"In other words... Do you want to unify the fairy world?"

   Lin Hong hugged his shoulders, even if he was surrounded by five fairy monarchs, he was not afraid of danger.

   Jiang Tao nodded: "Yes, we have this ability. As long as you join, we can give you countless resources for cultivation."

   "If you promise him, there will indeed be very good resources...you can consider it."

   The heart demon said suddenly at this time.

   "Don't even think about it." However, Lin Hong directly refused.

   Duobaolou, for his own selfish desires, implicated the entire fairy world, causing countless deaths and injuries.

   If you agree, it is nothing more than to help the abuse.

   Even though he has the strength by then... but he has no face to face the world and save the earth by destruction, he can't do it.

   "Brother Lin, are you really not thinking about it anymore?"

   Jiang Tao sighed, feeling helpless, this is already a big concession.

   "If you want to do it, feel free to." Lin Hong said lightly.

   "Do you really think that one fairy king can defeat five fairy kings? All of them will fight you with their lives."

   Jiang Tao couldn't help being able to say that these five immortals, to put it bluntly, are all dead men in Duobaolou, who will fight to the end and never back down.

   Lin Hong smiled: "Then do you think that a fairy king can kill four to five million people in eight days?"

   All those mentioned here are immortals or evil people with certain strength, not ordinary people.

   "Hey... let's do it."




   After Jiang Tao finished speaking, he took a few steps back, and the fairy monarchs started to do it directly.

   Among them, Fairy Green Phoenix bears the brunt: "Be careful, don't hurt my members!"

   He was also a dead man, but since the establishment of the force of Cyan Phoenix, there has been such a thing as feelings.

   "They don't need to be alive anymore."

   Another fairy-jundao, casually photographed the two cyan phoenix members who got in the way to pieces.

  In a moment, Fairy Qingfeng's eyes widened, but in the end, he could only clenched his fists and punched Lin Hong.

   "Being a dog to someone else, in the end, he couldn't even protect his own dog." Lin Hong raised his hand to block his fist, mocking his face.

"Do not!!"

   Green Phoenix Fairy roared, as if he didn't want Lin Hong to continue talking.

   The other immortal monarchs approached directly, without saying anything, launching an attack, and didn't want to give people time to breathe.

   Lin Hong grinned: "Are you trying to kill me?"

   This is probably their habitual trick. If you don't give any breathing time, it will be dragged to death sooner or later.

   But is it useful to yourself?

   The body of killing appeared, and he laughed, to see who consumed the energy!

   "...The body of killing, this is the reason why you can count on one enemy to a million." Outside, Jiang Tao was drawing a formation.

  No matter how good the normal fairy king is, it is impossible to kill all the alliance troops in a short time, unless he has a special physique.

   "Not all right, how long will it take for the formation to get better?"

   Lin Hong faced the five-person attack a little urgently, most of the time he could only dodge, and there was no time to attack.

   Normally, when Jiang Tao draws out the formation, the battle will end.

   Jiang Tao pondered for a moment: "surrender, or you will die here..."

   A single immortal king, Duobaolou is not afraid of it, and even a few immortal kings can participate in the battle.

   "Who touched my brother, is he looking for death?!"

   Suddenly, there was a roar, something familiar, it turned out to be Xiao Feng.

   "Boom——" There was a loud noise, and the whole Drunken Fairy Tower was razed to the ground.


   Lin Hong was in the ruins, a little dazed, knowing that Xiaomei made it.

   Xiao Feng was driving the tank: "Duobaolou, right? Dare to move my brother, believe it or not to destroy you?!"

   These days, he can be said to be popular. In addition to electronic equipment, he is also making weapons in large quantities. Nowadays, most thermal weapons are ready and can even be mass-produced.

   "What are your stuff?!" Jiang Tao was puzzled, "Wait, how did you know we were dealing with him?"

   "Haha, I used Lao Tzu's things, and I asked why I knew it?"

   Xiao Feng laughed, one of them was monitoring them with their mobile phones, which was much faster than Bai Xiaosheng's methods.

   Jiang Tao clenched his fists: "You... are you representing Bai Xiaosheng, do you go to war with our Duobaolou?"

   "Don't get me wrong, I'm just his apprentice, named Xiao Feng, it's me who wants to go to war with you!"

   Xiao Feng said very aggressively, walked out of the tank and gave Lin Hong a thumbs up.

   Niubi, turned out to be a fairy king!

   In that case, what is Rado Baolou?

   "My brothers..." On the other side, Fairy Cyan Phoenix took many members of Cyan Phoenix into the distance.

   Although it was damaged, it was much better than the entire army was wiped out.

   "Qingfeng, don't worry about those people anymore!"

   A fairy looked over, gave a warning, and then stared at Lin Hong.

   Five people, this is the standard equipment for dealing with the fairy king, one less can free the fairy king to attack them.

   Lin Hong cast his eyes to look over, releasing a monstrous celestial power.

   "Puff——" The man immediately sprayed blood and collapsed to the ground.


   The other immortal kings rushed to Lin Hong and made their voices angry.

   Green Phoenix Fairy rushed back: "I will use my life to make up for my mistakes!"

   was born without meaning, because the only meaning of the mission was the blue phoenix. For this reason, he was willing to exchange his life for the chance to keep this team alive.

"team leader!!"

"team leader……"

   The members shouted, clenching their fists, but they were weak.

   "Okay, stop it, you can't kill him." At this time, Jiang Tao said.

   "Brother Lin Hong..."

   Xiaomei walked to the tank with a backpack, wearing a helmet ~ www.readwn.com ~ looks very cute.

   Lin Hong looked over: "Don't come close, stay at Xiao Feng's place."

   "Her set of equipment claims to be able to compete with Xianjun, it's okay."

   Xiao Feng stood on the tank without rushing.

   "It's okay, your uncle, protect her!" Lin Hong glared over.

   "Why are you swearing to me... Xiaomei, your brother Lin Hong won't let you go, don't go."

   Xiao Feng buttoned his ears, feeling innocent.

   Xiaomei nodded: "Don't worry, Brother Lin Hong, I'm great!"

   "Is there room for reconciliation?"

   Jiang Tao asked Xiang Lin Hong, who represented Duobaolou.

   "Even if I tell the matter, no one will believe it?" Lin Hong was a little helpless, only able to alert the three major sects and slowly disintegrate them.

   Otherwise, it's hard to say who the Qianfu is referring to.

   "Please live in the city for one day. Tomorrow, I will negotiate with Duobaolou sincerity."

   After Jiang Tao said, he took the five fairy princes and left, so far, everything has become clear.

   The raiding group and evil people in the fairy world are the work of Duobaolou!

   "Brother Lin Hong, am I handsome?" When those people left, Xiao Mei came to Lin Hong, holding a gun, and posing.

   "If you don't have dark circles, you will be very handsome."

   Lin Hong raised his hand and knocked on her head, preparing to wait until the next day.

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