"...Autumn is coming soon, how is the harvest this year?"

"It's miserable!"


In a remote village, at the door of the village, villagers are complaining.

There have been droughts, and there has been no good harvest for several years.

"It must be because of that **** catastrophe, it doesn't matter, she has already left, and next year, she will definitely have a good harvest!"

A villager said coldly.

Another villager responded: "That's right!"

As they said, the village welcomed guests.

I saw that this guest was a woman, dressed in brocade clothes and carrying two pets, both of which were unseen species.

"You, are you?"

The village chief came over and asked tentatively.

"It's true that the nobles have forgotten things so much that they have drove me away. They forgot after a few months?" Xu Shengnan said coldly.

Compared to before leaving the village, she looked much more energetic, so she was not recognized for a while.

"Yes, it's you a dead girl movie?!"



The villagers were very angry. They didn't know, and they thought Xu Shengnan had done something to them.

Lin Hong climbed onto Huo Qilin: "Do you know where there is great water near here?"

With their strength, it took a long time to come here, but there was nothing useful.

"It's all about water, what is great water?"

Huo Qilin couldn't help being speechless, wondering what he was talking about.

"That's..." Lin Hong briefly explained.

On the other side, Xu Shengnan had already taken out an ordinary whip and began to teach the villagers.

However, it is more of torture than a lesson.

The villagers were kneeling to apologize with injuries on their bodies. At this time, Xu Shengnan focused on the only little girl in the village.

Without saying anything, she drew it with a whip.

If it hits, the little girl will undoubtedly die!

At this critical moment, a figure stood in front of the little girl: "The little girl doesn't need it, right?"

"Monster, the monster has spoken!"


Some villagers were shocked.

Lin Hong was given a whip and was unharmed.

"Get out of here!" Xu Shengnan seemed a little angry and raised his hand.

In an instant, the collar around Lin Hong's neck tightened, making him unable to breathe.


Not far away, the fire Qilin who was still in human form sighed and shook his head slightly. Isn't it going up at this time to ask for trouble?

"Don't let go?" Xu Shengnan said angrily.

"If you can, kill me."

Lin Hong's petty temper also came up, stopped there, motionless.

After a stalemate for a while, Xu Shengnan took out the beads her ancestor gave before leaving: "I'll ask you one last time, let's not let go!"

"I also said one last time, no!"

After Lin Hong said, he looked vaguely tyrannical.

"How can you fool her to untie the necklace for you like this?" The heart demon couldn't help but say.

"That's for the future."

Lin Hong replied in his heart that his sanity was already a bit unclear.

Suffocating, and suffocating for so long, let him have a special physique, and the strength of the immortal king is not enough to look at.

Xu Shengnan is already angry: "Very well, like to stop?"

After she said, she threw the whip at the rest of the villagers, one whip at a time.

It didn't take long for this village to become a dead village, leaving only the little girl behind Lin Hong.

"Too cruel..."

Huo Qilin took a few steps back, not daring to join in.

Just now, the villagers didn't die directly, but after being drawn, they felt alive and painful to death.

The little girl behind Lin Hong was stunned, the light in her eyes had dissipated, and she had forgotten how to cry.

"I won't kill you." Xu Shengnan walked to the little girl with a grin, "Because this will make you more painful."

As a person who had no parents since childhood, she knew what it was like and believed that it would be more painful to see all her relatives die tragically.


Lin Hong thought of Xue Qianhan inexplicably, and only sighed in his heart.

Soon, he was forced to leave the village with him. In this way, the collar that was holding his throat loosened: "Are you really happy doing this?"

"none of your business."

Xu Shengnan said, sitting on him and marching into the distance.

"Where are we going?" The Huo Qilin who followed could not help but say.

"Keep going in this direction, no matter where you go."

Xu Shengnan lay down and closed his eyes to rest, seemingly tired.

In the village where they went before, the little girl's eyes were red: "Everyone...I will definitely report it to you..."

However, before she finished speaking, she was taken away by an eagle.

The eagle pecked and took her life.

The world is unfair, and not everyone has the luck of Xue Qianhan to meet Lin Hong.

Not everyone can really get revenge and go smoothly.

Naturally, Lin Hong and others didn't know the movement here, they were marching all the way south at this time.

"Southern Territory..."

Lin Hong whispered, he hadn't been there yet, and he and others were still in the middle area. To be precise, it should be the border between the middle area and the south area.

Huo Qilin stepped forward at this moment: "There seems to be a hot spring ahead?"


Xu Shengnan, who hadn't been asleep for long, woke up instantly.

Lin Hong looked forward and saw that it was an obvious open-air hot spring. Since it was in a place where birds do not shit, it was empty.

"It's great..." Xu Shengnan stretched his waist, raised his hand and patted Lin Hong, "Quick, go quickly."


Lin Hong responded, but still walked slowly, using the system to conduct extensive investigations.

Xu Shengnan saw this: "Not obedient?"

After she said, she raised her hand to squeeze tightly, and the collar that tied Lin Hong's neck suddenly tightened.

"You will do this too~www.readwn.com~ Lin Hong said, heading straight to the open-air hot spring, and after a while, he was there.

"You guard me around, don't let anyone come over, and don't take a peek." Xu Shengnan was standing by the hot spring. At this time, the weather was a bit cold, and it couldn't be better to be able to bubble into the hot spring.

"Who rarely looks at you..."

Lin Hong whispered, lay down at the hot spring at will, and continued to use the system to probe, the collar has been restored to its original shape.

He suddenly asked, "The demon, which hot spring water is higher in quality compared to ordinary river water?"

"Of course it is hot spring water."

The demons directly said, this is obvious, natural hot springs are even rarer.

"In this case..." Lin Hong muttered softly, slowly backed up, entered the hot spring, and then curled up into a ball and began to practice.

"Do you want to soak in the hot springs with me? It's such a slumber."

Not long after, a hand suddenly stretched out from behind.

Lin Hong was too lazy to answer: "First, I'm not a **** embryo, and second, I'm not rare to take a hot spring with you."

"What a duplicity...ha, it's wet."

Xu Shengnan said, slowly hugging him.

"You?" Lin Hong noticed something and looked back. "Wearing clothes?"

"Old Sebastian, what are you expecting?"

With a playful smile on his face, Xu Shengnan stepped back a little, wearing a fig leaf, which was tightly covered.

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