"Unexpectedly, after so many years, there are still people who remember me." The voice came again, and then the words were playful, "I accidentally come in? How could I accidentally take away all my funeral goods?"


The blood red treasure chest looked at Lin Hong.

Lin Hong immediately said: "Senior, I'm really sorry, how can we get back as usual?"

"No, I want those things to be useless, you can keep them for fun."

However, the voice came again, rejecting his proposal.

"Huh... I said you have a lot of saints." The blood red treasure chest was obviously relieved, and then began to get involved, "Do you remember me? I am a small chest."

"It's you? How is your master now?"

The saint asked.

The blood red treasure chest hesitated for a moment: "That is already my former master."

Don't say anything bad about the former master at this time, otherwise it may be counterproductive.

"Previous master?" The saint said with surprise, "What's the matter? Is your current master this little guy?"

"Please also ask the saint to come out, let's talk in detail face to face."

The Blood Red Treasure Chest suddenly became vigilant, and it was a little strange that no one had been seen for so long.

Soon, a figure walked out.

He is dressed in white, and his face is like a spring breeze, so that people will subconsciously relax when they look at it.

"Sage, you, aren't you dead?" The blood red treasure chest confirmed that it was a saint, and was even more astonished.

"How can a **** die? It's just that the tomb is built in advance, and it's just as dead."

The saint closed his eyes, or squinted deliberately.

As soon as he said this, Lin Hong swallowed and spit. Doesn't it mean that there is a living **** in front of him?

"It turned out to be like this..." The Blood Red Treasure Chest suddenly appeared, and then talked about the context.

"Why did that guy seal you? It's thankless, there must be something tricky in it."

The saint carrying his hands on his back felt unreasonable.

At this moment, the heart demon said in shock: "This, unexpectedly?!"

"Hurry up and say what's wrong."

Lin Hong rarely saw him so shocked, and was a little surprised at the moment.

"After systematic calculation, the person in front of him is exactly the same as Raksha when he grows up." The heart demon said.

"Raksha? What kind of Raksha?"

Lin Hong didn't turn around for a while.

The demon reminded: "The Rakshasa that sealed him on earth! The Lin Family Secret Realm! The one with dinosaurs!"

"how can that be?"

Lin Hong realized that it was a long time ago.

"It is certain that the saint in front of him looks exactly the same as Rakshasa." The heart demon said again.

"There seems to be something inside you?"

Suddenly, the saint looked at Lin Hong with a relaxing smile on his face.

Lin Hong couldn't relax now: "You should be talking about my internal organs, right?"

"The lad is interesting."

The saint smiled lightly, as if he had seen everything through.

"That... saint, there is a Heiyu tribe who is raging outside. There is a fairy named Heiyu King, can you help me?" The blood red treasure chest hesitated for a moment and said.

"I'll deduct the matter on your master's side." The saint answered the question, and then said, "I'm dead, how can I help?"

"But aren't you alive and well?"

The blood red treasure chest was a bit stunned.

The saint chuckled: "This is my tomb, I'm already dead."

This is another kind of death, a death that is difficult for ordinary people to understand.

People live or die.

There are two extremes, but they are closely connected.

Life can be death, and death can be life.

"The saint's understanding of the world is far above us." Lin Hong exhaled, this is more or less related to Dao Fa.

"All the superficial opinions, let me deduce it first, you sit first."

The saint chuckled.

Lin Hong glanced around: "Sit...Where?"

Apart from the coffin, this huge tomb has no place to sit.

The saint did not speak, but raised his hand, a few chairs appeared, and then waved, a chessboard slowly emerged from nothingness.

"Starry sky chessboard."

The Blood Red Treasure Chest opened the mouth, looking a little greedy.

"Yes, I can deduce your numerology later, anyway I am idle." The saint still chuckled.

The blood red treasure chest is speechless. I said just now that I can't help because of death, but now it can help deduct numerology.

Lin Hong swallowed and spit, and sat on the chair, looking forward to it.

Although I know these things more or less, I can only deduct it to a very simple level. If it is a calamity, it is only an approximate point in time.

But he is a god, and what he can deduce is definitely better than himself!

"Little box, your former master had no choice but to do it, don't blame him anymore."

The sage moved the **** on the chessboard and said this sentence not long after.

"So...Is that so?" The blood red treasure chest whispered softly.

"Follow your current master, and in the future, there will be a chance to see your former master again."

The saint said again, and then waved, all the chess pieces on the chessboard disappeared and turned into a little bit of starlight.

This shows that the deduction has ended.

The blood red treasure chest snorted: "I have signed a blood contract, so I don't want to follow along."

"Next, let's deduce your future."

The saint suddenly smiled.

Hearing this, Lin Hong felt like a stormy sea in his heart.

Generally speaking, this kind of thing can only be called deduction of numerology, and it was the first time he heard dare to speak out about the future.

"Let the fool come first." The blood red treasure chest thought for a while~www.readwn.com~ flew to the corner and pushed Lin Yi who was playing bugs over.

"I'm not stupid."

Lin Yi looked a little unhappy.

He turned to look at Lin Hong: "Master, am I stupid?"

"Ah, let the saint deduct your future."

Lin Hong gave a light cough and took a half step back, wanting to take a closer look at the so-called deduction of the future.

"Remaining people? Are they the remaining people?" Lin Yi didn't understand anything, a little strange.

"Big fool, a great person! Don't talk nonsense!"

The blood red treasure chest quickly said.

At this time, the saint said: "It turned out to be the sane awakened by the eyes of the gods? It's incredible..."

"Anything to say?"

Lin Hong asked tentatively, but he didn't expect to see it at a glance.

"Of course, to put it simply, he is the darling of the sky, or the heir of the sky." The saint nodded slightly, and then said, "Let me deduct his future..."

After he finished speaking, chess pieces suddenly appeared on the starry sky chessboard in his hand.

These chess pieces bounced back and forth on the chessboard, and Lin Hong looked at it, and his eyes were blurred.

After blinking a few times, he couldn't see the situation on the chessboard anymore, which was a pity for him.

"Holy man, how is the future of the big fool?" When the chessboard returned to peace, the chess pieces gradually dissipated, and the blood-red treasure chest hurriedly moved forward, very curious.

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