"Well... it's very beautiful."

The female disciple looked at the reflection in the pool and nodded.

She was about to express her feelings, but Lin Hong suddenly picked her up: "But behind the beautiful, there is always danger hidden."

A fierce fish monster suddenly jumped out of the pool, comparable to the strength of the human being, the true fairy Dzogchen.

"Be careful!"

Seeing this, the female disciple said hurriedly.

"It's lunch, why should I be careful?" Lin Hong said with a chuckle, swinging a sword, and then landing.

Suddenly, there was a gale gust of wind, and before he came to remember what he had reacted, the strange fish was separated by the body.



After a while, the fire ignited.

The head of the strange fish has a strange smell and cannot be eaten, so the fish meat is left for roasting.

Fortunately, the fish tastes good.

Xu Mao was starving for a long time and feasted on it: "It would be nice if there was a jar of wine."

Although the female disciple was also very hungry, she sipped politely.


However, the disciple who was rescued by Lin Hong sighed at this moment, and had no appetite at all.

After eating that kind of food, how can you be interested in this fish?

Sad and sad.

This disciple was helpless, and in the future, he was afraid that he would not feel like eating anything.

"How is your place?" Xu Mao leaned over to the female disciple's side.

The female disciple shook her head, but she didn't even come to remember to say that she was all confused by this fish.

"In that case... tear another page?"

Xu Mao swallowed and spit, and asked tentatively, his eyes straightened.

The female disciple thought for a while, and her heart was cruel, she took out the small notebook and tore a page again, and then crushed it.

Xu Mao couldn't wait to look up to the sky and laugh: "Big Brother!"


Lin Hong responded and looked over.

"I'll go to the toilet with him." Xu Mao pointed to another disciple next to him.

"But brother, I don't have..."

"Stop talking nonsense, follow me quickly and beat you carefully."

Xu Mao directly grabbed his arm, turned and left.

Soon, only Lin Hong and the female disciple were left here. If you look carefully, the female disciple is not so dazzling, but it's not bad. She belongs to that kind of rare beauty.

Lin Hong rubbed his nose, "You seem to have a good relationship with Xu Mao?"

"It's just a brother and sister, I'm helping my sister-in-law to monitor him."

The female disciple clarified the relationship directly and said seriously.

"That's it..." Lin Hong rubbed his nose, and secretly said that Xu Mao's wife was so strict.

"Well, brother, do you have anyone you like? You are so good, surely you have?"

The female disciple blushed and squeezed. Because of Xu Mao, she called the senior brother reasonable and reasonable.

Lin Hong thought for a while: "Yes, and many."

"Sure enough, I would like to ask..."

"Big brother, save me!"

The female disciple just wanted to ask if she would mind one more, but suddenly Xu Mao screamed.

Lin Honggang got up, but saw Xu Mao walk back safe and sound: "I was scared to death. It turned out to be just a little bug."

"He did it deliberately. He looked quite honest, but he was better than anyone else in his heart."

The heart demon suddenly said at this time that the reason why people did this was entirely because they wanted to tear off more paper in their notebooks.

"So it's like this..." Lin Hong whispered.

"Then what, shall we go on? Brother, is there really **** in there?"

Xu Mao shouted and looked deep, but only saw the endless darkness.

Lin Hong nodded slightly: "Of course there is, and it must be obtained."

Xu Mao is very puzzled, it's just rubbish, what's there?

Soon, the group moved on.

"Junior sister, look..."

"Tear and pull--"

Xu Mao came to the female disciple's side, and before she said anything, the female disciple had already tore off a page from the small notebook.

Another disciple followed at the end of the team: "Junior sister, why do you want to trade with senior brother, isn't it okay to just confess?"

After he finished speaking, he scratched the back of his head with a strange expression on his face.


The female disciple was taken aback and reacted.

Xu Mao glared at the disciple: "Just you talk a lot! That... Junior Sister?"



Lin Hong walked in the forefront, listening to their noisy mood a lot better.

Not long after, he stopped: "We are here."

"That's it? It's not challenging at all."

Xu Mao glanced around and found that there was only one big broken iron ball, nothing else.

"Not challenging?" Lin Hong looked over, twitching the corners of his mouth.

If they hadn't been opening the way, they wouldn't be able to get there at all, they would have killed no less than forty monsters in the realm of true immortals.

"Brother, is this what you are looking for?"

The female disciple came to the big iron ball and pointed with her finger.

Lin Hong responded: "That's right."

"Brother, actually I..."

The female disciple's face turned red.

"Noisy!" Suddenly, a weird voice came, and the wall next to it suddenly shattered, and there was a huge fleshy worm in it. The worm was white all over, like a maggot.

As soon as it appeared, the stench permeated.

The female disciple vomited directly, even Lin Hong's face paled.

"Bug, this is a real bed bug."

Xu Mao couldn't help but take out his weapon and prepare to fight.

Lin Hong smiled bitterly: "Let's go, don't hurt it."

"Big brother, why?"

Xu Mao was a little puzzled.

"If you want your whole body to be full of saliva exploded after his death, or be targeted by a fairy king-level bug, don't hurt it."

Lin Hong flicked his hands. In fact, this was the larva of a terrible monster.

"Okay, okay." Xu Mao quickly put away his weapons after a chill.

"I... I can't move my legs anymore."

When Lin Hong took away the big iron ball~www.readwn.com~ the pale female disciple trembled all over.

Lin Hong pondered for a moment, then picked her up: "Just get out."

Soon, a group of people left.

When leaving the cave, Lin Hong put down the female disciple. At this point, there is only one artifact from the system upgrade.

"Strange, why is there such a **** in the cave?"

Xu Mao glanced around, the surrounding area was fairly safe, and there were no monsters.

"It is estimated that someone has taken the baby one step ahead of us, leaving only this rubbish."

As Lin Hong said, he raised his hand and took out the big iron ball. This thing weighed at least a thousand catties, and he didn't know what it was before and why it became the way it is now.

"It makes sense..." Xu Mao nodded gently.

"Okay, let's go, I will send you out of this dangerous area."

Lin Hong turned to look into the distance. In fact, the journey was not that far, as long as he left this mountain range.

Soon, the group began to hurry.

Xu Mao came to the female disciple and suddenly said, "If you don't do anything now, you won't have a chance in the future."

"Actually, I have no chance."

The female disciple smiled slightly, her face still pale, but it was no problem.

I can see that I didn't even look squarely at him. In that case, how could he be liked by others?

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