I Can Become a Treasure by Picking Up Garbage

Chapter 697: Killing is indispensable

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The fairy king is rare in the world.

The reason why the three sects are the three sects is because of the existence of the fairy king.

Lin Hong now floats in the air, raising his hand: "The surrender will not kill."

Nowadays, manpower is needed to rebuild the sect, and they are undoubtedly the best choice.

As for evil people...

Has been killed by the sword he just now.

"I surrender, I surrender!"

"Thank the fairy king for not killing..."


In an instant, many members of the looting group knelt down.

Roughly counting, there are only tens of thousands, and the rest are already dead.

Lin Hong retracted the East Emperor Bell and looked at the three elders: "Acting Palace Master, the rest will be left to you."


The third elder nodded numbly.

My disciple is actually a strong immortal king?

Whatever you want to talk about, it is a fact that happened in front of you.

"Master, strong!" Lin Yi grinned, heartfelt joy.

"You go back to the practice room..."

Lin Hong landed on the ground and turned to look at Xue Qianhan and Zhuo Yaqin in the hall.

When the explanation was over, he came to the outside of Yuehuaxian Palace in no time.

The village chief is fighting with his clone, saying it is a fight, but more is lingering on the martial arts suit.

Lin Hong said indifferently: "Set, go home!"

When my Xianli Pool was destroyed, I couldn't do anything, but it was different now.

I saw that the Martial Saint suit originally worn by the village chief disappeared and appeared on him instantly.

"Damn... give it back to me!"

The village chief had a big face, but was punched through the heart by the black clone.

"Thanks for you to follow here all the way from the border of the Western Regions, otherwise I have to leave for a trip." Lin Hong chuckled lightly, waved the Shadow Sword, and wiped his neck.

"Master, there is a storage ring here."

When the avatar dissipated, the blood-red treasure chest came over and looked for the corpse for a while, flew to the front, and spit out a ring.

Lin Hong raised his hand to catch it, and looked inside after acknowledging the Lord: "There are so many things...Lin Yi, I'll give you a task."

Lin Yi has run over for a while, and nodded directly after hearing this.

"Find that village and solve the bad guys in it."

Lin Hong pursed his lips, and then said that they had the same mind and knew what each other meant.

That village... is the village of the village chief.

There is no doubt that they have moved away, but they must still be on the border of the Western Regions.

"Yes, Master!" Lin Yi didn't say much, and left directly.

"what about me?"

The Blood Red Treasure Chest quickly said, a little excited.

Lin Hong chuckles: "First recognize me as the master, and then let you do whatever you want."

"Huh? This..."

When the blood red treasure chest arrived, he hesitated. Although he had been calling his master before, he didn't really want to recognize the master at all.

"You have no choice." Lin Hong came to it, opened his finger and dripped blood, "Blood agreement, if you have the slightest rebellious intention, a move of my heart can make you gossip."

This is what he learned while studying the formation.

"Yes, my master."

The blood red treasure chest sighed, and now I can only be forced to obey.

When the blood contract was completed, it flew away: "I'm going to look for murderous aura and restore my strength."

Nowadays, there are battlefields everywhere in the fairy world, and that is the easiest place to get murderous intent.


Lin Hong gasped, feeling bored, and went straight to the practice room.

Not long in the practice room.

Lin Hong stared at the evil **** that suddenly appeared: "Are you going to leave?"

"Yes, I was ordered to leave, and I can't continue to interfere with the world... You have one month left."

The Cthulhu still held the pipe, and what he said was the power of the immortal king.

"Well, I understand." Lin Hong nodded. In that case, the trouble with the Cthulhu Contract was resolved.

Although he had the power of the king, but being ordered by a woman, he couldn't even refuse to commit suicide. It would be better if he didn't come.

"Master, who are you talking to?"

Xue Qianhan was practicing swordsmanship, and was a little surprised when she saw this.

Lin Hong shook his head: "It's nothing."

"If the blood red treasure chest is unlocked, you will find that your owner is just a weak chicken in the realm of real immortality..."

The inner demon suddenly laughed badly at this moment.

Without the power of the immortal king, but there will be an artifact with at least the strength of the immortal king, why not do it?

Lin Hong then muttered: "Looking for Dugu and seeking defeat...That's it, let's stabilize the current situation first."

Even though the evil person has done harm, the mystery of the plundering group has not yet been completed.


Xue Qianhan blinked.

"Go, Master will take you to take revenge." Lin Hong picked her up and left directly.

After he left, Shuyao and Xianghan came to visit one by one, but they all returned to no avail.

Tiancang looting group headquarters.

"Heaven... Someone is flying in the sky!"

"Kneel down, that is the immortal king coming!"


Many members of the Tiancang looting group found a person in the sky, and immediately knelt down.

The fairy king held a little girl in his arms, it was Lin Hong: "You know, what am I doing here?"

Raising his hand, released the East Emperor Bell, the East Emperor Bell instantly grew bigger, enveloping the entire Tiancang looting group.

"The fairy is forgiving, we have the old and the young."



Those people were wailing, Lin Hong turned a blind eye: "Tutor~www.readwn.com~ I will leave it to you next."

Xue Qianhan was silent for a moment, then nodded with red eyes, and slapped a palm on the East Emperor Bell.

All of a sudden, the bells rang.

The people inside wailed loudly, and many of them were fainted.

"The number of people they have killed is countless, and there is no need for sympathy." Lin Hong took Xue Qianhan to the ground and hesitated when she saw her.



At the moment, Xue Qianhan was no longer softhearted, and slapped it with one palm.

A few hours later, she stopped moving, already crying into tears, and there was no life in the East Emperor Bell.

Lin Hong nodded: "I will send you back to Yuehua Immortal Palace first."

Nowadays, the greatest harm in the immortal world is nothing more than the raiding group alliance.

The conspiracy hidden behind...what does the green phoenix have to do with Duobaolou?

He smiled, ready to investigate and understand within this month, and at the same time, to improve his own strength.

After all, killing is indispensable for this trip.

Sending Xue Qianhan back to the Yuehua Immortal Palace, he left without saying a word.

"Master, be careful all the way!"

Xue Qianhan shouted loudly.

Lin Hong nodded in secret, and hurried all the way to Zhongyu. The speed was extremely fast, and it took only half a day.

"True Immortal and Immortal King, there is really a gap between heaven and earth." The demons sighed.

"Where is the Alliance Army?"

Lin Hong scanned everywhere, but here was a wasteland.

The heart demon said: "Go straight, there is a big wave, two immortal monarchs, 600,000 raiding group members and evil people."

Lin Hong went straight to the other side, and after a short while, he started killing.

In the realm of the immortal king, killing is simply simple, but the two immortal monarchs are a little capable, which makes him spend a little more time.

Use the system to transform the corpse and get many cents and treasures.

"Your master is in danger." Suddenly, the demon said.

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