"I am so relieved... the apprentice who has been teaching for so long is finally about to make a difference."

Lin Hong exhaled for a long time, although his words were a little sad, his face was full of smiles.

The inner demon echoed: "Yes, it's been a long time, several hours."

"Master, don't let me learn that thing, okay?"

At this moment, Xue Qianhan came over and hugged him from behind, talking about Taoism.

"Of course I won't let you learn it." Lin Hong couldn't help but smile. It's useless for you to learn.

"Ping'an doesn't want to be a teacher... I don't want to go all my life."

Xue Qianhan choked up, tears streaming down.

Lin Hong turned around and knelt down, holding her in his arms: "No, you want to be a teacher, but the master is reluctant."

"Well, the master is the best master in the world, and Ping An wants to be the master's apprentice for a lifetime."

Xue Qianhan nodded vigorously, being held in her arms very honestly.

"It's not good, boss, look ahead!" At this moment, Zhuo Yaqin said loudly.

"This is the looting group?"

Lin Hong looked over and found that two spaceships were approaching oncoming.

The banner above is very strange, but he learned from the inner demon that it is the banner of the Raider League!

All the raiding groups in the fairy world united and formed a force of their own.

They were very united, burned, killed, looted, and committed no evil.

Lin Hong frowned upon hearing this: "The man in black...Did the team of the cyan phoenix unite them?"

"Well, ninety-nine percent of them are them. At least the dozen or so raiding groups that I investigated were all informed by them to join forces."

The inner demon responded, and after speaking, he remained silent.

"Don't resist." Turning to look at Xue Qianhan and other women, Lin Hong put them into the storage ring.

"The spaceship in front, hurry up and grab it, pull over and surrender!"

Suddenly, there was a shout. It was a member of the raiding group on the two ships, with an extremely arrogant attitude.

Lin Hong asked Xiang Xin Demon: "What strength is on the other side?"

Accepting Xue Qianhan and the others into the storage ring is not afraid, just so as not to affect them.

I really want to fight... I'm not afraid at all.

"Four true immortals, three of them in the early stage and one in the middle stage, your puppet can deal with them completely."

The demons quickly replied, in contrast, these are easy to detect.

"If you don't surrender, we will launch an attack!" The voices of the members of the raiding group came again, threatening.

"Come if you have the ability, I am waiting for you!"

Lin Hong smiled lightly and drew out the Yingying Sword, not afraid.

Not long after, the two spaceships approached, directly blocking his shortcut and retreat.

Lin Honglang said: "The take-off ship that your raid regiment can actually use... the handwriting is not small."

Although the performance and size are much worse than that at my own feet, the cost is hundreds of millions of cents.

"You don't need to worry about it, just die!"

The members of the plundering group leaped up, with all the bright knives in their hands.

"The sword slaughters the sky..." Lin Hong said softly, and then saw the shadow-bearing sword in his hand directly turned into streamer and flew out, starting to slaughter wantonly.

After a short while, the sky was stained red with blood, and those people finally began to recede, no longer going forward to die.

"Good boy, there is a bit of strength, but it's over!"

A true fairy walked out of the cabin and looked at Lin Hong in the distance, his face blank.

Lin Hong chuckled: "Are you going to challenge me?"

The person in front of him is the early stage of the real immortal. If he really fights, he may not be an opponent, but he can try.

"Satisfy your wish." Hearing this, the man came straight to Lin Hong, bare-handed.

"Without a weapon, it would not put me in the eye..."

Lin Hong wanted to test his current strength, but he didn't worry about letting Lin Yi go.

When he got close, the man raised his hand and said, "Suffer to death, you will put your life under Jiuquan!"

"You are a robber, and death is death. What are you doing with such a stern talk?"

Lin Hong waved his hand to retrieve the Shadow-Changing Sword, and directly used the sword light for a flash and the sword was like a dragon.

There was a loud noise when the two met.

Lin Hong was knocked down and flew out, spouting blood fiercely.

"Step on--" The man fell on the deck, waved his hand, and took out a knife. "See if you don't belong to a poor man, tell me who you are!"

"Below, kill you."

Lin Hong raised the corner of his mouth and waved his hand to release Lin Yi.

The person hadn't reacted yet: "What kind of weird name is this..."

Before he finished speaking, he was punched through the heart.

"Go, grab those two ships for me."

Lin Hong took a recovery pill, and there was still a gap between himself and the true immortal. This could not be made up for by weapons and equipment, unless it was an artifact like the Eastern Emperor Bell.

Lin nodded, twisted the neck of the person in front of him, and jumped directly to the boat of the raiding group.

The slaughter begins.

Here is high in the sky, there is no way to go back, most people fall directly to death, it is better to fight to the death.

But how can they win Lin Yi?



Lin Hong practiced for a while, and when he opened his eyes, there was no vitality on the two spaceships.

He got up and put the spaceships into the storage ring: "Hundreds of millions of immortal stones are in hand..."

Whether it's for sale or to other people, this is a good thing.

"You go back first."

Lin Hong looked at Lin Yi, waved it into the storage ring, and then released Xue Qianhan and other women.

"Master, are you okay?" Xue Qianhan looked around and asked curiously.

"It's okay, go back to the house and go to bed, and rest early."

Lin Hong nodded, then sat down cross-legged to practice.

After a few days passed, they arrived at a city with a teleportation array ~ www.readwn.com~ Although the teleportation array in this city is not a direct link to the middle domain, it can save them a lot of time.

"Master, there are sugar people." Xue Qianhan bought a few sugar people back.


Lin Hong answered casually and found that the people in the city were very haggard.

Zhuo Yaqin glanced at the sky: "It's getting dark, Boss, let's find a place to live."

"Master, I just saw that the inn over there is vacant."

Xue Qianhan took Lin Hong's hand and pointed to the distance.

"Then let's go." Lin Hong nodded, led them along, and rented two rooms as he wished after spending a few thousand immortals.

"Without sleeping for so many days, you can't stand it even as an iron man."

Entering the room, Lin Hong almost fell with a weak leg, the demons couldn't help but understand.

Lin Hong smiled bitterly: "There is no way, one second will be lost after one second. Finding Dugu for defeat is just a way out. If it doesn't work, you have to rely on yourself."

"Stop talking, go to bed."


Lying on the bed, he gradually fell asleep.

The next day, the sun just rose.

A messy sound from the street outside awakened Lin Hong.

"What happened?" He got up to tidy up his clothes and asked Xiang Xin Devil.

"This city is being attacked by the plundering group alliance, and the city lord has sent people to gather masters and heroes from all walks of life in the city."

The inner demon answered quickly, obviously knowing it a long time ago.

Before Lin Hong could say anything, he saw that the door was gently pushed open: "Master, are you awake?"

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