Lin Hong dug out the treasure chest three times. After opening it, it turned out to be a pair of gloves.

The demons couldn't help but say: "I really want a set."

In just a few days, from scratch, only a helmet is needed.

This starting speed is as if it was originally prepared for him.

"Lead the way, and you'd better think about the position of the helmet."

Lin Hong looked at the blood red treasure chest and let it lead the way to find the treasure.

"Okay..." The blood red treasure chest scolded in his heart, but on the surface he did not dare to resist at all.

As time passed, they gradually moved toward the depths.

"The monsters here are getting stronger and stronger, are you lying to me?"

Finally, Lin Hong couldn't help it, looking at the blood red treasure chest, frowning.

Even the monster beasts of the true immortal Dzogchen realm appeared from time to time, and Lin Yi was almost unable to resist it.

The blood red treasure chest quickly said: "I really didn't lie to you, besides, it's just some garbage monsters, what's to be afraid of?"

"Trash monster? Are you calling me worse than trash?"

Lin Hong frowned slightly, the trash monster in his mouth could easily kill himself.

"No, don't get me wrong, you are much better than trash." The blood red treasure chest tried to explain.

"You compare me to trash?"

After Lin Hong finished speaking, he took out the wooden stick.

The blood red treasure chest was furious: "You just want to hit me, right, hit, no one will take you there if you are killed!"

"It makes sense..."

Lin Hong put away the stick, shrugged, and carried it further.

"Humph." Seeing that the blood red treasure chest was effective, he snorted softly, feeling like he had regained a city.

"I hope you won't be careful later... someone?"

As Lin Hong said, he glanced at a group of five people walking in the distance, frowning slightly.

The five people also noticed him: "Who?!"

"People of Yuehua Immortal Palace... don't be nervous, I am not hostile."

Lin Hong arched his hand and frowned slightly.

Now, I can't use the power of immortality to drive the Donghuang Bell, and it lacks many functions.

These five guys dared to walk in the depths, obviously their strength is not weak, if they fight, they might not be good.

"Help me! Help me out, I am a god, and I can make you gods too!" The blood red treasure chest began to be a demon.

Obviously, it was only a weapon that a **** once held, but it was said to be a **** in order to arouse people's greed.

"God? Who is rare in this shabby place?"

Those people looked at the blood-red treasure chest, but thought it was a little strange.

The blood red treasure chest was furious: "That's a god. If you become a god, you can leave this broken place!"

This is true, it is true, but it is more difficult to become a god?

"Leave? I heard that the outside world has already perished. Why do you leave here?"

While the five people were talking, they were a little regretful, and even more lamented.

The outside world... is dead?

Lin Hong was stunned, but the inner demon said to him: "Don't believe it, this is just a lie spreading in the strange land, self-comfort."

"So that's it..."

Lin Hong breathed a sigh of relief, as if it were fake.

"Perished?" It was the blood red treasure chest, a little stunned, "Really?"

"Of course it's true. Who would lie to you like this? Over there, depending on how strong you are, why join us?"

One of the five came forward, looked at Lin Hong, and threw an olive branch.

"Sorry, I am comfortable with this person." Lin Hong refused politely.

"Why are you and me not being polite at all?!"

The blood red treasure chest found this, a little angry.

Lin Hong glanced at it, "You are not a human being, do you have an opinion?"


The Blood Red Treasure Box was unable to refute it, so angry, he chose not to speak any more.

"The strength of the five people is equivalent to the middle stage of three true immortals, one late stage of true immortality, and one true immortal great perfection." The heart demon said at this time, giving a strength report.

"Ah, five seniors, if there is nothing to do, I will leave first."

Lin Hong secretly said that he couldn't provoke him, so he arched his hands and wanted to leave.

The person who threw the olive branch said: "Okay, you be careful."

They could see that Lin Hong had just arrived in this world and needed time to adapt.

In this way, they parted ways.

"Good risk, if they just choose to do it..."

Lin Hong was inexplicably grateful that he had survived the disaster, after all, the Eastern Emperor Bell was already occupied and could not be used temporarily.

"What are you waiting for, don't froze." The blood red treasure chest seemed a little impatient at this time.

"Why, anxious to reincarnate?"

Lin Hong said calmly, went to the side and took out a shovel.

Seeing the blood red treasure chest: "What to dig, don't people really think that you can dig out a treasure chest by digging?"

"My luck is always good, just watch if you don't believe me."

Lin Hong chuckled and started digging. After a short while, he dug out a treasure chest.

"How did this happen?" The blood red treasure chest was unbelievable, and he saw some doorways.

This absolutely has nothing to do with luck, he is convinced that there are treasure chests there!

"It's not important, the important thing is that I am missing a helmet right now."

Lin Hong said and opened the treasure chest, and a whole box of the best immortal stones came into view.

If you calculate it... there are already more than one billion.

"Only one helmet is missing?" The blood red treasure chest was even more surprised, and then he kept silent, deciding that he would not be able to find the helmet anyway!

"First, let me talk about what the treasures the gods have left here."

Lin Hong put the things into the storage ring and continued on his way. As he said, he asked Xiangdong Emperor's blood red treasure box.

The Blood Red Treasure Chest thought for a moment: "There are a lot of superb celestial stones, various weapons, and cheats. In short, there are almost all you can think of."

"Why does he want to cast such a blessed land? And still leave so many treasures?"

Lin Hong continued to ask, this made him very puzzled from the beginning.

"Do you need a reason? Do you need a reason for throwing trash?" The blood red treasure chest couldn't help but sneered. "The old **** had too many things to hold the space magic weapon, so throw it here..."

Strong wealth!

Inexplicably, Lin Hong had such a thought in his heart.

Hearing what it means, there are a lot of the best immortal stones in the treasure, and I don't know how many treasures the **** is carrying before he can throw the best immortal stones.

The heart demon said: "Ten thousand years ago, the heaven and the earth were full of vitality, almost everywhere the best immortal stone."

"So that's it..."

Lin Hong nodded lightly. It is estimated that there were so many top-quality immortal stones at that time, so people just looked down on it.

"It's coming soon." The blood red treasure chest suddenly said.

"Be careful, baby everything is secondary."

Lin Hong hadn't spoken yet, but the inner demon had spoken, no treasure, life is not important.

At the moment, Lin Hong nodded: "Treasure chest, when you find the treasure, you can go out, right?"

"How did you know."

The words of the blood red treasure chest were stunned. This was a secret among secrets.

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