The hotel owner looked panicked: "I...I'm here..."

He drew closer to Lin Hong, suddenly yelled, and took out a rusty dagger from behind.

Lin Hong got up from the sofa, and just about to do something, the hotel owner suddenly softened and fell to the ground and fainted.

Behind the innkeeper, Pang Jin and the others stood there.

"Are you back?" Lin Hong breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yes, I got some news, that Medical Immortal Valley traitor, named Huang Peng, thirty-seven years old." Pang Jin led Pang Mu and others in, and then closed the door.

"So... Didn't find out the specific location?"

Lin Hong couldn't help but wonder when he saw that he had said so much without mentioning the important points.

Pang Jin smiled awkwardly: "People here regard Huang Peng as a belief, and they won't say anything."

Now, I can only rest for one night and explore Daxinganling.

"The hotel owner suddenly attacked me with a knife. Do you know what happened?" Lin Hong pointed to the hotel owner who was lying on the ground.

"I said the purpose of this trip, and that's it for them."

Pang Jin shrugged.

Blind faith makes these people fascinated by their minds and do not know what is right or wrong.

Pang Mu **** the hotel owner: "That's fine, let them go when we leave tomorrow."

By "they" he refers to everyone in the village.

Pang Jin and the others took the innkeeper out of the house, and Lin Hong sat back on the sofa.

The next day.

Early in the morning, Lin Hong stood at the door of the village, waiting for Pang Jin and the others to come.

Yesterday I slept very badly. First, the temperature was too low, and second, for fear that villagers would come over and stab themselves with a dagger in the middle of the night.

Looking at the village, Pang Jin and the others are running towards this side, behind them are a group of villagers.

"What about the helicopter?" Lin Hong remembered that the helicopter was still in the village.

"They smashed it yesterday!"

When Pang Jin and others ran over, Pang Jin shouted, and a group of five people ran towards Daxinganling.

Daxinganling, with a total area of ​​1,200 kilometers, is one of the most important forestry bases in China.

Lin Hong and the others ran into this dense forest. The snow was still falling at this time, but it was not as big as it was yesterday.

Fishing village.

An old man looked at Lin Hong and the others who were going away sneered: "Tomorrow is a snow-covered mountain, and these people must die inside!"

After speaking, he spat at the snowdrift on the side, the smear before it hits the ground, it turned into a dazzling block of ice.

And in Daxinganling.

"The trees here are too dense, how do you go?" Lin Hong frowned.

They have walked a lot of dead ends, either blocked by heavy snow or simply blocked by trees.

"I can only go."

Pang Jin sighed, there was no way at all.

Including Lin Hong, each of them carried a large backpack with supplies and satellite phones.

If they can't get out, they will call the nearby rescue station.

Snow is still floating, the snow is very thick, and every step you take will leave a deep footprint on it.

As he was walking, Lin Hong noticed that a small snowdrift suddenly disappeared in front of him.

"Did you see a snowdrift there just now?" Lin Hong raised his finger.


Pang Jin shook his head. With the whiteness everywhere, it was too easy to make a mistake.

"That should be my mistake..." Lin Hong rubbed his eyes and continued on his way.

"Something scratches me!"

Suddenly, Pang Huo, who was walking at the back, yelled, and turned his back to Lin Hong and everyone.

When everyone looked at it, they saw a snow-white fox hanging on Pang Huo's back.

Pang Shui, the nearest to Pang Huo, grabbed it with his hands, but the snow fox leaped from Pang Huo's back and came to Pang Shui's head, grabbing a lot of his hair.

"You bad guys!" The snow fox barked his mouth, showing his teeth.

"Speaking of people, this is a monster!"

Pang Jin yelled immediately, then his eyes widened, and the word "gold" slowly appeared on his forehead.

Pang Mu and the others are all the same, but the characters that appear are different.

The snow fox leaped towards Pang Jin again, biting his throat: "Bite you, bite you!"

"It's a little monster, it doesn't hurt to bite."

Pang Jin originally wanted to kill him with his hands, but stopped at this time.

"You're a little monster, your whole family are all little monsters!" The snow fox bit Pang Jin's neck and hung it on top.

"Quickly come down and make my neck drool..."

Pang Jin helplessly grabbed the snow fox's tail, but no matter how he pulled it, the snow fox wouldn't come down.

Lin Hong suddenly found that the heart of the snow fox's claws was jet black, and he couldn't help frowning: "Little fox, are you poisoned?"

"It's not you humans!"

The snow fox was full of anger and talked, but his teeth were still biting on Pang Jin's neck.

Pang Jin put the snow fox directly around his neck, just enough to make a circle: "Look, real fox collar."

"Stop making trouble, this poison looks fierce to me. Give me the fox and I will detoxify it."

Lin Hong couldn't help but laughed blankly, and reached out to Pang Jin.

"I want to give it to you too, but this guy will not let go." Pang Jin hurriedly yanked the snow fox.

"You hurt it." Lin Hong stepped forward.

"Little fox, let go of your mouth, how about I detoxify you?"

Lin Hong curiously touched the back of the snow He was not only the first time he saw a fox, but also the first time he saw a talking fox.

"I... I don't believe it!"

The snow fox still bit Pang Jin's throat with his teeth.

"If it weren't for the prohibition of killing monsters now, you see, I won't slap you to death!" Pang Jin shook his body, and the snow fox hung in the air, shaking back and forth in the same way.

"You can eat this pill."

Helpless, Lin Hong took out a detoxification pill and stuffed it into the snow fox's mouth.

The fox's mouth is very long. After biting the prey, there will be a gap on the edge of the mouth. Although this mouth is a bit short, it also has a gap. Lin Hong stuffed the pill here.

The snow fox released his mouth quickly, trying to cough out the pill, but the pill was already swallowed.

It flew to Lin Hong's face: "What did you eat for me?"

"The detoxification pill, the thing that saves your life!"

The little fox's voice was milky, but his claws were sharp, and in a short while, many cuts were made on Lin Hong's face.

Upon seeing this, Pang Jin raised his palm: "Master, I might as well slap it to death. No one knows that we did it anyway!"

"Since it is explicitly forbidden to kill monsters, don't think about committing crimes. I think this fox should have been poisoned by people, so that he hates humans so much.

Lin Hong grabbed the snow fox by the back of its neck and yanked it off his face.

The snow fox was caught by the back of his neck, unable to move, and immediately aggrieved: "You humans, big bad guys, wow wow wow..."

Unexpectedly, when the monster cried, it was also a human cry.

Lin Hong was upset when he heard: "Don't cry, look at your paws, is the black color faded a bit?"

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content! Author's message: I have recommended it, save the manuscript of Burning Art, let's give it to everyone! !

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