I Can Become a Treasure by Picking Up Garbage

Chapter 83: I'll leave it to you

Provincial capital, Longhua University.

The police station is based on Longhua University and has a complete blockade of 30 kilometers to ensure the safety of people.

The siren sounded from time to time. In the class, the entire grade group was here.

"An Shuang, you said...Is it too late for the confession plan of the two of us?" Shuyao took Liu Anshuang's arm and sat with her in the front row by the window.

In the past few days, they have become the best girlfriends, and even negotiated a fair competition against Lin Hong.

"He will definitely show up to protect us."

Liu Anshuang turned his head and looked at the night sky outside the window, helpless in her beautiful eyes.

Since the emergence of the giant genetic monster, students have been forbidden to leave the school. This huge classroom, containing the entire grade group of students, seems crowded. In class on weekdays, dozens of people can come to the sky. Now, it is close. two hundred.

"Hope...Is that downstairs?" Shu Yao suddenly pointed out the window.

In the playground, a man of 18 or 9 years old, holding a flower in his hand, seemed to be dancing. Then, a lot of people ran out and rushed to the flag-raising platform, holding a strange flag in his hand.

"Call the police station!"

Many students in the class took out their mobile phones and called the police.

But they forgot that the network has been paralyzed, and the network base stations in the entire provincial city have been inexplicably destroyed.

"These bastards...brothers, come down with me and beat them!" Zhang Yi was so angry that he turned blue and roared, and was about to lead people down.


Mancho walked into the class and yelled at him.

After investigation, the giant genetic monster would go to crowded places, so the superiors issued an order to not get out of the building.

Zhang Yi was trembling and was angry: "Principal, those **** are changing the national flag!"

"I know you are angry, but go out now, it is very likely..."


Mancho hadn't finished speaking, and there was a bright light outside, accompanied by the sound of firecrackers exploding.

Those people outside began to set off fireworks. The fireworks exploded after flying to a height of 100 meters. They were colorful and beautiful, but nowadays, they can easily attract genetic monsters.

"They are trying to kill us! Brothers, follow me!" Zhang Yi roared and walked out of the classroom despite Mancho's dissuasion.

The people in the class were taken by arrogantly a little bit.

"These guys know to cause trouble..." A boy sat in the back seat of Shu Yao and muttered with his head down.

His name is Sun Shanliang, and he likes to talk cold talk most on weekdays.

"He went down for our safety, how can you say cold words?"

Shu Yao turned her head, frowning.

Sun Shanliang sneered: "I didn't let them go, they were willing to..."


Shu Yao was choked by words.

Suddenly, the ground was shaking and the building seemed to be collapsing. The girls in the class were shocked and screamed again and again, thinking it was a genetic monster coming.

After a while, the vibration stopped.

"Quickly, classmates, go to the emergency channel!" Mancho knew that he needed to set an example, and forcibly maintained his composure.

Unexpectedly, there will be an earthquake at this time!

"Quick, go downstairs!"


The students were consciously alienated and orderly. Shu Yao and Liu Anshuang were walking in the crowd. When they reached the top of the stairs, Shu Yao was squeezed by someone. One of them fell unsteadily and suffered from ankle pain.

"My feet are cramped..." Shu Yao gritted her teeth and endured the pain, holding on to a side wall, the corners of her eyes were red.

"I will help you!"

Liu Anshuang quickly helped Shu Yao and stumbled down the stairs.

Soon, the entire school gathered in the playground. At this time, it was three o'clock in the morning, and the cold wind blew in, causing the thinly-clothed Liu Anshuang to tremble involuntarily.

"It won't attract genetic monsters... I'm afraid."

"I haven't been in love yet!"

Some people are wailing, some are falling apart, and some teachers are maintaining order.

A special battle is going on at the flag-raising stand.

"Boss, we can't beat it." One of Zhang Kuang's younger brother has a bruised nose and a swollen face.

Zhang Kuang spit out a **** sputum and looked at more than a hundred strong adults in front of him, knowing that he could not be an opponent, but he looked up at the flagpole, the banner of the Doomsday Association, and was unwilling.

"The end is here, what's the use of struggling? Can this thing save you?"

An adult on the opposite side took the national flag and tore it in his hand, his eyes full of madness.

"You are crazy!" Zhang Kuang a little brother roared.

"You are crazy and want to violate the laws of nature. The world is about to restart. Don't resist!"

The person on the other side threw the national flag directly away, stepped on it with his foot, rubbed it hard, and the smile on his face grew brighter.

Shuyao and the others gathered together not far from the flag-raising platform, and some of the classmates could hardly contain the anger in their hearts.

"These people!" Mancho gritted his teeth.

"There are so many beauties over there..."

The person who stepped on the national flag suddenly found Mancho and the others, and couldn't help licking his lips. Having lived for so many years, such a beautiful girl had never touched it.

"What are you doing?" Zhang Yi quickly stopped them with seven or eight younger brothers who could still stand up.

Zhang Kuang said that he must protect Shuyao's girls who have an affair with Lin Hong.

"What are you doing? Of course!"

These people seemed to be crazy, rushing to Shuyao and other women, Zhang Yi's blocking was useless, and even after only one face, he was knocked down, lying on the ground frequently vomiting blood.



The scared girls ran away, and the responsible teachers and male classmates sacrificed their lives to stop them, but it was useless.

These more than a hundred people are simply hungry wolves, bypassing obstacles and focusing on weak prey.

"This girl is so handsome, come to my arms!" A member of the Doomsday Council found Shu Yao~www.readwn.com~ and ran over to grab her wrist and drag it into her arms.

Shuyao had already sprained her ankle, was supported by Liu Anshuang, and was so violently dragged that she lost her balance and sat on the ground.

"It's a pity that my figure is a little bit worse..." This person said, but Shu Yao's hand was suddenly bitten.


He felt that his finger was about to be bitten off, so he immediately drew out the dagger and struck it at Shu Yao.

Blood spattered, and Shu Yao's face felt like burning pain.

Liu Anshuang covered her mouth in shock and exclaimed because Shu Yao was stabbed in the face.

For a girl, the most important thing is always appearance.

However, Shu Yao is out of shape...

"Damn, I won't kill you tonight!" The Doomsday Council member tore Shuyao's hair forcefully, with a neat row of teeth marks on his hands.

"Da da da——" Suddenly, the sound of the propeller came, extremely strong, and the bright light came down and it happened to shine on Shu Yao.

"I'm finally back."

Lin Hong opened the hatch, looked at the land hundreds of meters below, and jumped straight down.

"Master...wow, won't you fall to death!!" The snow fox clung to Lin Hong's neck, his voice trembled.

"No, don't worry, be careful from now on, you don't talk."

Lin Hong had a bottom in his heart, and at the same time exhorted the snow fox.


"Jump from the helicopter?"

The students below talked a lot. Zhang Yi knelt on the ground, his right eye was full of blood red, he saw that the man who jumped down was Lin Hong, he couldn't help but chuckle.

The martial arts master who has been praised by my eldest brother, this is up to you...

Thinking of this, he was full of blood and fainted directly.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content! Author's note: How about this writing? ps. Finally changed the state...

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