I Can Become a Treasure by Picking Up Garbage

Chapter 798: Misfortune comes out of the mouth

"Brother Jiang, stop making fun of me."

Lin Hong couldn't laugh or cry, staring at the two pigeons while practicing Shui Xuanjue.

Jiang Tao laughed and said, "I am here this time to say goodbye to you."

"Are you leaving? When?"

Lin Hong looked at him, a little surprised.

"Now...I actually came here for a meal, and I didn't expect to have a formation." Jiang Tao said, a little lamented.

The constellation maze, this is a priceless treasure for every Array Mage, he just let himself see it.

"Can you stay for a few days?"

Lin Hong couldn't help asking, if they were gone, if the Bird Race sent troops to attack, they would have lost a lot of assistance.

"Why?" Jiang Tao was a little puzzled. When he learned the reason, "You, you are pulling me into the water!"

I even provoke the Bird Race, and I haven't told myself until now, this is too unnatural, isn't it?

Lin Hong chuckled: "Please also ask Brother Jiang to go back and rest, you can't leave."

"You... forget it."

Jiang Tao wanted to scold someone, but in the end he didn't scold him and turned away.

Obviously, this is not just pulling oneself into the water, but also pulling the entire Duobao downstairs into the water!

Lin Hong continued to practice Shui Xuanjue, and his proficiency was increasing wildly.

"It's really in ruins."

"Yeah, there is no one."


And the two pigeons flew back to the branch, chatted, and then flew away.

Lin Hong did not use the formation to stop him, but heaved a sigh of relief: "That's fine."

"It is estimated that the Bird Race will not do anything to the Yuehua Immortal Palace anymore. What are you going to do now?"

The demon asked.

"Wait for dawn, then go to Zhongyu to find water." Lin Hong said, closing his eyes.



As time goes by, the sky will be bright soon.

"Master, Sister Shu Yao asked me to call you over to eat."

Xue Qianhan ran over.

Lin Hong breathed out foul air and opened his eyes: "Do you want to stay here or go with the master?"

It's time to set off. The situation here can be regarded as unpredictable, but it is difficult to say what will follow.

"Of course I followed the master."

Xue Qianhan said immediately.

Lin Hong nodded, then bid farewell to some important people before taking her away from the sect in a flying saucer.

The method of using the formation has been told to the palace lord, he can use it as he pleases!

"Master, where are we going?" The flying saucer went straight to Zhongyu, and Xue Qianhan asked, looking at the fast passing scenery outside the window.

"I don't know... Take one step at a time."

While Lin Hong was manipulating the flying saucer, he was practicing Shui Xuanjue, and shook his head when he heard this.

No one knows where there is great water. You can only go there and try your luck.

When he casually arrived at a remote place in Zhongyu, he collected the takeoff disc, hugged Xue Qianhan and fell to the ground: "Look for it from here."

"Master, what are you looking for? Can I help?"

Xue Qianhan asked tentatively, looking forward to her eyebrows.

Lin Hong shook his head: "Just follow me, you must be careful in everything."

The blood red treasure chest and the fire unicorn were all placed in the Yuehua Immortal Palace, and they were not brought out. Generally speaking, it was more dangerous.

"Well, good master."

Xue Qianhan nodded earnestly, looking very cute.

"You can really find a place, it's special here." The heart demon said at this moment.

"Where is special?"

Lin Hong looked around, but there was nothing strange.

The soil is still soil, and the tree is still a tree.

The inner demon replied: "Here is the gathering of sinners from the entire fairy world. It is called a place of sin and no one dares to control."

"That's the bad guy's nest?"

Lin Hong knew it in his heart and came to understand.

"Almost, but there are many masters, not as simple as ordinary bad guys, be careful." The heart demon responded.

"Master, what are you thinking?"

Xue Qianhan was a little surprised at this time, holding his shoulders, looking around.

In her eyes, Lin Hong was completely distracted.

"Nothing..." Lin Hong rubbed his nose, "Don't leave my sight, understand?"

He intends to use the system to search around here, and if there is nothing, he will leave directly.


Xue Qianhan nodded seriously.

At this moment, a cursing voice came from the front: "Damn, this **** place is really hard to go."

It's a group of people who seem to be ugly, each with a lot of scars.

This is a mountain forest with a lot of rocks, so it is not easy to walk.

"Trouble is coming."

Lin Hong wanted to change direction, but it was too late.

"The one in front, stop for Lao Tzu!"

"Who are you Lao Tzu?"

Lin Hong turned around and stared at the six people who came by, his expression unchanged.

The yelling person sneered: "You old man! How's it going? Hurry up and call Dad to listen."

As soon as he finished speaking, he couldn't laugh anymore.

I saw that the world was filled with blood red, it turned out to be murderous!

Murderous... could it be condensed into this way? How many people were killed? !

"You have the courage, just say it again." Lin Hong said slowly, putting his hands in his pockets, the hair behind him without wind.

"I, I was wrong, master, master, please let go...ah----"

Before he could finish speaking, he realized that his arm was gone and screamed.

Lin Hong glanced at the arm that was torn off by himself: "It's a pity that I have arms and legs, and I can't speak human words."

After he finished speaking, he transformed the arm in his hand to get some attribute points.


Xue Qianhan was a little scared behind.

"Tae'er, there will be some **** next, you close your eyes first." Lin Hong looked back at her.

"No, no, please let us go!"

When Xue Qianhan closed his eyes, all the six people had already knelt on the ground.

Lin Hong stared at the person who had spoken harshly to him before, and slowly stepped forward~www.readwn.com~ raised his hand and took out his chest: "Come and see, whose heart is this."

He got up, the heart that he had just taken out was still beating, with residual warmth, it was sticky in his hand.

Take out the heart abruptly?

This means...

It's so cruel!

"Quickly, give me your heart back!" The man had his heart taken out, and he was barely alive, but he was about to die.

"of course can."

As Lin Hong spoke, he opened his mouth and forced his heart into it abruptly, and then pressed his chin back.

The remaining five people were already sweating profusely, and it was the first time they saw such a terrible torture.

Not long after the person died, Lin Hong took Xue Qianhan away: "The misfortune comes from the mouth, I hope you can change your mind."

"You are right..."

"We will definitely, and we will wash our hands in the golden basin tomorrow!"


The five people responded one after another, fearing to death.

Lin Hong had gone away, and the exploration of the borrowing system found that it was a place in the city.

"What would a city in this place look like?" He frowned and asked tentatively.

"A city full of sin, be careful anyway."

The demon replied.

Lin Hong nodded softly: "Apprentice, you can't leave the master for a while, you know?"

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