"Are you looking for death?!" Immediately, the man yelled.

"... I said it wasn't me who threw it, do you believe it?"

Lin Hong stood up and spread his hands. In fact, as soon as he was about to do it, he was taken a step ahead.

The man sneered: "Are you stupid?"

"I don't know if you are stupid, but I kill people, and I never care if the other person is stupid or not."

Lin Hong finished speaking lightly, drew out the Yingying Sword, but took it back.

The man was stunned for a moment, and then with a stunned look, he raised his hand to cover his neck, where blood was gushing out, and he had been scratched out of a long wound without knowing when.

When he died, the girl who had been threatened ran away without even saying a thank you.

"Come out." Lin Hong calmly looked at the grass not far away.

"Ah... this brother is really capable."

One person walked out of the grass, short in stature, but hungrily.

Lin Hong pondered for a moment: "Forget it, you can go."

Obviously, he just wanted to use his own hand to deal with that disciple.

Although it was a bit uncomfortable to be used, after all, he was not the same as what he had to do.

"Master, I have the latest treasure map here, why don't you make a deal?"

"not interested."

Lin Hong said indifferently, if you want the treasure, just use the system to check it, so why bother.

When the person saw this, "This is a treasure of gods, really not interested?"

"God... let's hear it."

Lin Hong was really appetite when he heard this.

That is the legendary existence, the pinnacle of strength!

"Next week Bao is good at buying and selling all kinds of precious things. I bought this treasure map by accident at a high price." Upon seeing this, Zhou Bao took out a piece of old parchment.

"Inner Demon, does this thing have a spectrum?"

Lin Hong couldn't see any carefulness, and asked Xiang Xin Demon.

The inner demon just finished checking with the system: "He does have a relevant treasure map on his body, but this one is fake."

"It's really not authentic, but it came out with a fake one."

Lin Hong frowned slightly after hearing the words and said directly.

"Ah, I got it wrong, I got it wrong!" Zhou Bao was taken aback, and quickly took out another treasure map, this time it was true.

"How many fairy stones?"

Lin Hong didn't want to talk nonsense, and asked directly.

Zhou Bao stretched out a finger.

Lin Hong pondered for a moment: "A piece of fairy stone?"

"One hundred million! Anything is a fairy stone, did you say that?!"

Zhou Bao jumped angrily. It was the first time he met such a person after having been in business for so long.

"Too expensive." Lin Hong stared at him lightly.

"That...80 million, it can't be less."

"You counted me just now."

"78 million!"

Zhou Bao kept lowering prices, and then no matter what he said, he refused to make any further concessions.

The heart demon said at this time: "The position on the treasure map has been recorded by my system."

"Goodbye if you are destined, don't count me next time, otherwise, you will be at your own risk."

Lin Hong chuckled and finished speaking to Zhou Bao, then turned and left.

"Hey, don't go, 70 million!" Zhou Bao hurriedly shouted, "60 million..."

However, the person has already gone far, and no matter what he shouts, it will not work.

"Inner demon, is that really the treasure left by the gods?"

On the other side, Lin Hong walked leisurely, not in a hurry to release Xue Qianhan and the others.

The inner demon gave the answer: "Yes, but just left behind, probably just a few artifacts."

If his words were heard by outsiders, he would be astonished.

What do you mean by ‘that’s’ a few artifacts? !

That's an artifact!

Either one can make people stir up blood, but it is not worth mentioning in his mouth.

"That's worth going. If those artifacts are broken, you will make a lot of money."

Lin Hong immediately glared at him and asked where the treasure was.

"Zhongyu... near the site of the Open Heaven Sect, the recent past will be a bit dangerous." The heart demon only said an approximate location.

"Then don't worry, remember to remind me later."

Lin Hong nodded silently, but saw that Zhou Bao followed.

He couldn't help but stop, and looked back: "Why are you trying to buy and sell?"

"You misunderstood, I just escaped for my life."

Zhou Bao smiled carelessly, then his feet accelerated and gradually moved away.

"Asshole, return the stolen thing quickly!"

"Quickly catch him!"

Soon, someone ran from his side one after another, all looking for Zhou Bao.

"Co-author and self-produced and sold?" Lin Hong's mouth twitched.

Obviously, Zhou Bao had something wrong in his hands, otherwise he wouldn't be chased.

"Wait, Demon, why are there so many people around here?"

Lin Hong was a little surprised. This could be seen from the man who was killed just now to Zhou Bao, but before he broke through, it was clearly inaccessible here.

The inner demon replied: "The looting group alliance is intolerable in the world. People spontaneously or are sent over to take it away, but you have killed all those looting group members, and only some masters are left."

And those masters are already under control, it is impossible to escape to death.

"So it's like this..."

Lin Hong nodded slightly, and it suddenly became clear.

"If necessary, shake this bell, and I will find you soon." Suddenly, Zhou Bao appeared to his side, gave a bell, and left again.

Lin Hong looked at the bell on hand, a little confused, and threw it into the storage ring.

"That Zhou Bao's ability seems to be good~www.readwn.com~ After decades of doing this business, he might be able to use it,"

The inner demon couldn't help but make a sound, like precious herbs and magic weapons, you can try to find someone for help.

Lin Hong nodded lightly, and then went silent: "How can we find Dugu and seek defeat?"

On the same day, I learned from the old monster in Yuehua Immortal Palace that Duguqiu was defeated in the Central Region, but I didn't know the specific location at all.

"The system does not seem to be able to detect the overpowered masters, and can't help much, but masters like your palace lord have already detected two nearby."

The heart demon said, those masters who are almost invisible.

"Two..." Lin Hong pursed his lips, secretly saying that he was Zhongyu.

Try to avoid them, and finally come to a small town.

"Fairy, our town really has nothing left."

A slightly older man greeted him with a humble face and a pitiful look.

Lin Hong was a little surprised: "I didn't come to do bad things, I just passed by."

"That's good, you are free."

The man bowed after speaking, obviously relieved.

"Suddenly there are more immortals nearby, making them nervous." The heart demon said at this time.

"Will anyone really target the village?"

Lin Hong couldn't help frowning, feeling a little hard to understand.

The demon replied: "A lot of Xiaoxiao will do this... After all, fly legs are also fleshy, as much as they can take."

It can only be said that there is a reason why Xiao Xiao is Xiao Xiao and was cast aside by others.

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