"Isn't this Immortal King Lin, how come back?"

The palace lord was playful and put down his books.

"The palace lord is joking, I'm just an ordinary little disciple." Lin Hong said embarrassedly.

"Thanks to you, Yuehua Immortal Palace is much stronger than before the disaster."

The palace lord slowly stood up, carrying his hands behind his back.

Lin Hong swallowed and spit: "Excuse me, the palace lord, my master and them are okay?"

"Of course they are good, but the three elders are not good..."

As the palace lord said, the sluggish Third Elder walked in from outside, as if not awake.

"You can actually find the acting palace lord who is the acting palace lord, you can really do it." The palace lord shook his head.

"You can find it, why can't I find it?"

Lin Hong spread his hands out roguely.

The three elders exhaled, and handed over and reported: "Palace Master, the maintenance of the guardian formation has been completed."

"Well, you go down and have a good rest."

The palace lord nodded lightly, and that feminine face made people feel concerned.

The third elder left, his pace was very slow, as if his legs were filled with lead.

"I'm about to resign, are you interested in being this palace lord?" The palace lord slowly walked down the stairs and came to Lin Hong.

"You should be very clear about this."

Lin Hong did not answer directly.

The palace lord nodded: "Indeed, with your talent, staying in this little Yuehua Immortal Palace is really a stubborn talent."

After he finished speaking, he closed his eyes and seemed to be thinking about something.

"Actually, when I came back this time, I was to pick up my apprentice away, looking for ways to become stronger."

Lin Hong pursed his mouth and arched his hands. Now he is only one step away from the immortal king realm, but he can't kick it out.

"Go, remember to come back and see more." The palace lord heard the words and nodded with a chuckle, as if he had expected it.

"Huh... Next, it's time to say goodbye."

Walking out of the main hall, Lin Hong took Xue Qianhan's hand and bid farewell to the people in the clan, including Senior Sister Xianghan.

Finally, he came to Shu Yao's door, raised his hand and knocked on the door.

"Who?" Shu Yao came to open the door, rubbing her eyes, as if she had just woke up, "You, are you back?"

She was full of surprises, but she didn't know it was just a short reunion.

"Well, then, this time I'm here to bid farewell."

Lin Hong nodded slightly, then said with a wry smile.

Shu Yao puzzled: "Farewell? Where are you going?"

"Most of them are in the middle domain, there should be an opportunity to make me stronger."

Lin Hong said seriously. On the way, he listened to the blood red treasure chest and said that today's Central Region was the place where gods were once created.

Although it has long lost its glory, it is not too much to let yourself break through and become the fairy king?

"It's too much...obviously just after we met, she was leaving again." Shu Yao bit her lower lip at this time, clenching her two small fists.

"No way, time waits for no one. If it doesn't become stronger, it will be eliminated by this world."

Lin Hong smiled bitterly, tentatively raised his hand and reached out to her head.

Shu Yao did not dodge, but choked up: "Be careful of safety."

"Don't worry, I will be fine."

Lin Hong gave her assurance at this time, which made her feel at ease.

After that, Lin Hong took Xue Qianhan to leave, all the way to the outside of the sect, and had already bid farewell to Zhuo Yaqin and the others.

Xue Qianhan was puzzled: "Master, why don't you bring them?"

"They have their own way to go. If you weren't my apprentice, I wouldn't bother to take it."

Lin Hong said, looking back at Yuehua Immortal Palace, hoping to pass on forever...

After that, he called them back to the blood red treasure chest, boarded the flying saucer, and went straight to the middle domain.

The main task at present is very simple, to become stronger, and secondly, to find Dugu and seek defeat.

"Ah... so annoying." Not long after, Lin Hong in the flying saucer was holding the top grade immortal stone, and felt a little headache.

He found that his body was already in a saturated state, and he couldn't absorb the slightest aura at all. These immortal stones could only restore immortality, but he didn't need it at all!

"Master, aren't you happy?"

Xue Qianhan, who was practicing the sword, walked over, put the sword away, and rubbed his shoulders for him.

Lin Hong chuckled: "It's okay, how can there be so many smooth sailing."

Speaking of it, I don't know whether Duguqiuqi is a **** or not. The Lord of the undead is only one step away from the god. It is estimated that only the true **** can punish him.

With the super speed of the flying saucer, they soon came to the middle domain.

"There are opportunities left by gods everywhere here, and too many people became gods back then."

The blood red treasure chest looked outside and said seriously.

"Then stop here." Lin Hong heard the words, took the takeoff disc, and hugged Xue Qianhan in his arms.

"Fuck it, Master, you can wake up first."

The blood-red treasure chest quickly caught Lin Yi. It was tens of thousands of meters high in the sky, and it was easy to fall into meatloaf when it fell.

Lin Hong heard the words: "Don't pay attention to those details."


Xue Qianhan is still the girl who is a little afraid of heights, holding Lin Hong tightly at this time.

"Silly girl, when you grow up, don't be so close." Lin Hong smiled bitterly.

"The master is a master, Ping An likes it, and I will marry a master in the future."

Xue Qianhan tried his best, still holding on to herself, not willing to let go.

Lin Hong shrugged: "Don't talk nonsense."

"Ping An is not nonsense."

Xue Qianhan was depressed.

Soon, they fell to the ground.

Lin Hong held the umbrella that he hadn't used for a long time and landed easily. The blood red treasure chest would have flown, and Lin Yi followed.

"This is the border between the Central Territory and the Northern Territory... There are few people, will there be treasures?" Lin Hong looked around. This is a Gobi, very desolate, but the more such a place, the more likely it is to have good things .

"How can there be treasures in this kind of place~www.readwn.com~ In my memory, the middle area of ​​Zhongyu is the place where there are treasures."

The blood red treasure chest said.

Lin Hong used the system to check it out: "A small fairy quarry? Unfortunately, it's useless."

"No, there is something in the middle of the fairy stone mine. It seems very precious. I suggest you get it."

The heart demon spoke.

"What fairy stone mine?" The blood red treasure chest on the other side was very puzzled.

"The fairy stone mine is the fairy stone mine, what else can it be?"

Lin Hong glanced at him, then took out a shiny golden shovel, came to the designated location, and shoveled it down with his feet.

This shovel dug directly ten meters deep, exposing the celestial stone mine buried deep underground.

The blood red treasure chest is difficult to understand: "How do you know where there are good things?"

At the very beginning, the treasure chest in the strange land was, and now this fairy stone mine is again, this method simply makes him envious.

"Luck, just luck."

Lin Hong chuckled, casually, and then jumped down.

"Why is this immortal stone mine empty?" Lin Hong took off a piece of immortal stone, frowned slightly, and found that there was no aura in it.

"No hurry, dig out the things in the middle first."

The demons reminded.

Lin Hong nodded in secret, and then directly started digging with his hands.

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