I Can Become a Treasure by Picking Up Garbage

Chapter 628: Not that important

   "Who are you? Don't join in here!"

When the shop owner saw him, he sweated and hurriedly stepped forward to stop him.

The corner of Lin Hong's mouth raised upwards: "Young Sovereign of Yuehua Immortal Palace, Lin Hong!"

This is not for the shop owner, but the disciples of the surrounding Kaitianzong.

"You are the Young Master Lin that our elder brother often mentions? Long Yang Yang!"

Sure enough, those Open Heaven Sect disciples stepped forward after they knew their names.

"My people were kicked out from here just now. It is clear that the lease term has not yet expired. Tsk, forget it, you can figure it out." Lin Hong said with a light smile, turned and left, letting those people say something. None worked.

"Look at what you did!"


The owner of the shop was surrounded by the disciples of Kaitianzong.

As for what happened afterwards, Lin Hong didn't care, but greedy people would definitely pay the price for greed.

The teleportation formation in the city has been opened, he found Xue Qianhan and other women, and went straight to the teleportation formation.

"I can finally go to Zhongyu, Master, is it fun there?" Xue Qianhan took Lin Hong's hand, full of curiosity.

"I don't know if it's fun, but it's definitely dangerous."

Lin Hong smiled bitterly, Zhongyu, the strong people like to join in the fun in the past, it seems because there are more opportunities to become stronger.

This has led to more and more masters in the domain!

Maybe...Even true immortals are easy to see, not so rare anymore.

Zhuo Yaqin feels deeply: "In the case of Duobaolou, to ensure safety, a lot of masters have been planted in Zhongyu."

This also shows the danger of the middle domain.

"The teleportation array goes straight to the middle domain, with one two million immortal stone, bring the immortal stone in line!"

As they progressed gradually, they faintly heard such a roar.

"Master, it's so expensive." Xue Qianhan gently covered her mouth.

"After all, it goes straight to the territory of Zhongyu."

Lin Hong chuckled, this is a small hundred-person teleportation array. Although it is small, the teleportation distance is very long, which can save half a year's journey.

When Jiao Xian Shi stepped into the teleportation formation, the number of people was nearly 100.

Zhuo Yaqin found a man nearby sneaking out his hand, and his heart tightened: "Boss..."

Lin Hong held her in his arms and said something lazily.

Upon seeing this, the man pretended that nothing happened, but Zhuo Yaqin's face was already flushed.

Obviously, I don’t even bother to touch myself, but because of this kind of thing...

"Master, I also want to be hugged."

Xue Qianhan tugged Lin Hong's arm, her big eyes flickering.

Lin Hong chuckled and raised her hand to hug her: "I'm going to Zhongyu soon, are you nervous?"

Now he is holding the beautiful woman in his left hand and the girl in the right hand, which arouses the envy of many people.

"If you have a master, don't be nervous."

Xue Qianhan shook his head, and soon, a hundred people gathered.

The formation was opened, and the sky was spinning.

The farther the teleportation array is set, the easier it is for people to feel dizzy.

"Don't move, you are already surrounded!"

"Hurry down and surrender!"


As soon as they arrived in an unfamiliar dense forest in the Central Region, everyone was surrounded by people from the Raiders League.

"Dare to rob me? My dad is Chen Gang!"

"Can you let us go?"

In an instant, everyone was in danger, but he didn't expect to be robbed as soon as he left the Western Regions.

The looting group has thousands of people and many masters.

Lin Hong frowned: "Inner demon, why are we not in the city?"

"Because of the Cthulhu contract, in order to ensure safety, the formation uses location and covert teleportation. It is normal not to be in the city, but this location is logically not known to others."

There was uncertainty in the inner demon's words, and he didn't understand how the Raider League knew the location of the teleportation.

"Put down the weapon, or die!" A master of the raiding group finished speaking, patted it with a palm, and interrupted the leg of the person who had just said that his father was Chen Gang.

"The late three true immortals...There is also a secret true immortal Dzogchen, you better not act rashly."

The inner demon said at this moment, among the many members of the plundering group, there are at least ten true immortals!

Lin Hong mumbled in his heart: "Where are so many masters?"

After he finished speaking, he secretly put Xue Qianhan and other women into the storage ring.

This action did not attract anyone's attention, and the scene was deadlocked.

"We are all important members of various forces in the Central Territory. If you do this, it will arouse public anger!"

Someone spoke out in indignation, all telling the truth.

"Important members...you are the ones who caught!" The people of the raiding group sneered, and they were much more lazy to talk nonsense, and started directly.

"Surrender and don't kill, surrender and squat down!"

"Squat down!"

The people of the raiding group roared, wantonly killing those who did not squat down and surrender.

Lin Hong took a few steps back, trying to find a chance to escape, but was put on his neck by a knife: "You won't surrender?"

He is a master at the late stage of the realm of real immortality, with a arrogant expression.

"Before you have time to squat down, don't get me wrong."

Lin Hong smiled calmly, squatted directly, and wandered around helplessly, finding that those who had not surrendered had been killed.

Sure enough, as Baihua Fairy said before, Zhongyu is really too dangerous.

"The mountains and plains around here are full of members of the plundering group alliance. Their purpose is to intercept those who leave the city, and at the same time prepare the other side to occupy the city, intercept and kill those who fled by formation." The heart demon uses the system to detect some information .

"How is the situation in Transit City?"

Sure enough, a member of the looting group asked loudly.

Seeing that no one answered, he cast his eyes to Lin Hong: "You answer."

"The city was defended ~www.readwn.com~ and the raiding regiment was wiped out."

After Lin Hong finished speaking, the prisoners present began to discuss the matter.

"I heard that there was a master, a master of Slaughter Body!"

"That's one of the three constitutions..."


"Don't make any noise! ​​Come on, take them down and lock them up!"

A master of the looting group finished speaking angrily, and people were bound with their hands and taken away from the dense forest.

Lin Hong murmured in his heart: "Heart demon, where is he taking us?"

"It's a prison in the underground. I found that you have a relationship with the underground..."

The inner demon said casually, and let him check the current value of Xianli by himself.


Lin Hong quickly answered, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly, if he could, he really wanted to continue killing.

The body of killing, one of the three physiques, with the system, it is just as powerful as a tiger!

"Killing can certainly make you improve quickly, but...you are really convinced that Donghuangzhong can help you through the natural vision when you break through the realm of real immortality?" The heart demon knew what he was thinking in his heart. For a moment, he couldn't help it. Asked.

"Life or death is not so important anymore."

Lin Hong shook his head and smiled bitterly. Only by ignorantly improving his strength can he save the earth.

Dugu defeated senior...Where are you?

He wondered in his heart that, not long after, he was taken into an underground cell.

Entering the cell, Lin Hong found that all the celestial power in his body had been imprisoned: "Inner demon, is there a way to break it?"

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