Green blood flowed all over the ground, and Lin Hong threw the harpoon away, stepped back and sat on the ground with a loss of strength.

   He raised his hand blankly: "I... killed a monster?"

   This feeling of blood on his hands is so familiar, but I can't remember it for a while.

   "You should go kill, kill!"

   The heart demon roars with great effort, and has to kill thousands of monsters to re-awaken the body of killing, but only one is needed to kill!

   "Brother, I was so scared just now." Xiao Ning threw himself into Lin Hong's arms, crying bitterly.

   "What happened here?"

   "Oh my god, a murloc died?"


   The villagers noticed the strangeness and came one after another. When they saw the murloc body, they were all surprised.

   The village chief asked Xiang Lin Hong: "How did it die?"

   "I used a fork to die."

   Lin Hong said that it was an understatement, and he glanced at the harpoon that had been distorted to a degree.

"Boy, you can't talk nonsense, the strength of the murloc is several times that of ordinary people..." A villager said, suddenly, "Wait, when we caught the goldfish earlier, the three of us caught the goldfish. Up!"

   "How is it possible, doesn't it take a lot of people to get ashore?"

   "Boy, come and break my wrist!"

   Seeing everyone talking, the blacksmith raised the cabinet and gestured to Lin Hong.

   "Well..." Lin Hong had to agree.

   "The blacksmith is the strongest person in our village!"

   "Blacksmith, if you lose, you will be ashamed!"

   As the villagers said, the blacksmith and Lin Hong had begun to break their wrists.

   Xiao Ning was about to shout for cheer, but it was over.

   Lin Hong wins.

  The blacksmith blinked blankly: "I haven't called the start just now, it doesn't count!"

   "Well...then do it again."

   Lin Hong doesn't matter, but he feels a little strange, is he so strong?

  The blacksmith squeezed his hand: "One...two..."

   There is no three, but it has already begun.

   The blacksmith used crazy force, the blue veins on his forehead were exposed, and his face flushed.

   "When will it start?" Lin Hong's casual words made him almost vomit blood.

   "Brother, come on!"

   Xiao Ning came behind Lin Hong. After speaking, he found the village doctor and quickly lowered his head, shaking with fear.

   "It's already started." The blacksmith said, his power was almost breaking his limit.


   But with the sound of a cracked bone, his eyes widened, he fell to the ground in pain, and his arm was directly broken.

   Lin Hong shrugged: "I'm sorry, it may be because of my strength."


   The village doctor hurried forward to fix the bones for the blacksmith.

   After a short while, the blacksmith recovered as before: "This kid... is too strong."

   Lin Hong secretly glanced around, suppressing the idea of ​​taking Xiao Ning directly into it.

   Even though he has great strength, two fists are hard to beat four hands. There are more than 20 villagers here, and a strong man, it is impossible to break out.

   Furthermore, food and water are also problems.

   "No wonder the fishing is so powerful. With this strength, we cast a net once, and this kid has caught it several times."

   Many villagers started talking and laughing, but they were blacksmiths who looked very depressed.

   "Brother..." Xiao Ning suddenly held Lin Hong's hand.

"Is there a problem?"

   Lin Hong looked at the village doctor who was walking over.

   The village doctor has a kind eyebrow and kind eyes: "Can I check it for you?"

   "No, I have been busy for so long, I want to take a good rest."

   Lin Hong politely refused, but he was telling the truth. For so long, he has been busy again and even had a fight. It is indeed a little tired.

   "Then I'll come back tomorrow..." The village doctor finished speaking and turned away.

   "The outside of the village is very dangerous. It is a dead place for thousands of kilometers. There are no living things. Don't leave the village for fun and avoid getting lost."

   The village chief stared at Lin Hong and finished, and he greeted the villagers to remove the murloc corpse and left as well.

   Xiaoning saw them leave before letting go, sweat was already in the palms of her hands.

   "You go to the bed first, I will pack up."

   Lin Hong fetched a mop to clean up the green blood on the ground.

   When it was cleaned up, Xiao Ning broke through and threw into his arms, pursing her lips, as if she had something to say.

   Before, Lin Hong said that when he wanted to tell the truth, he would slip into his arms and speak quietly.

   Lin Hong glanced around: "Eavesdropping is not a good habit!"

   "I just passed by... don't mind."

   I just said casually, but the village doctor pretended to be passing by and passed by the window.

   passing by? The ghost knows how long it has been eavesdropping!

   Lin Hong frowned, it turned out that he had been under surveillance all the time.

   Close the window, he squatted down and put his ear close to Xiao Ning.

"The people in this village are bad guys. They arrested everyone who came here. The men killed and the women stayed." Xiaoning began to say very quietly, "If we don't have a lot of food and water, we can't Escape..."

   "I am not your sister. They forced me to do that. The village doctor has terrible pills. It is very painful to eat. Most of the things the blacksmith makes are instruments of torture. The village chief is a fairy, but he is not in the village."

   When Xiao Ning finished speaking, she closed her mouth and stopped speaking.

   "Fairy..." Even though he lost his memory, Lin Hong still knew the meaning of these two words.

   "Brother, you must have been a hero before you lost your memory. The previous armor and sword are all with the village chief."

   Xiao Ning suddenly said again, with a faint admiration in his eyes.

   The armor that could not be smelted, the sharp sword, she knew that she had just seen Lin Hong's strength again, so she was convinced.

   Lin Hong pondered for a moment: "Let's just say this, when nothing has happened, you know?"

   Now is a short and safe has not been monitored. If it was in the past, it would not necessarily be the case.

   Xiaoning nodded slightly, knowing the stakes.

After   , in the afternoon, Lin Hong got the murloc meat sent by the villagers.

   smells fishy, ​​but the smell is okay.

   "Niu Er, it's time to go fishing." Someone came to look for it, a villager ready to go.

   "Can I take my sister? She has been unwell recently and needs to be taken care of."

   Lin Hong looked over, with a false smile on his face, a plan came into being.

  The villager thought for a while: "It's definitely not possible. This is not going to play. It's uncomfortable. Just send it to the village doctor.

   "Let's take it for fun, it's easy to stand alone, before... I didn't always row a boat, did I take my sister into the sea to catch fish?"

   Lin Hong chuckled slightly, since you like to make up lies, then I will do everything and follow along!

   "Also...also, then you can take it with you." The villager heard the words and had to agree.

   "Sister, pack up things."

   Lin Hong breathed a sigh of relief and clenched his fists in secret.

   In a short while, more than a dozen fishing boats gradually departed from the shore.

  On the fishing boat where Lin Hong was, there were only three people, except for him, only a villager and Xiao Ning were left.

   "Starting fishing!" When driving a certain distance away, Lin Hong took out the fishing net and said, directly trapping the villagers who were rowing.

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