I Can Become a Treasure by Picking Up Garbage

Chapter 692: Good people being bullied


   "Crack it—"

   Accompanied by a crisp sound, the man was killed instantly.

   Lin throws the corpse away at will: "Master, it's solved."

   "Stupid girl, what you want to prove is yourself, not your own weakness. You have been bullied and come to your door. Can you bear it?"

   Inside the room, Lin Hong took out the comb and combed her hair for Fairy Baihua, while saying.

   "I...I don't know what to do." Fairy Baihua lowered her head.

   In fact, she is no different from a child, and she is very poor in the world.

   "Master, let's take her with her, it's really pretty."

   The blood red treasure chest is suddenly outside the door, and I have been watching the show.

   Upon hearing the words, Fairy Baihua shook his head: "No...it will drag you down. By the way, you said your Xianli Pool was damaged? I have a way."

   After she finished speaking, her face turned red, as if she was a little embarrassed.

   "Great, what can be done?"

   Lin Hong breathed a sigh of relief. Although she learned from the system that she must have a way, when she heard it in person, she was relieved.

   "Do you... despise me?" Fairy Baihua blinked his eyes.

"of course not."

   Lin Hong smiled bitterly, really didn't feel anything about it.

   Immediately, Fairy Baihua slowly approached him: "Don't move, you know?"

   Lin Hong pondered for a moment, always had a strange premonition, but nodded gently.

   "Well, you should close your eyes."

   Fairy Baihua was already very close to him, blushing.

   "Why?" Lin Hong was somewhat inexplicable.

   "Anyway... please close your eyes."

   Baihua Fairy seemed to be unspeakable, his face flushed.

   No way, Lin Hong had to close his eyes: "Come on, I'm not afraid of pain."

   However, after saying this, his lips felt soft.

   He widened his eyes and found Fairy Baihua was kissing him. She closed her eyes tightly at this time, and her blush was like a red apple.

   Suddenly something got into the mouth, it seemed to be... saliva?

   sweet, with a plant fragrance.

   At this moment, Xianlichi started to slowly recover.

   Fairy Baihua is an existence between humans and monsters. Saliva and blood have a variety of weird effects, but saliva that has not been in contact with air can even repair the Yuanli Pool.

   "Heart demon, did you know it a long time ago?" Lin Hong closed the door with his backhand, and couldn't help but mutter in his heart.

   "What about it? Just to make you less tangled on the road, after all, you have to do this no matter what."

   After the heart demon finished speaking, he stopped speaking.

   Lin Hong smiled bitterly, and at this moment, Bai Huaxian said with difficulty: "I...I want to speed up my recovery."

   She finished speaking, sticking out her tongue.



   Lin Hong spent an unforgettable whole morning.

   When he walked out of the room, Bai Huaxian followed: "Sorry..."

   It will take a long time to repair Xianlichi, but once she kissed directly or something, she reached the limit both physically and psychologically in the morning.

   "Master, what happened to you inside?"

   The blood red treasure chest is curious in every way, but the words are ridiculed.

   "Don't worry about it." Lin Hong glanced over.

   "After that, it will take a few more times. Does that feel weird?"

   Baihua Fairy blushed, and her tired look was distressing.

   Lin Hong smiled bitterly: "If you don't blame it, it's fake, just if you don't mind."

   This kind of thing, he is taking advantage of it.

   "That... I will only do this to you alone."

   Fairy Baihua carried her hands behind her back, delicately dripping.

   "Heart Demon, what should I do?" Lin Hong's surface was calm, but the sea was full of turmoil in his heart, and he quickly asked Xiang Xin Demon.

   She made it clear that she was waiting for something to say.

   "I decide for myself, but they gave you another life."

   The heart demon just said so, so he kept silent.

   Lin Hong has a headache.

   Fairy Baihua saw these in his eyes, was silent for a moment, and turned to look away: "Are you hungry? I'll cook for you."

   "Leave this to me, don't you forget my craft?"

   Lin Hong chuckled lightly, backhandedly released the table and chairs and the kitchen, he was accustomed to these.

   After a short while, the food is cooked.

   The tables are all delicious and sprinkled with secret sauces, but Baihua Fairy is a bit less enthusiastic than before.

   "Wonder!" Suddenly, a voice came.

   Looking over, it is a group of people holding various weapons. One of the women is staring at the man who died before, with blood red eyes.

   "I am not a demon..."

   Fairy Baihua got up, trying to argue.

   However, how did those people give her room for explanation: "I also said that it is not a witch, what did my man do wrong, you want to kill it here?!"

   "That is, don't be afraid, everyone, we are crowded!"

   "Kill her, save her another misfortune!"

   "We are all heroes!"


   Those people said, indignant and passionate.

   Lin Hong opened a bottle of wine by himself: "Are you... heroes?"

"Where do you come from?"

   "It must be a gang with the demon girl, kill them together!"


   "Heh, it's really random." Lin Hong poured himself a glass of wine and took a sip.

   "Pop!" He suddenly smashed the wine glass in his hand, opened his hand to hold the fragment in his hand, and then threw it at those people, "Fortunately, I have always killed people very casually."



   Hundreds of pebble-sized debris roared out.

   Lin Hong squeezed his hand, listening to the screams from those people, feeling pleasing to the ears.

   He turned to look at Fairy Baihua: "People are good at being deceived. It has nothing to do with race. I hope you can remember."

   "Damn... Your Lord Cthulhu, please give us strength!"

   More than half of those people were killed and injured, and the rest hurriedly shouted, and began to sign the Cthulhu Contract one by one.

   Cthulhu appeared ~www.readwn.com~ staring at them: "What wish do you want to make?"

   "Kill those people, kill them!"

   They pointed at Lin Hong and others, filled with righteous indignation.

   "Okay, then I'll give you the first task...Don't breathe anymore." The Cthulhu finished speaking, and left directly.

"What's this?"

   "How can it be done!"

   The crowd roared, unbelievable.

   Lin Hong thanked the evil **** in his heart, and then said: "You who are still alive, get out, if there is another time, I will destroy your city."

   "What is the difference between you and monsters when you do this!"

   Someone couldn't help but roared.

   "I'm happy." Lin Hong just chuckled, "If you don't go, don't want to go back alive."

   When those people heard the words, they turned around and ran away like a mad, and they didn't dare to come over again.

   "I said that you are a dignified fairy, and you were bullied to the door of your house by this gang, isn't it a bit embarrassing?"

   Lin Hong turned to sit down, ate vegetables, and looked at Fairy Baihua. From the beginning to the end, everything was calm and calm.

   "I...I just want them to accept me." Fairy Baihua smiled bitterly, but she faintly understood something.

   "There are many ways to get them to accept you. If you are a god, no matter what race you are, no one will dare to disrespect you."

   Lin Hong chuckled lightly, and then motioned to her to eat vegetables.

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