"If the stealer is paired with this method, it will definitely be even more powerful..."

Lin Hong smiled lightly, a little moved.

The demon said: "Do you think he might teach you this method?"

"How do you know if you don't try, at least, I believe that when he makes a choice, he will put his life first."

After Lin Hong finished speaking, he snapped his fingers to release Lin Yi: "Go, I want to live."

Lin was at a loss and nodded lightly when he heard the words. When the protective formation was closed, he jumped down.

"Three miles away on the right!"

When Lin Hong learned the location from the inner demon, he shouted directly.

Lin Yi heard the words and went straight over there.

"What's the matter, how can he know where I am?" On the other side, the man hiding behind the stone was extremely shocked.

My own shadow has never made a mistake, even if it can't be beaten, it is a good way to escape, but now, it has been seen through?


Suddenly, the stone was smashed, so he had nowhere to hide, and quickly backed away.

"Catch!" Lin glanced at nothing, and directly probed his hand, grabbing the man's neck in his hand.

"Let go... let go of me."

The man could no longer breathe, his face flushed.

Lin Yi's expression remained unchanged, and he returned to the spaceship.

Lin Hong reopened the protective formation, staring at the man and chuckles: "What is your name?"

"He is going to be strangled to death. Go to the storage ring and talk about it first."

The heart demon couldn't help but understand. Soon, when they came to the storage ring, Lin Hong took out the universe array and released the restraining array in it.

Throwing the man into it, he was able to breathe. While coughing again and again, Xianli all over his body was instantly imprisoned: "Here, where is this place?"

"That's not important. What's important is that I fell in love with your shadow decision."

Lin Hong still chuckled lightly, sitting cross-legged at will, watching the man in the formation, his expression unchanged.

"Shadow Jue?" The man's face was big, then gritted his teeth, "Don't even think about it, kill me!"

"Growing so big, it's the first time I saw such a strange request..."

Lin Hong took out a small knife, which was specially used for Ling Chi.

"I, I was laughing, don't take it seriously." The man instantly panicked.

"Teach me the shadow, I won't kill you."

Lin Hong chuckled lightly, even his name lazily knew.

When the man heard the words, his expression was hard to look: "It's not that I don't want to, but if the family knows that I have taught outsiders what I have passed down from my ancestors... will I survive?"

"Then do you want to die now or die later? Besides, if you don't tell me, who will know?"

While Lin Hong was talking, the inner demon had already cast an illusion, which made people more likely to be credulous.

"Say, that's what I said." The man nodded in a daze, and agreed, "This is a cheat."

As he said, he took out a secret book, it was the shadow decision.

"a little complicated…"

After accepting it, Lin Hong turned two pages, whispered, and at the same time took the man away from the storage ring.

The man eased his mind with a dazed expression: "How did I give out the secret book?"

"I always speak for words, I believe you will not tell this matter, goodbye bye"

Lin Hong threw him off the spaceship, and immediately began to memorize the contents of the shadow battle.

He planned to memorize the above things by heart, but shredded the cheats and tried to transform them with the system. If he recovered, he would be able to master it directly, without recovery, and nothing was lost.

This is two-handed preparation...

And the man clenched his fists as he watched the spaceship that was gradually going away: "So there are masters sitting in town."

I wanted to rob and play with a spaceship, but I lost my wife and broke down. It's really sad!

"I can't let my family know about this, otherwise I will definitely lose my life."

He turned to look embarrassed again, thinking that this incident had never happened before, and it was impossible for the family to read the cheats casually.

The clock is ticking.

After three hours passed, Lin Hong on the spacecraft had already remembered the shadow by heart.

He was secretly shocked: "It's amazing to melt oneself into the shadow to achieve the effect of hiding."

"Cultivation to the extreme can separate the shadow and create a clone with the same strength as one's own."

The heart demon is also very surprised. This cheat is a different way. In a sense, it is comparable to the Dugu Sword Art.

"Then below, is the moment to witness the miracle..." Lin Hong said, tearing up the secret book, and just about to use the system, but hesitated.

He thought for a while and called Xue Qianhan.

"Master, what's the matter?"

Xue Qianhan was ignorant and confused.

Lin Hong tried metaphysics: "It's nothing, but I heard that there are children nearby, so luck can be better."

"Peace...Peace is not a child."

Xue Qianhan muttered softly, a little unhappy.

At this time, Lin Hong used the system to transform the cheats into shredded paper.

[Congratulations, Shadow Decision]

He was pleasantly surprised by the sound of the system's prompt.

It's done!

"Something's wrong... Why are you so lucky these days?" The heart demon couldn't help but wondered.


Xue Qianhan was stunned, did he just stand up when he told him to come?

Lin Hong rubbed her head: "Okay, it's okay, you can go back."


Xue Qianhan left with a bit of resentment.

Being proficient in shadow battle, Lin Hong hid directly in the shadow on the side and smiled lightly for a moment.

This is no matter how powerful a master comes, it is impossible to find himself!

He thought for a while, and followed the direction of the shadow, rushing to Xue Qianhan and the others' room.

"What did the boss just tell you to do?" In the room, Zhuo Yaqin and others were completely unheard of.

"Nothing, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is just for me to come over."

Xue Qianhan gently shook his head and took out the fairy stone to practice.

Zhuo Yaqin chuckled, "When you grow up, do you really want to marry your master?"

"Well! Master is the best man in the world. If you want to marry, I will only marry him."

Xue Qianhan blushed and nodded, speaking very seriously.

"I heard something incredible." The heart demon joked with a chuckle.

"It's normal to have this kind of thought when I was young, but it won't be any bigger."

Lin Hong rubbed his eyebrows, more or less a headache, and then left.

He returned to the deck and left the shadow: "This trick is so easy to use. It will not be a problem to hide in the shadow to kill in the future. It can also be used with a steal.

It's like going to the Tiancang raiding group to steal the young dragon. If you have this trick, it will be much more convenient.

"You can also separate the shadow as a clone."

The demon reminded.

"Hmm..." Lin Hong nodded lightly when he heard the words, and the shadow under him gradually wriggled and slowly emerged from the ground.

This is another self, but the whole body is pitch black, and there is no light at all.

"Let me see your strength."

Lin Hong released Lin Yi and let them fight against each other.

As soon as he finished speaking, the shadow was blown by Lin Yi's punch, turned into black spots and flew back to his feet, unable to be summoned again in a short time.

The corner of Lin Hong's mouth twitched: "At least I know that I can't resist the attack of the Great Perfection Realm Realm."

Otherwise, nine out of ten, they will end up being blown up like the shadow, no matter how special their physique is, there will be no time to recover.

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