"Then try it."

Lin Hong is now very confident.

Hearing this, the master took a picture with both hands apart.

Hearing only two "bangs", two attacks hit the Wusheng suit.

Lin Hong did not move: "That's it?"

"Hmph, don't think that with some powerful equipment, you can do whatever you want!"

And the expert ate the recovery pill, and his injury was restored, and his eyes were full of gloom.

Just as Lin Hong was about to speak, something was stabbed behind him suddenly, and the huge force shot him directly away.

After flying out of 100 meters, he stabilized his figure and turned around to look: "Are you...Xianjun?"

Unexpectedly, there was a fairy monarch in the raiding group, which was difficult to handle.

"Brother, you go!"

Xu Mao noticed the movement here and shouted immediately.

"Hush, what anxious, isn't it just a fairy, I'm scared?" Lin Hong made a hiss gesture, staring at the strong fairy.

"The tone is not small...to send you on the road!"

The strong Xianjun held a long knife and rushed straight to him.

Lin Hong performed the fourth style of the Dugu Sword Art, unnamed: "It's not always certain who will send whom on the road!"

However, when the two attacks met, he was directly beaten and flew out. Although he was not injured, he could only be beaten.

"What kind of suit is this that can completely block my attack."

The strong Xianjun felt something was wrong, if the first time was good luck, but the second time, he still didn't hurt him.

With your own strength... this is almost impossible to happen!

"Garbage." Lin Hong stood up and raised his **** to him.

That being the case, there is nothing to say, as long as you find a way to hold this guy, and buy time for the opening of heaven.

And the best way to attract hatred is nothing more than swearing.

Sure enough, the strong immortal frowned tightly, seeming to be irritated, and rushed to him again.

Lin Hong stared at him, ready to release the East Emperor Bell at any time.

"Wait! Zhou Bei Xianjun, go and attack the sect, this person will be dealt with by me."

The previous master of the true fairy realm Dzogchen stepped forward and said loudly.

Lin Hong glanced at him: "It's not as good as trash."

"Kill him first!"

Xianjun Zhou Bei's face was cold, and he dared to call himself **** in a variety of ways.

As one of the few immortal monarchs in the world, he is very proud and insulted...Unforgivable!

Lin Hong smiled lightly, already ignoring his identity, and when Zhou Beixianjun approached him, he directly released the Eastern Emperor Bell.

"What?!" However, Zhou Bei Xianjun reacted instantly and took a few steps back.


Lin Hong frowned, and stopped when he threw the East Emperor Bell.

At this time, the battle situation is quite impressive, and the two sides are inextricably fought.

At least it's better than it was at the beginning!

Xianjun Zhou Bei laughed suddenly and recognized the Eastern Emperor Bell: "Co-authored the other day, the master who appeared in the Transit City of the Western Regions was you, which caused us... to lose hundreds of thousands of brothers!"

When he said the last sentence, his face was cold and he gritted his teeth.

"If you don't tell me, I almost forgot about it."

Lin Hong said lightly, smiled bitterly after speaking, and raised his eyes to the sky.

Even if it only kills masters above the realm of true immortality, the immortal power value has reached one thousand.

This means that a breakthrough will be forced.


What will my world vision be this time?

Lin Hong exhaled for a long time: "No problem."

The Eastern Emperor Bell and the Martial Saint suit, the two together, are absolute defenses.

He believes that no matter how powerful this vision of heaven and earth is, it cannot be broken.

The eye in the sky far away finally disappeared, and the sky gradually became overcast, and the world became dark.

It was really dark, and there was no light in the sky and the earth.

"Tengu eat the moon?"

Someone issued a puzzled question.

And some people discovered the truth: "No, this is a vision caused by someone breaking through!"


Xianjun Zhou Bei laughed lightly and stepped back, knowing that Lin Hong was going to break through.

If this is the case, there is no need to have so much trouble. When he takes action at the critical moment when he resists the vision of heaven and earth, he can easily kill him.

"It's not quite right." Lin Hong whispered, fear and despair inexplicably rise in his heart.

This is subconscious, as if a bug meets a bird, and a dragon meets a real dragon, which is a kind of instinct.

"Cthulhu wants to kill you, and now, this world vision also wants to kill you."

The heart demon couldn't help but get the way. Lin Hong killed too many and too many along the way. This was not good for Xiu Xian, and it would only lead to a more powerful vision of heaven and earth.

Now this time, I'm afraid it will be difficult to withstand it!

Lin Hong covered himself with the Donghuang Bell, and looked at Xianjun Zhou Bei: "Thinking about a sneak attack?"

"So what, who told you to give this opportunity?"

Xianjun Zhou Bei admitted directly with a slight smile on his face.

"Very well, I will give you a big gift in a while!" Lin Hong nodded gently.

Now I can't see my fingers, but the battle is still going on. Some people lit up open flames in an attempt to illuminate the surrounding area.

However, the photo is not bright.

"Why doesn't it shine?"

"Oh my God... the fire is burning~www.readwn.com~ but there is no light at all!"

People exclaimed one after another, and everyone became blind.

Darkness represents the unknown as well as fear.

Even today's Lin Hong can't help it: "Inner demon, don't forget to report if there is any situation."

"Don't worry, I understand... The world vision is still brewing now, good luck to you."

The inner demon doesn't know what to say anymore.

People who broke through the real immortal, including Liang Guang before, were not as scary as they are now.

But he...

"It's dwindling, hurry up!" When five minutes passed, Lin Hong frowned slightly and shouted at the sky.

"All members of the looting group obey the order, stop fighting, and retreat!"

That week Beixianjun ordered to retreat at this time, if they continue to stay for a long time, they will all be affected.

Even worse is the Open Heaven Sect. They have disciples wailing: "What is it like to be hated by God to give up this vision?"

"It's over... the formation is broken, we don't have the protection of the guardian war, will we all die here?"

"The **** traitor!"

Some wailed, some scolded, some helpless.

There is no doubt that this world vision is extremely terrifying, and they will all be affected.

"It turns out that there is an inner ghost, no wonder you haven't turned on the guardian array." Lin Hong poured murderous into his eyes, trying to see at night, but looking at everything, it was still dark.

"Let’s break through from another place. It was originally a help. Don’t razed people’s sect to the ground..."

The inner demon couldn't help but get the way, and there was some dumbfounding in the words.

Lin Hong nodded lightly, raised the East Emperor Bell, and picked a direction casually. After a short while, he had already left Tianzong.

Thousands of kilometers in a radius are already dark.

Countless creatures are in fear, and these fears are absorbed by the vision of heaven and earth and transformed into strength.

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