Take out the three artifact garbage, which are three weapons.

Lin Hong exhaled: "To upgrade the system, seven artifacts are needed."

Just save a little and a half, which is not bad.

Soon, he used the system to transform all three artifacts of garbage.

[Congratulations, golden keyboard]

[Congratulations on getting...]


Only one artifact was obtained from the three artifact garbage, and the other two are dispensable materials.

"Keyboardman?" Lin Hong couldn't help laughing while holding the gold keyboard, always feeling a little nasty.

"Try it quickly to make it work."

The heart demon speaks.

Lin Hong nodded lightly, then held the keyboard and pressed the keys at will.

Letters flew out one by one, hitting the formation.

Wang Ren appeared instantly: "What is that?"

"A very interesting artifact, but unfortunately it doesn't suit me..."

Lin Hong shook his head helplessly, and then used the system to check whether he had any special skills.

Really, this keyboard can be used to explode, the power is comparable to the powerful blow of Xianzun.

"Good stuff, disguised sex." Lin Hong smiled lightly and put away the golden keyboard.


Wang Ren was a little puzzled, but didn't ask much.

Lin Hong looked around: "Go directly to the West Sea to fight for a few days."

The strength of his own body will not exist for a few days, although the worst will be Xianjun afterwards, but before that, let's talk about it first.

West Sea.

The sea area where the Mermaid tribe was once, is still occupied by the Heiyu tribe.

Today, the main battlefield of the two sides is here, and the soldiers on both sides are fighting fiercely.

It only took Lin Hong a little time to get here.


Without saying anything, he drew out the Shadow-Carrying Sword, chuckled and released the slaughter body, and started to slaughter. The martial arts suit was lazy to use.



Time passed by minute by second, and the day passed quickly.

Lin Hong was already a little numb to the killing, killing hundreds of black fishes again, and his pupils did not tremble at all.

"You were noticed by the Black Fish Emperor again." The demons said fiercely.

"Then... just withdraw first."

Lin Hong chuckled, turned and left, and withdrew from the West Sea.

When he left, the Heiyu Emperor came here: "Damn it, why did you run away again?!"

He obviously came very quickly, but still didn't catch it.

"Is there anything he can monitor me?"

The Heiyu Emperor looked ugly, and if that was the case, he would never be able to catch him.

At this time, Lin Hong had already returned to the mermaid clan and met Holly: "Has anything happened recently?"

"No, Camilla is a great king, and she has become more and more king."

Holly shook her head, and was eating, it was a small dead fish, similar to human snacks.

"King's breath?" Lin Hong exhaled and then walked towards the hall.

He changed into clean clothes on the road to prevent blood from splashing everywhere.

"The mermaid king, the minister intends to lead his troops to participate in the battle with the Heiyu tribe."

"No way."

"But... the minister thinks..."

"No, get out!"


When he came to the main hall, he happened to bump into Camilla and yelled at a mermaid general.

Not far from the main hall, the mermaid king sat there watching the show, nodded slightly at this time, looking very satisfied.

It is now being tested, and the generals will make various proposals, but they will not actually implement them.

"The minister proposes that you marry him again to strengthen his relationship with our mermaid clan." There was a general fish who walked out with a sneer. After all, the last marriage was not complete and not complete.

"This this……"

Camilla blushed instantly, which turned out to be justified.

Another general came out, a subordinate of the Dragon King of the Western Sea Region, and a general of the Mermaid tribe: "The minister thinks it makes sense, please agree to come down."

Camilla's face turned redder, and she was at a loss.

Yes or no?

If you don't agree, isn't it the same as making the relationship between your family and your mermaid clan farther away?

But if you agree...I'm ashamed!

"Ah, I'd better go out first."

Lin Hong coughed in embarrassment and secretly said that this problem was only temporary when he saw himself come in.

Camilla said weakly: "This is our own business, don't need you to worry about, are there other things? If not, just go down."

Her face was already red, and she would be too shy to sit still on the stool any longer.

"The minister has something to say." A mermaid general walked out with a smile on his face. "The mermaid has a great favor to our mermaid clan, and it can bring us the mermaid clan stability. This is no longer a matter for you two, but the whole Regarding the mermaid tribe, decide as soon as possible."

"Yes, the mermaid king, as the general of the mermaid tribe, we have the right to ask you to answer."



As the generals said, some couldn't help but laugh.

Difficult for the newly appointed mermaid king, inexplicably interesting, especially in front of the previous generation of mermaid king.

"This... Dad!" Camilla swam behind Cannon when she was surprised, "They bullied me..."

"Haha, the mermaid king, you have to work harder."


The generals continued to tease.

"Silly girl, they are testing whether you will choose yourself or the interests of the mermaid clan." As the mermaid king of the previous generation, Kanon, knowing this, chuckled lightly.

"It's the old man Fish King knows us!"

"Haha, now we should help the princess well, no, it should be the mermaid king."


A group of generals began to talk and retreated to both sides of the hall.

Cannon stared at Camilla: "So, what is your choice?"

"My choice...I ~www.readwn.com~ I don't know, he only considers me a friend."

Camilla pursed her mouth, her eyebrows were filled with loss. If it weren't for this, it wouldn't have been such a headache.

And that guy seems to have a lot of women out there, just like a big carrot!

In other words, it doesn’t seem to be his fault that there are many women. After all, they are so good and handsome...

Thinking about it, Camilla blushed.

As her father, Cannon took a deep breath and knew what was going on.

"I'll talk to that kid." Cannon got up and left the hall.

"The mermaid king, come on, we still have a lot of things we haven't'reported' yet!"

When Cannon left, a mermaid general couldn't wait to say.

Camilla nodded: "Well, trouble everyone."

"Wang, the Sea Clan will be destroyed tomorrow. Give us a day off!"

"When I was a three-year-old kid? No way!"


The hall was very lively, and Cannon had already found Lin Hong who was about to set off to the Western Sea.

"Uncle, do you have anything to do with me?" Lin Hong turned his hand over.

"About my daughter's marriage."

Cannon opened his mouth, then pointed to the two stones on the side, motioning to go over and talk in detail.

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