"How dare... come, open the coffin, and let us see how immortal King Lin can bring people back to life."

Jiang Tao smiled and lifted his shoulders.

The surrounding people heard the words and looked at Lang An again.

Lang An gritted his teeth: "Open the coffin."

"Why did they let it open, so you agreed?"

No matter how stupid Liang Guang was, he could see that some ways were coming.

Lang An did not answer, showing his guilty conscience, and at this time, the coffin had already been opened.

Dongfang Tiancheng's corpse was lying inside, his face pale and not bloody.

"Lin Immortal King, please." Jiang Tao made a please gesture.

"I'm not a god, I can't bring people back to life."

Lin Hong said indifferently, saying that, doing that, just to blow Langan.

Now, the situation is so clear that there is no need to even ask the system and the demons.

Lang An breathed a sigh of relief: "Fairy, you really like to joke..."

"I think so."

Lin Hong chuckled and took out a talisman.

"What is this?" Jiang Tao was startled.

The formation method and the Fulu pulse are similar to each other. He is proficient in the formation method and can see the extraordinaryness of this Fuluo.

"The soul-returning charm can make people come alive for a short time."

Lin Hong said indifferently, although he can't really come back from the dead, he can still live for a while.

All of a sudden, the expression of someone present changed drastically.

It was Lang An: "Xianren, you, are you kidding again?"

"My free time is always joking with you?"

Lin Hong glanced at it and said coldly.

"Does this kind of thing really exist?" Jiang Tao whispered softly.

"No, don't return to your soul, the master has already driven Hexi, let him rest!"

When Lin Hong approached the coffin, Lang An swooped and stopped in front.

Liang Guang scolded: "You bastard, does your master's death have something to do with you?!"

"Lin Xianwang... remember the three trillion immortal stones that I gave you before?"

Jiang Tao spoke at this moment.

"Of course I remember, how?" Lin Hong glanced over.

"The reason why I am a master of formations and admired by others is because my formations can kill the immortal king."

As Jiang Tao said, the entire Fugui Medical Center was shining brightly, and formations emerged one after another.

Lin Hong was trapped by one of the formations: "So this is a trap?"

"Brother Lin, I really don't want to be your enemy, can I join Duobaolou?"

Jiang Tao touched the formation bracelet on his wrist. If he could become a companion if he had the strength and could repair the artifact, he couldn't ask for it.

"Don't even think about it." Lin Hong finished speaking lightly, twisting his neck, and the formation that trapped him suddenly shattered.

"This, how is this possible?!"

Jiang Tao was surprised, but that was the formation that he had spent many hours laying down!

Lin Hong said indifferently: "Do you think I can't make a formation?"

With the system, the breaking point of the formation is clearly visible, and breaking the formation is not too simple.

"Are you almighty..."

Jiang Tao shook his head slightly, seemingly unbelievable.

"That's not enough." Lin Hong said, looking at Lang An, "Fortunately, your master treats you as a son, but you become someone else's running dog."

Things are already clear. This guy took refuge in Duobaolou and killed Dongfang Tiancheng.

"No, I don't, this is cooperation!"

Lang An angrily said, what he thought was very simple, that is, there is such a backer as Duobaolou.

Jiang Tao turned his eyes to look at him: "Cooperate? When you seek shelter from Duobaolou, you have no sovereignty."

"I...I just..."

Lang An clenched his fists tightly, and he shed tears.

I just wanted to prove that the master was wrong, but because of an argument, he missed and killed the person who raised him up.

I just wanted to prove that I was right, but he led the wolf into the room and became a running dog who never looked up to him.

"Fight?" Lin Hong drew out the Yingying Sword at this time, pointing his sword at Jiang Tao.

"You are so good, we have already lost."

Jiang Tao spread his hands, and then asked if he had painted the talisman himself.

When Lin Hong shook his head, he breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, you are really not omnipotent."

"You lead someone to do something to me, and you want to kill me, how can this be counted?"

Lin Hong said lightly.

"Don't you still take someone to occupy our Duobaolou site? Even." Jiang Tao replied.

"Then it's even, but I want it."

Lin Hong pointed to the land under his feet, which meant wealthy medical hall.

Jiang Tao pondered for a moment: "The annual net profit here is billions."

"It's all the blood of the people here, you **** bastards!"

Liang Guang cursed at this time.

"Businessmen are chasing profits, we are just doing what should be done." Jiang Tao answered very concisely.

"Asshole, you are sucking blood, sucking the blood of the people!"

Liang Guang was so angry that he even wanted to go forward and fight.

Lin Hong stopped him: "From now on, you will be the owner of this wealthy medical center, do you know?"

"Me? But I'm not a doctor."

Liang Guang was a little stunned when he heard that, this product is not right.

"Isn't the owner of Duobaolou the doctor? Didn't he still make this rich medical hall." Lin Hong said lightly.

"Hey...this medical hall will be given to you. Please abide by the agreement and don't do anything to us anymore."

Perhaps it was discovered by conscience that Jiang Tao suddenly sighed and turned to leave.

Those immortal masters followed closely, completely personal protection, after all, formation masters were scarce.

Lin Hong glanced around: "It really left a trouble."

There are already activated formations everywhere, and they need to be cracked one by one.

"Am I really suitable to be the owner of this museum?"

Liang Guang was hesitating at this time.

On the other side, Lang An came to the coffin and stared at the corpse in the coffin, dumbfounded: "Master~www.readwn.com~ who is wrong?"

Until now, there is no answer.

"Boy, if you still have a little conscience, just... kid?!"

Liang Guang looked at it and wanted him to be a deputy curator to correct his evil spirits, but found that he suddenly fell to the ground.

"He has already gone down to accompany his master." Lin Hong didn't even look there, and said lightly.


Liang Guang exhaled a long sigh.

Who is right and who is wrong? No one is right, no one is wrong, this is just a tragedy after all.

Lin Hong shook his hand: "Come on, prepare another coffin and bury it directly."

This time, no matter how stupid the surrounding people were, they knew who to listen to, so they immediately responded and prepared.

"Counting the time, the Bird Race should have found me... If you don't leave, you will harm this city."

Lin Hong turned to walk out of the room, put his hands behind his back, and looked up at the blue sky.

"Are you going?" Liang Guang followed out.

"Well, I'll leave it to you here, I hope you don't let me down."

Lin Hong nodded slightly. People who have been disappointed often don't want to be disappointed even more.

Liang Guang nodded his head: "I will take care of it for you."

"No, this is yours, not mine."

Lin Hong said with a chuckle, and immediately used Taxue Wuhen to leave, and no shadow was seen for an instant.

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