
Lin Hong looked at the prosperous stone monument, smiled involuntarily, and took the murderous aura back into his body.

As for the blood red treasure chest, he was already discouraged.

As the red light gradually converged, a red vortex appeared on the entire stone tablet.

"Is it the location of the treasure?" Lin Hong cast his eyes to the blood red treasure chest.

"Those who have a test are worthy of getting the treasure after the test."

So far, there is nothing to hide, the blood red treasure chest said directly.

Lin Hong nodded when he heard the words: "Test...?"

Although he was lacking in strength, there should be no problem with Lin Yi.

Right now, they entered the whirlpool.

The dark night suddenly brightened.

Here, it turned out to be an independent space.

This surprised the heart demon: "The gods are worthy of being gods, and when they move, the world is a world."

"Box, where is the test you said?"

Lin Hong looked at the blood-red treasure chest in the Donghuang Bell and asked.

"It's already started." After the Blood Red Treasure Chest finished speaking, he said nothing.

"…it has started?"

Lin Hong was a little dazed, and simply sat down cross-legged and waited quietly.

Vaguely, he felt an invisible force pressing on his shoulders, his expression unchanged.

After a long time, the power dissipated.

Lin Hong had turned pale: "If it wasn't for a special physique, it was enough to crush me to death just now."

"it's a pity."

Hearing the words, the blood red treasure chest said so.

"Welcome everyone to participate in the trial, I am... why is it just one?" Suddenly, a figure slowly walked from a distance, obviously a little confused.

"Don't worry about a few, let's get started."

Lin Hong discovered that he was not a human being, but a special existence.

"Well, my name is Wan Ren. I am a created trial officer. I have been waiting here for tens of thousands of years." Wang Ren said with a weird face.

After waiting for thousands of years, but only waiting for someone to come, he was somewhat lost in his heart.

"Lin Hong." Lin Hong introduced casually.

"Then... Young Master Lin, what kind of appearance do you like?"

As Wang Ren said, he found that the blood-red treasure chest was closed inside the East Emperor's clock. It was a bit strange: "Smelly chest, why did you come out?"

"It's up to you! I will come out as soon as I want, and I don't call it a smelly box!"

The blood red treasure chest was a little angry.

"What kind of appearance do I like...does it have anything to do with you?" Lin Hong was a little strange.

"As the only tester who comes, I can give you some privileges, such as my appearance."

As Wang Ren said, she suddenly turned into a cute loli, and then turned into a long-legged royal sister.

That's all, the key is very beautiful!

The blood red treasure chest said coldly: "That old **** asked you to stay here, but it wasn't for you to play."

"I have been sealed for tens of thousands of years, so I am ashamed to say?"

Wang Ren cast his eyes to look, his face was disdainful, and he changed back to his original appearance.

"Hahaha, joke, don't you also stay here for tens of thousands of years, unable to get in and out?" The blood red treasure chest laughed loudly.

"Well, you guys don't talk anymore, hurry up and start the trial."

Lin Hong interrupted them, frowning slightly, looking a little impatient.

Wang Ren nodded: "No problem. There are three levels. The first level is a test...what is the test?"

He frowned slightly, his eyes blank.

"Haha, things that have fallen into disrepair for a long time, help me deal with him, save me, and I will take you out of this **** place!"

The blood-red treasure chest couldn't help but laughed loudly.

"I really don't want my face." Lin Hong cast his eyes to look.

At the moment, Lin Yi came to the East Emperor Bell and punched several times in a row.



With the ringing of bells, the blood-red treasure chest screamed screamingly.

It quickly said: "Don't dare, I don't dare anymore, let me go..."

Lin Hong remained unmoved and let Lin Yi continue. In fact, it had no value anymore, and it didn't matter if it was killed.

"I was created by the master, and the task is to stay here, not going anywhere."

Wang Ren, although he has forgotten most of the things, remembers the word responsibility.

"Can you remember what the test is?" Lin Hong cast his eyes to look.

"I can't remember... I'm really sorry, it's better to be like this, you and I guess the box, win three rounds, and if you win, I will take you there."

Wang Ren scratched his head, not only forgot what the first test was, but also for the next two tests.

Lin Hong pondered for a moment: "Can a person only have one chance?"

After he finished speaking, when Wang Ren nodded, he let out Xue Qianhan and other women with a chuckle.

"Master, where is this place? That uncle is weird..."

Xue Qianhan looked around, and found Wang Ren, and then found the flying blood-red treasure chest, which was very novel.

"It's safe here for the time being." Lin Hong chuckled lightly. In this way, there would be a triple chance.

"It turned out to be a pure spatial artifact, it's really rare."

Wang Ren was surprised at the storage ring.

Lin Hong looked at Zhuo Yaqin: "Go and guess the boxer with him."

"Yes, Lord... Boss."

Zhuo Yaqin almost called out her master, quickly changed her words, took two steps forward, and looked at Wang Ren from a distance.

"Count to three." Wang Ren raised his hand.

"one two Three!"

Following the count, Wang Ren is a stone, and Zhuo Yaqin is a scissors.

Lin Hong disagrees: "It's okay, two wins in three games."

However, just after speaking, Zhuo Yaqin lost the second hand.

"If you lose, you will be punished."

Wang Ren sneered, and saw that Zhuo Yaqin, who was standing there, suddenly disappeared.

"Where's her?!" Lin Hong stepped forward, drew out the Shadow Sword, frowning.

"She's fine... has become part of the treasure."

Wang Ren answered like this.

Suddenly, Lin Hong frowned.

In other words, if you want to find Zhuo Yaqin, you can only get the treasure?

The demon said: "That guy played tricks, spied on people's hearts, and knew in advance what the other party was going to do...we can use this to make plans."

"who is the next?"

Wang Ren twisted his neck and looked honest and honest, but in fact, he was not honest at all.

"Master, let me come?" Xue Qianhan stepped forward, "As you said, the kid is lucky."

"Silly girl, that won't work, you are my most precious treasure, leave it to the master."

Lin Hong rubbed her head adoringly, and slowly stepped forward, looking at Wang Ren from a distance, his expression unchanged.

"Don't want to observe and observe anymore?" Wang Ren had already seen his mind, just letting others come first, trying to see the way.

But... who can guess the ability to spy on people's hearts?

"There is nothing to observe, but it is a game of luck."

Lin Hong smiled lightly in order to make him take it lightly.

Wang Renruo nodded in response: "Yes, then... shall we start?"

"Oh, really dull."

On the other side, Lin Yi had stopped, and the nearly dying blood-red treasure chest was lying on the ground, sneered.

Lin Hong, no matter how capable he was, he couldn't beat Wang Ren, who was able to spy on people's hearts.

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