soon, they left, and the black-hearted vendor was still raging, and he, who had no soul, was controlled by the evil god.

When it was time for the teleportation formation, the Chixia Sect disciples asked Xiang Lin Hong: "Your puppet... is that okay?"

"Don't worry, he can drag your master to come back."

Lin Hongman didn't care, and planned to go to Chixiazong first.

As for Lin Yi, put it here first, and let him come to find himself later.

When the two disciples heard the words, they took out thirty high-grade immortal stones, and directly activated the formation, the secret path first left the city to save their lives.

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