This little fox is like a five or six-year-old child, with a naive heart.

"Scare, frighten me..." The snow fox lay in Lin Hong's arms, seeming to be relieved.

"This fox is really cute, but would you like to follow us out of Daxing'anling and go to the city?" Pang Mu walked over with the firewood at this time.

"City...what is that place?"

Snow Fox was puzzled, obviously he had never heard of any city.

Lin Hong smiled softly: "I just want to eat grilled fish, where I can eat it at any time."

"I'm going!"

The snow fox looked at Lin Hong instantly.

Lin Hong was stunned: "It's not good for you to go to the city, right?"

"I want to go, I want to go, take me there, okay, take me there!!"

The snow fox rubbed against Lin Hong and started acting like a baby.

Pang Jin laughed loudly: "Master, take it with you. As long as it doesn't talk, it will treat it as an ordinary domestic pet."

"Pet... what is that?"

The snow fox tilted his head in confusion.

Pang Shui picked up the grilled fish: "Pets are the owner's partner, and every pet will have a master who will follow it all his life. How about you let our young master be your master?"

"Follow you, do you have grilled fish to eat?"

The snow fox looked at Lin Hong, very curious.

Lin Hong couldn't help rubbing his nose: "Of course, you can eat as much as you want."

"Then you will be my master from now on! Master is good~"

The snow fox rubbed Lin Hong's arms, and then she saw her eyes condensed, and she rushed towards the grilled fish in Pang Shui's hands.

It is very fast, and directly squeezes the grilled fish in its mouth, squatting on the side and gnawing.

Pang Jin approached Lin Hong, "Congratulations, Master for abducting a monster!"

You know it's abduction...

Lin Hong's mouth trembled: "Little fox, are you alone?"

"Yes, since I was born, I was alone, and I was raised by an orangutan, but it died many years ago..."

The snow fox ate the grilled fish and answered while eating.

Lin Hong took the grilled fish that Pang Shui handed over, with some doubts: "Then how old are you this year?"

"I have lived for eight years!"

The snow fox was eating grilled fish, shaking his head and talking.

Lin Hong looked at Pang Jin: "The eight-year-old fox is not young anymore, right?"

"It is a monster. It has a lifespan similar to that of a human, and its mind is equivalent to an eight-year-old child, but after a few months, it will become a real monster." Pang Jin also ate grilled fish.

"The real monster?" Lin Hong couldn't understand.

"At least at the innate level, Master, you can make a big deal this time!"

Pang Jin smiled softly.

Innate level...

Lin Hong muttered to himself, now Pang Jin is the strongest among them, and he is only in the pinnacle state of the acquired, in a few months, the little fox is comparable to the innate state?

This is really an unexpected surprise.

After eating, the snow outside is getting heavier and heavier.

Lin Hongqing: "Little fox, if you hadn't piled up so much firewood, we would have frozen to death here."

"Hehe, you are welcome!"

The snow fox was lying on Lin Hong's lap, burning on fire.

Pang Jin leaned against the entrance of the cave: "Just go to sleep, the snow won't stop before tomorrow."

Lin Hong nodded and looked outside the entrance of the cave.

Compared to the heavy snowfall that I saw yesterday, the size of snowflakes is no longer visible outside, and there are white hurricanes everywhere.

One night passed.

Lin Hong was still warm because he slept with the snow fox, but Pang Jin and the others were often awake from freezing, and then added firewood.

"Snow is small, we will be on the road in a while." Pang Jin looked out of the cave entrance.

"It's so unlucky. I plan to retire at the age of thirty-five and marry a beautiful wife!"

Pangmu laughed loudly. They could return to their lives after they played for the Pang family until they were thirty-five years old.

"I don't have much pursuit, it's enough to enjoy the rest of my life." Pang Jin smiled lightly.

"The snow is getting smaller again."

Lin Hong hugged the little fox and tentatively walked out of the cave. Although the wind was still a bit strong, it did not hinder them from driving.

Pang Jin greeted everyone on the way.

Immediately, everyone followed the guidance of the snow fox and walked all the way to the depths of the Greater Xing'an Mountains.

Within a few minutes, Pang Jin suddenly pointed forward: "What is that?"

When everyone looked at it, they saw a three-person tall man with white hair boiled all over.

"Snowman! It's the legendary snowman!"

Suddenly, Pang Huo thought of something and exclaimed.

"In the legend?" Lin Hong observed the snowman carefully. Indeed, he looked like a human, but there were long white hairs covering his body.

"Xue's life is cruel, comparable to innate masters, let's go!"

Pang Jin frowned, motioned to leave quietly and take a detour.


But at this moment, the snowman found them and ran over here.

"No, he is faster than us, stop him and protect the young master!" Pang Jin roared immediately, standing in the forefront.

Pang Mu and others immediately stood around him, no more or less, exactly one meter away.

Lin Hong frowned: "I'll help you too!"

"Master, hurry up, you take this satellite phone. I didn't expect Daxinganling and the legendary snowman. We are hurting you!"

Pang Jin threw the satellite phone in his backpack to Lin Hong.

"How could I leave you alone?"

Lin Hong didn't answer the satellite phone, but shook his right hand, and the blood moon halberd appeared fiercely.

Pang Jin and others did not notice this, but looked at the snowman: "Buy time for the young master!"

The snowman rushed to the front.

And Pang Jin and the other four slowly appeared under the feet of half a meter wide characters.

Jinmu water and fire!

Immediately, they did not retreat but instead rushed towards the snowman.

"Heh!" Pang Jin punched the snowman, extremely violent, and the ground nearby trembled, but the snowman did nothing. Instead, he slapped Pang Jin to the side.

"Three formations!"

As Pang Mu spoke, he had surrounded the snow monster with Pang Shui and Pang Huo.

Wood, water, fire.

In fact, the three of them are born after each other, but because of this attribute formation, the power that can be exploded is no worse than the peak of the day after tomorrow.

But the acquired peak is still far worse than the innate realm of the snow monster.

"Get out of here!" Lin Hong roared and rushed forward. At this moment, the snow monster had just shot Pang Mu and the others easily.


From top to bottom, Lin Hong directly chopped the blood moon halberd on the snowman's head.

But it's not as simple as cutting genetic creatures before. This snowman just shuddered and was not injured at all. On the contrary, he was irritated and raised his hand to hold the blood moon halberd.

This is the innate realm?

Lin Hong was surprised, and immediately used the method of dealing with the huge genetic creature that day, first took the blood moon halberd back, took a step back, and called it out again, facing the snowman with another halberd.

A long wound appeared in the snowman's abdomen in an instant, but it was very shallow.

"Roar!!" The snowman roared and kicked at Lin Hong.

Lin Hong was directly kicked far away in the snow, faintly, he found that Pang Jin and the other four had lost the ability to move and fell around him.

Is it possible that I, Lin Hong, will die by the hands of the snowman?

"Don't hurt my master!" The snow fox rushed out and stood in front of Lin Hong.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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