"It should be a good thing..."

Lin Hong whispered, did not approach, but used a steal.

Soon, the secret book fell into his hands.

"Interesting." Lin Hong chuckled, as expected to be a stealer who could steal even the sky, and could steal the contents through the formation.

"You angered me."

A voice suddenly came from behind.

Lin Hong looked back: "It's been a long time since I saw you, it seems you succeeded."

That was the master of the profound sect. At this moment, he had a cold face, followed by a famous old man behind him.

"The town's secret book was stolen!"

The old man found this and said angrily.

"Two fairy kings, it's a bit difficult." Lin Hong glanced at the scepter with a pity, cast his shadow to escape.

"Where do you want to go?!"

An angry voice came from the master of the profound gate, and immediately, formations emerged one after another, trapping the entire pagoda in it.

Lin Hong escaped from the shadow and already drew out the Yingying Sword: "Inner Demon, is there any good way?"

"Hold it, it will be easier to wait for the fire unicorn to come out, and there will be bird clan coming to join in a while."

The demon replied, and then stopped talking.

"Bird Race..." Lin Hong chuckled slightly, "Are you planning to attack Xuanmen in an all-round way?"

"Yes, it is estimated that even if the profound sect is not destroyed, the vitality will be greatly injured."

The demons responded.

Lin Hong turned to look squarely at the master of the profound door. Now, the blood contract that the master of the profound door has unlocked with an unknown method is a pity for him.

"Today is the day you die!"

The master of the profound door said in a cold voice, and took out the ice blue long sword, his entire face looked cold.

Lin Hong chuckled: "Who wouldn't speak big words? I'll also say that your profound door cannot withstand the bird clan's attack for a while.


The master of the mysterious gate changed his face slightly, and looked at the old man behind him.

"There is no news that the bird race is about to attack us. Don't be affected by his words and concentrate on meeting the enemy." The old man put his hands behind his back and said lightly, staring at Lin Hong with his eyes.

The lion fights the rabbit, and also uses its full strength, no matter who the opponent is, you should face it, otherwise it is very likely to suffer.

"He has a weird clock, you must be careful, it will be over after being locked in."

As the Xuanmen sect master said, he had already rushed out.

The old man nodded lightly, moved his feet, and instantly came behind Lin Hong: "Sit to death, anyone who provokes the Profound Clan will never end well!"

"After you die, I will go to Yuehua Immortal Palace."

The Xuanmen sect master sneered. He had already approached him. For a while, Lin Hong was attacked by both sides.

However, he did not panic at all, but chuckled slightly: "Xuanmen...very good."

To use these to threaten oneself, then, oneself and Xuanmen can only keep one.



When the Xuanmen sect master and their two attacks approached, a bell suddenly appeared, and Lin Hong was enveloped in it.

"It's this weird clock again..." The master of the profound door narrowed his eyes.

"This is the Eastern Emperor Bell, and his name is Chengyingjian."

Lin Hong chuckled, put away the East Emperor Bell, and swung out the Shadow Sword: "Succumb to death!"

"Joke, my defensive skills have already reached the pinnacle."

The Xuanmen sect master said, a layer of frost appeared all over his body.

"Defense? What is that?" Lin Hong first put the bleeding red treasure chest behind him, and then used his sword light to flash.


The hot blood splashed out, leaving the master of the mysterious door at a loss.

He quickly stepped back: "This, how is this possible?!"

His own Ice Profound Jue, which in itself can give a person a very high defense, is now being injured?

"Nothing is impossible, your defense is nothing in my eyes."

Lin Hong said indifferently, since the Shadow Sword became a divine weapon, he could ignore all defenses.

On the other side, the blood red treasure chest has already fought with the old man: "Old man, you can't do it, your movements are sluggish, please go to your mother to have milk."

The old man was so angry that his hands with the weapon began to shake.

"Hold on for some time and consume them. Remember, don't touch the formation here."

Lin Hong opened the mouth and said, but as soon as he finished speaking, the situation suddenly changed.

With only a ‘pop’, all the formations shattered fiercely, a sneer came, and the seventh floor of the pagoda was filled with black air.

"What's the matter?!" Xuanmen sect master looked over.

"A master is here... a real master."

Lin Hong swallowed and spit, and when the black air was strong enough, a man walked out of it.

He wears black armor, looks handsome, has diagonals on his head, and is extremely powerful: "So lively?"

"Who are you? This is our place, please leave."

The old man stopped fighting with the blood red treasure chest, stepped back and looked over.

"The deity does things, do you care?" The man who appeared suddenly raised his hand, and the old man turned into a blood mist.

"Uncle San..."

The master of the mysterious door was shocked.

The man disagreed, and walked slowly to the scepter: "Good thing."

He raised his hand to touch it, and in an instant, the bodies of the hundreds of masters in the surrounding real wonderland stood up.

"Even if you are Immortal Venerable, you can't hold it now!"

The master of the profound door could not help but clenched his fists.

"The deity is a god." The man said lightly. After saying that, all the hundreds of corpses exploded, and they also turned into blood mist.

"Goodbye bye."

Lin Hong directly cast the shadow fight, collecting the blood red treasure chest into the storage ring.

This inexplicable master is obviously coming with a scepter.

The master of Xuanmen cursed secretly, and also began to retreat, knowing that this was an opponent he could not provoke.

"Inner demon, is that really a god?" Lin Hong retreated to the sixth floor and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Of course not, it's just a realm between Xianzun and God. This realm is collectively referred to as a demigod."

The demon said.

Lin Hong thought for a while: "Doesn't that mean ~www.readwn.com~ the Lord of the Undead in the Undead World is also a demigod?"

"Nine out of ten, this is true."

The demons responded.

"Half God..." Lin Hong exhaled. If he could reach this state, he might be able to save the earth.

"Human, let me go!"

Huo Qilin was trembling with fear at this time. The man's aura was too strong and affected it.

Lin Hong calculated the time: "There are two minutes left, don't be afraid, don't worry."

As he was talking, the Xuanmen Sect Master came down from the seventh floor, and without looking at them, he evacuated the pagoda all the way.


Not long after, the formation that trapped the fire unicorn shattered.

"I'm free again!" Huo Qilin was very excited.

"Shhh... Keep your voice down, let's go quickly."

Lin Hong jumped on top of him and made a hissing gesture.

It was daytime outside, and couldn't use the shadow to escape, it would be better to ride a monster beast in the realm of the fairy king to flee.

Soon, they galloped away from the pagoda.

But I just listened to the sound of ‘Boom Rumble’, it turned out that the pagoda was about to collapse!

Before he could react, Lin Hong hurriedly said, "Huo Qilin, don't take the stairs, just smash out!"

"it is good!"

Huo Qilin responded and slammed into the wall to leave the pagoda.

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