"You are protecting him so much, is it possible that he is your former lover?" Li Lian glanced at Shufen, obviously very upset.

His possessiveness is particularly strong, and seeing Shufen protect other people is not a good feeling in his heart.

"Don't talk nonsense, I can't stand it."

Lin Hong waved his hand quickly, he didn't have the habit of breaking his shoes.

"He's amazing..." Shufen hugged Li Lian's shoulders worriedly, and couldn't stop shaking in her heart.

He embarrassed him so much before and refused to let him be with Shu Yao. Will he retaliate against himself for this?

"Awesome? In this place, Lao Tzu is the Emperor of Tu, what kind of thing is he!"

Li Lian said very domineering, and directly pushed Shufen away and walked straight to Lin Hong.

Li Lian watched for a while, then sneered: "Just you, very powerful?"

Not to mention wearing a clothes shop, he has obviously not practiced much, with thin arms and thin legs, and a security guard can be used to subdue him with one hand!

Lin Hong didn't speak, but glanced at Shufen, who was standing aside, trembling all over.

She might know Shu Yao's whereabouts

"Lin Hong, go quickly!" Huang Jun said helplessly.

"Go? Why go."

Lin Hong looked back and looked puzzled.

Why are you still asking?

Huang Jun helplessly: "My life is bad, it's not worth saving, and more than 70 million, how can I get all of them?"

"When did I say I want to pay?"

Lin Hong put his hands in his pockets and smiled suddenly, looking harmless to humans and animals.

Liu He was stunned. Seeing Li Lian looking at him, he hurriedly said to Lin Hong: "You said at the noodle restaurant, you have to pay him back!"

"Oh, if you don't tell me, I almost forgot."

Lin Hong calmly smiled softly.

Li Lian's face was pulled down instantly, and he raised his hand: "Are you kidding me?"

The thugs in the room quickly surrounded Lin Hong, one by one with a fierce spirit.

"Isn't it obvious enough?"

Lin Hong smiled indifferently, took out the phone, and whispered into the microphone: "You can come in."


The door of the house was suddenly knocked open, and a group of police officers came in. As soon as they came in, the thugs quickly dispersed, their eyes panicked.

"Director, why are you here?" Li Lian saw this posture, sweat shed.

"Huh, you issued loans to the public without permission, should you take a trip?"

The director in his mouth snorted, straightened his back, and walked up to Li Lian angrily.

Li Lian's heart pounded: "You forgot, I gave it to you..."

"Bold! Bring me someone, take it away!"

The director hurriedly yelled, took out the handcuffs and handcuffed Li Lian's hands.

Seeing Li Lian puzzled, the director moved his face over and whispered in his ear: "You have provoked someone who shouldn't be provoked..."

Who shouldn't mess with?

Li Lian was immediately stunned, who had he provoked?

"Look...Is this okay?" The Secretary turned around, nodding and bowing towards Lin Hong.

The god-grandson of Mr. Pang in Beijing, really can't afford to offend him.

"There are countless kinds of illegal loans in provincial cities...what should I do?"

Lin Hong chuckled. As early as in the car, he contacted Zhang Kuang and asked him to bring the police over.

The director nodded repeatedly: "This is all the dirt in society! It must be cleaned out!"

It turns out that he shouldn't mess with him?

Li Lian was still in a daze. It turned out that the truly naive person was himself.

Lin Hong glanced at the audience and calmly walked to Shufen.

Shufen leaned back against the massage bed, with a frightened expression, she couldn't retreat if she wanted to retreat.

"Where is Shu Yao?"

Lin Hong looked at Shufen and spoke slowly.

Shufen shook her head: "I...I don't know."

"Where is she?"

Lin Hong paused, staring at Shufen, smiling slightly, but this smile made Shufen's heart chill.

"She's back to her hometown, I, I only know that she's back to her hometown..."

Shufen trembled involuntarily.

Back home?

Lin Hong smiled and looked back at the arrogant man standing outside the door: "Can you find where Shuyao's hometown is?"

Zhang Kuang shook his head embarrassedly, "There is no news about her hometown at all."

Lin Hong nodded and looked at Shufen again.

"I hope you didn't lie to me."

After speaking, Lin Hong turned and left, and when he passed the gate, he raised his hand and patted his mad shoulder: "Thank you."

A word of gratitude is better than a thousand dollars for arrogance.

In fact, he did so much for Lin Hong to repay him.

Since he stopped lending, his income has plummeted, but at this moment, the Pang family came to the door and discussed business with him personally!

In just ten days, his income has been comparable to that of his father!

All these are attributed to Lin Hong!

"The kid will leave it to you."

Lin Hong glanced at Huang Jun and nodded arrogantly.

Walking out of the massage parlor, snow suddenly floated in the sky. Looking at the tall buildings in the city, Lin Hong let out a heavy breath.

"The ordinary life has begun, Ke Shuyao...Where are you?"

One month passed quietly.

Longhua University.

"Lin Hong, will you go home together?" Liu Anshuang came to Lin Hong's table as usual.

"it is good."

Lin Hong nodded in response, then smiled slightly, but his eyes were a bit tired.

"Are you... still thinking about Shu Yao?"

Liu Anshuang was silent for a moment before speaking slowly.

Lin Hong smiled bitterly and nodded: "It's been a month, and there is no news about Shu Yao..."

He even asked Father Pang, but Shuyao, as if the world had evaporated, disappeared.

"Shu Yao, she mailed me a letter yesterday." Liu Anshuang was inexplicably dull and took out a letter from his pocket.

"Where is she?"

Lin Hong took this letter. The content of the letter contained some blessings and a photo. In the photo was Shu Yao. She was still so beautiful, with long black hair and delicate features, but the red scar on her face , Very eye-catching.

"I don't know, the address is blank, I still won't reply if I send him a message." Liu Anshuang shook his head.

These days, she did not miss Shu Yao.

"Let me put the letter first, I'll take you home."

Lin Hong sighed a long sigh~www.readwn.com~Prepare this letter and keep it, maybe it will be useful.

Liu Anshuang was silent for a moment: "Can you go shopping with me?"

"This... okay."

Lin Hong was anxious, but seeing Liu Anshuang's request, he could only agree.

"Ring Ling Ling..." The phone rang suddenly, and when he picked it up, he was mad.

"Hello? Is there news about Shuyao?" Lin Hong asked hurriedly.

Zhang Kuang smiled bitterly on the other end of the phone: "No, it was the fox you raised. It was picked up by a lady who wanted to buy it..."

"Little fox? Not for sale!"

Lin Hong quickly refused, the little fox can't be measured by money.

"I said so too, but they moved... the fox was snatched away." Zhang Kuang said embarrassedly.


Lin Hong immediately stood up from his seat.

"You come back soon..." When Zhang Kuang finished speaking, Lin Hong hung up the phone.

"I need to go to Zhang Kuang's place now, and I won't take you home today."

Lin Hong apologized to Liu Anshuang who had just packed up, and immediately ran out of the class.

Okay...how about shopping?

Liu Anshuang sat lonely in the position that Lin Hong had done before, bowed his head and smiled bitterly.

If I hadn't retired at that time... what would happen?

Unfortunately, there is no if...

When you really fall in love with someone, even if you do whatever you can to get him, what about?


Zhang Kuang’s villa.

"Who is that eldest lady? Don't you know who I am?"

Lin Hong pushed the door directly and walked in, looking eager.

Several bodyguards wanted to stop Lin Hong, but arrogantly came up quickly and let these bodyguards get up, "It's the Yanyun family of Beijing!"

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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