There was no danger on the way, and he quickly reached the place.

The city outside the Dragon King Palace is called the Dragon King City by the Sea Clan. At this time, the Dragon King City is very lively, celebrating the appointment of the new Sea King.

"Haihuang is so happy, you can marry dozens of princesses casually."



Walking into the city, everyone was talking about it.

Camilla frowned and touched the bracelet on her wrist: "The inconsistent guy, I hate it the most."

Lin Hong took these words to heart, and did not reveal anything.

"Are there any gains?"

After walking around the city for a while, came to the street, Camilla asked.

"No, not at all." Lin Hong shook his head, "How about you?"

"Why do I ask you..."

Camilla was speechless for a while, wanted to rest, but had nowhere to rely, simply leaning on Lin Hong's shoulder.

Lin Hong pondered for a moment: "You are not afraid that your sweetheart will come out, and see this posture that you won't want you?"

"What kind of sweetheart, that man is a ‘bad guy’, and he can be **** off when he is bumped into."

Camillanu snorted, disapproving of what he said.

Xiao Ning looked left and right: "Who are you looking for?"

"A human being, a man, should have had a relationship with me."

Camilla said so and rubbed her neck with her hand.

Just at this time, a person came from a distance: "I'm not a human being... When there is something good about human beings, as long as I destroy humanity, I will be prosperous and rich!"

It was Feng Zhengyu who was despised by the surrounding sea people, but turned a blind eye.

"Oh... so ugly, it's not him."

When Camilla saw this, he retched, but he tilted his body for a while. It turned out that it was Lin Hong who was backing away.

"Sting, don't you just lean on your shoulder for a while?" Camilla puffed up.

"Hush, come here."

Lin Hong made a hissing gesture and took Xiao Ning to hide behind a piece of coral.

Camilla swims over: "Why is it mysterious?"

"That man... I'm going to kill him."

After Lin Hong pondered for a moment, he said his purpose.

"Huh?" Camilla was visibly stunned, "It can't work now, now..."

"I know, so don't mix up the next thing."

Lin Hong nodded slightly, staring at Feng Zhengyu in the dark, his eyes condensed slightly.

", I won't let you do this!" Camilla grabbed his arm directly.

"Don't be fooling around, who do you think you are? Just leave me alone."

Lin Hong frowned.

Camilla was a little angry: "I am your wife!"

Although the voice contained anger, it was not loud.

"You said it too, it's just on the face."

Lin Hong sighed, and Feng Zhengyu had already walked far, unable to find a figure.

"It turned out to be such a choice." The inner demon said out at this time, and suddenly realized.

That day, the choice the mermaid said was whether Camilla let Lin Hong kill that person.

Kill, it will become the former Lin Hong.

If you don't kill, you will become a mermaid and stay in this underwater world forever.

"I don't care, anyway, I can't kill recently." Camilla finished speaking, her pupils trembling lightly, " will die."

She was about to cry, and no one felt pity.

Lin Hong smiled bitterly: "I see, can I find a place to live?"

As a sea city, this Dragon King City is not much different from that on land, and there are also inns.

"Well, don't think about doing stupid things."

Camilla nodded, then smiled again.

During the peace period, killing the sage sea clan is a felony and must be punishable.

Even just hurting is a crime!

Not long after, I arrived at the Dragon King Palace.

Camilla said, "It would be nice if we live here."

"I almost forgot that you are a princess..."

Lin Hong smiled bitterly. As a princess, how could it be possible to live in an inn?

Not long after, they were arranged to live in the Dragon King Palace.

at night.

"Why am I still in a room with you?" Lin Hong came to the room, feeling helpless.

"Grandpa Longwang knows that I am married to you, of course it will."

Camilla took it for granted and lay down on the bed.

Lin Hong pondered for a moment: "Are you not disgusted at all?"

"It's nothing... right?"

Camilla blushed and thought about it.

Lin Hong smiled bitterly, the rumors spread and it became a fact. If this continues, the whole sea clan will know that Camilla is married.

Famous festivals are important to girls, right?

One night later, after eating crabs made by Chef Crab, Lin Hong left the Dragon King Palace alone.

He strayed on the street: "What about people..."

Feng Zhengyu must be killed, otherwise he will become a mermaid and live in the sea forever.

"Brother mermaid over there, come and play!"

A voice came from a distance. It was a few sea races. They were playing happily. In fact, the whole city was jubilant.

Lin Hong politely refused and continued to move forward. After a short while, he found the goal.

"Damn, treat me like a dog all day long." Feng Zhengyu walked on the street, holding a lot of fish, muttering in his mouth, "When I become a meritorious person of the Sea Clan, I will treat you like a dog!"

It can be seen that he is full of resentment.

Lin Hong groaned to follow, keeping a certain distance.

Suddenly, Feng Zhengyu seemed to be aware of something, and turned around, but saw nothing: "Strange..."

He continued on and Lin Hong, who was hiding behind the coral, breathed a sigh of relief and continued to follow.

All the way forward, finally, came to the shell garden.

There are all kinds of shells everywhere here, covering a huge area, as much as half the size of the Dragon Palace.

Feng Zhengyu walked in.

Lin Hong walked out of the dark, without doing anything, suddenly he was bitten on his shoulder: "It hurts...what are you doing?"

Looking back, it was Camilla,

"What am I doing? What are you doing here?"

Camilla was very angry, and it took a long time to find here.

"Wandering..." Lin Hong scratched his head awkwardly, then turned and swam away.

"Then I will walk with you!"

Camilla followed, a posture that she didn't want to leave me alone.

Lin Hong couldn't laugh or cry: "I don't need to be with me."

"Huh, I want to follow you, okay?"

Camilla snorted.

Lin Hong discovered that there were many strong sea clan followers around her, which was obviously arranged by the Dragon King.

"Princess Mermaid, this is the place of the Shark Gang, shall we go first?" A humanoid shrimp soldier bowed his hands.

He didn't use his straight eyes to look at Lin Hong. After all, what's so good about this kind of inverted shit?

"Well, let's go."

Camilla nodded lightly and looked at Lin Hong.

Lin Hong was silent for a while: "Back to the Dragon Palace?"

"Whatever, I'm going to follow you anyway, I can't get rid of that."

Camilla made a face.

"Okay..." Lin Hong couldn't laugh or cry, ready to find a good time to come out.

Headed to the Dragon Palace, and in a short time, he arrived at the place.

"Brother, what did you do?"

Xiao Ning guarded in front of the Dragon Palace for a long time, and quickly swam over.

Lin Hong raised her hand and rubbed her head: "It's nothing, let's go in and talk about it."

When he returned to the room, Camilla sat on the edge of the bed and said nothing.

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