"Relax, don't worry about me." Lin Hong smiled softly.

Monsters such as the snowman are extremely rare in the first place, and it is difficult to meet a second one.

"Master, my tail hurts so much." The little fox woke up suddenly, pitifully.

"I'll rub it for you."

Lin Hong gently rubbed the roots of the little fox's tail, and the little fox instantly exploded his hair, jumped out of Lin Hong's arms to the ground, and looked at Lin Hong without speaking.

"It should be a female fox, shy." Pang Jin glanced.

"Master, can you not touch it..." The snow fox shook his **** lightly.

Where did I touch?

Lin Hong smiled bitterly: "I just don't touch it."

Hearing the words, the snow fox jumped on Lin Hong's shoulder in twos or twos.

"I'll look for Huang Peng and contact me at any time." Lin Hong got up and went to the entrance of the cave, shaking the satellite phone in his hand.

"You must be careful!" Pang Jin and others urged for a while.

Lin Hong turned his back to them, waved his hand at random, walked out of the cave, and soon was covered by the wind and snow.

The wind was strong, and the snow slapped on the face like a thin knife.

"You wrap it around my neck." After Lin Hong finished speaking, the snow fox immediately surrounded Lin Hong's neck.

It was warm and convenient. After a while, Lin Hong came to the snowman's corpse and stopped.

"Little fox, what happened soon, don't tell others, it is the little secret of the two of us." Lin Hong raised his hand and touched the little head of Xue Fox.

"Hmm, little secret, don't tell me!"

The snow fox replied very freely, and also enjoyed Lin Hong's petting.

After a while, there was a burst of white light, and there was an extra white jade necklace in Lin Hong's hand.

"Where is the snowman, where is such a big snowman here?" The snow fox jumped off Lin Hong, incredible.

"It's a jade medal."

Lin Hong shook the jade necklace in his hand.

Wearing this jade necklace can be immune to poison and is completely immune.

Worthy of being a rare snowman, and the treasures he transforms are so precious.

In this way, dealing with Huang Peng himself will be more confident!

After putting on the necklace, he walked the Daxinganling for an hour and a half following the instructions of the snow fox.

"I said, we didn't go wrong, right?"

Lin Hong's face was red from the cold. Although the snow stopped temporarily, the temperature was too low.

The Snow Fox is not at all uncomfortable: "It's not a mistake, it's ahead, and it will be here soon."

Nodded and didn't take two steps, suddenly a smell of medicine spread over.

"Here, here..." The snow fox wrapped around Lin Hong's neck, trembling slightly.

"Don't be afraid, I came here this time to kill him."

Lin Hong licked his lips. The man instructed Pang Sansheng's former wife to poison him, and his heart was very poisonous.

The little fox made no sound, and Lin Hong followed the smell of medicine all the way.

As the fragrance of the medicine became stronger and stronger, after Lin Hong walked around a forest, he looked at the scenery in front of him in disbelief.

It turned out to be... it was a one-kilometer-wide plain with no snowflakes at all. There was a lot of verdant green everywhere, and there were a few cultivated medicine gardens. There was a dilapidated wooden hut next to the medicine garden.

Daxing'anling, full of snow and trees, is like an oasis in the desert.

Walking over, the temperature instantly warmed up.

"How did this happen?" Lin Hong sniffed, and there was an indescribable strong scent of medicine.

Looking at the medicine garden, there is a half-human-tall green plant in the middle, emitting green gas visible to the naked eye.

"Come here, but Pang Sansheng sent it?"

On the border of the "oasis" on the left, an old man with a basket of clothes, with a top hat, slowly walked in.

This old man... is it Huang Peng?

Lin Hong stepped forward: "I don't know, but the old man's name is Huang Peng?"

When the old man took off the hat and shook the snow on it, Lin Hong could see his appearance clearly.

No sorrow or joy, the corners of his eyes are full of wrinkles, and he looks old.

"I am Huang Peng. Before you kill me, I have something to ask."

Huang Peng said, putting down the wooden basket behind him, there were some strange medicinal materials inside, and there was even a pure white snow lotus.

Lin Hong frowned slightly: "Since you know I am going to kill you, are you still so indifferent?"

"People are going to die sooner or later when they are alive. It's better to understand that when you die."

Huang Peng's expression is still indifferent.

Lin Hong stretched his brows and nodded: "Then I will let you understand, what do you want to ask?"

"You solved Pang Sansheng's poison?" Huang Peng said immediately.

"Exactly!" Lin Hong nodded.

"At a young age, he can unlock the treasure of the Immortal Valley of Medicine, Wanchao Poison!"

Huang Peng suddenly straightened up and looked at Lin Hong. There was nothing unbelievable about him. After all, who would lie to a dying person?

After a while, he chuckled slightly: "The second question, who gave you the confidence that can kill me?"

"Master, his aura has changed..."

The snow fox had been shaking since seeing Huang Peng, and at this time it even went straight into Lin Hong's arms.

Can the little fox be so scared?

Lin Hong had an ominous premonition, and immediately stepped back, holding the little fox with one hand, and with the other hand, calling out the bleeding moon halberd.

Huang Peng chuckled, "Boy, can't you move?"

Lin Hong tentatively found out that he could still move, which couldn't help being surprised.

"No, I can't move..." The little fox became stiff~www.readwn.com~ after a while, he couldn't even speak.


Lin Hong was very convinced of this. He didn't get the trick. It should be the jade necklace.

Huang Peng sighed: "Wanchao Poison is a mixture of thousands of poisons. The poison is enough to kill people instantly, but if I move some hands and feet, the poisoned person will be extremely painful, but they will not die."

"You're so cruel, but what's the holiday with Grandpa Pang?"

What he said was calm and calm, but Lin Hong couldn't help but feel cold behind his back.

Huang Peng smiled faintly, with his hands behind his back: "Can you still speak? It seems that it will take some time."

"You call him grandpa, he should be a godfather, right? Hey, in the early years, he co-founded the Huang Pang Group with me, and his business was booming. Later, the **** wanted to monopolize and sent someone to kill me, but he didn't know that I hadn't He died, and even entered the Medical Immortal Valley. After a few decades, he stolen the treasure of Zhengu Wanchao to poison him!

Huang Peng sighed more and more and shook his head slowly.

He came to Lin Hong five steps away: "He should die!"

"It's all your side words, I don't believe Grandpa Pang would do this kind of thing."

Lin Hong frowned.

For Huang Peng, this was a huge joke. He clutched his stomach and laughed: "You are too naive, nothing else, since you can't kill Pang Sansheng, I will kill you, his god-grandson first."

"I don't think you can kill me!" Suddenly, Lin Hong shouted.

Immediately, he swept out the blood moon halberd in his hand, directly facing Huang Peng's neck.

This sudden change surprised Huang Peng: "You actually cracked my poison?"

"I can crack even the so-called Wanchao Poison. Is it weird to break your Poison?"

As Lin Hong said, the blood moon halberd had been cut on Huang Peng's forearm that suddenly raised.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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