"Report the old Sea King, we went to find the legendary fruit and found nothing, and I was still alive in the hands of those who went..."

   The general was bitter. He thought that a bunch of fairy kings would be able to find things in the past, but the things were not found, and the manpower was so severely damaged.

   The old Haihuang pondered for a moment, then looked at Lin Hong: "1000 recovery pills."

   Since there is no fruit, there is nothing to say.

   "1000 pieces are 1000 pieces, and I also ask the old Haihuang not to make any more fuss about this matter."

   Lin Hong took out a bag with his backhand, which contained 1,000 recovery pills, no more, no less.

   This is still just a trivial matter to myself.

   "This matter just passed." Old Haihuang took the recovery pill.

   Given out so readily, he faintly felt that only 1,000 pieces would be a loss.

   Everyone present didn't notice, Camilla was flushing in her eyes, and it was useless to curse herself in her heart.

   It was obviously because of himself that he was bullied into this way, but he couldn't stand up and resist, so he could only hide behind.

   "Good boy, don't be sad, no one can move you with me."

  The voice came suddenly, it was Lin Hong, his face was sincere.

   I don't know when, the hall has become deserted, and only their own people are left. Old Haihuang and the others have already left.

   Camilla looked up: "It's all because of me."

   "Silly girl, he was just looking for a reason."

   Lin Hong raised his hand and rubbed her head, feeling a little distressed.

   "I agree to let the horse take over!"

"I agree……"


   Those generals around suddenly became awake and said one after another.

   There is no doubt that Lin Hong saved their mermaid tribe once more based on what just happened.

"Everyone may have misunderstood, I didn't mean to be the mermaid king." Lin Hong smiled bitterly, "It's better to let Camilla be here. I have a very good relationship with her. If there is any need for help in the future, it is my duty. "

   After he said this, the generals started talking.

   If it was the past, it would be fine to say this. Now that I know that my princess is still a virgin, she looks pale and weak.

   "I think the mermaid clan has existed for tens of thousands of years, but now, there is not even a single one who can take on a heavy responsibility."

   The mermaid king said, coughing fiercely.

   "Dad, what's the matter with you?" Camilla noticed something wrong.

   "I'm just getting old... kid, do you remember how old I am?"

   The mermaid king smiled helplessly, tired in his smile.

   Camilla looked startled: "8000 years old."

   This is already an advanced age for the mermaid tribe. The reason why he can live to tens of thousands in his previous life is because the immortal realm has extended his life.

   "I don't have much time."

   The mermaid king pursed his mouth, and sooner or later this matter must be said.

   "If nothing happens, he can only live for another month at most." The heart demon suddenly said at this moment.

   "I think you are very hard, why not?"

   The blood red treasure chest was flying around, listening to him say that, I was a little puzzled.

   "I just look hard, but in fact I can't stand the toss."

   The mermaid king smiled even more bitterly.

   Lin said: "My master, amazing, can make you like me!"

  In his worldview, his master is always the most powerful one, omnipotent.

   The whole hall is quiet and makes the scalp numb, without any movement.

  The mermaid generals were so tragic, and they wished they could take this position and let the fish clan flourish, but they were not worthy.

   "Nowadays, the renewal of my mermaid clan is the biggest problem."

   The mermaid king made a sound, and the voice echoed in the hall.

   "Maybe I can..." Camilla said, taking out the blue fruit.

   If oneself becomes the past life of that Xianzun realm, all the problems will be solved.

   "Don't do stupid things!"

   Lin Hong said quickly when he saw this.

   Camilla's eyes were blurred: "This is the best way."

   "Isn't it that I didn't reach the realm of the immortal king, what's the matter?" Lin Hong said, looking at Holly and the others: "Although you are not, they are."

   "I can do my best to assist."

   Holly said immediately, and so did the Jellyfish Immortal King.

   For a time, the audience was in an uproar.

  , like the mermaid tribe with a certain strength, it is already a rule to make the king of the immortal king realm, otherwise they will be looked down upon.

   "Never, this, this is simply a bad rule."

   "Mr. Ma, otherwise you can stay and be the king, save our mermaid clan."


   The generals exploded the pot.

   "Rules, aren't rules just for breaking?" Lin Hong chuckled lightly.

  'S words shocked everyone present, even the old sea emperor who was observing here in secret. A good rule is used to break!

   "This kid will have a lot to do in the future."

   Lao Haihuang gave such an evaluation.

   He is in his own room, but he can still monitor the movement in the hall.

   He stopped listening, and looked at the fairy king realm in front of him: "Tell me, why didn't you find the fruit?"

   "Great old sea king, after we went into that place, we searched all the places and we were sure that there was really no fruit. Could the rumors be false?"

   The Immortal King Realm said and asked back.

"It can't be fake. It can only show that the fruit has been taken away by someone~www.readwn.com~ The old Haihuang shook his head and turned to look at the waterproof bag in his hand. There are a total of 1,000 restoration pills in it. For him it is already an invaluable treasure.

   "Then...what should I do?" The Sea Clan of the Immortal King Realm asked tentatively, somewhat undecided.

   "Publish a reward. Those who find the fruit will appreciate a piece of the sea, and those who have important clues will reward a large number of resources."

   The old Haihuang finished speaking lightly, then closed his eyes and stopped paying attention. As for the mermaid, he didn't care.

   Generally speaking, if there is no suitable lord, then the sea emperor will take over, that is to say, the mermaid will become a subordinate force of the sea emperor.

   It will be a matter of time until the mermaid king dies.

   The Sea Clan of the Immortal King Realm went to prepare.

   In the hall, the discussion finally ended. Lin Hong spent a lot of effort to finally convince many generals, including the Mermaid King, to let Camilla sit in this position.

   "I can't, I absolutely can't."

   However, Camilla is particularly unconfident.

   Lin Hong raised his hand and rubbed his head: "It doesn't matter, there is me, and there are them, there are more than 300,000 soldiers."

  The them here refer to Holly and the others.

   The time for the mermaid king is short, which he didn't expect at all.

   In that case, use the last few days to help the Mermaid tribe to stabilize the country.

   "Are you willing to let the immortal king realm you finally received stay here?"

   The heart demon was incomprehensible at this time.

   Along the way, he has done a lot for Holly, in order to have an extra helper in the fairyland, but now he wants to give it away.

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