But it couldn't stop it at all.

Because no matter how the biological robot is attacked, it just sinks into a hole, and he keeps trying to run, there is no way to stop it.

Want to trap him? Completely wishful thinking!

At the innate realm, unless four or five people besiege one, don't even think about leaving people behind.

Lin Hong breathed a sigh of relief: "At least it's safe."

If there is no two of Dali and Daqiang, he can only use Guanyin Tears when he meets this genetic creature alone.

Although the strength of the little fox is equivalent to that of the innate warrior, it is between the juvenile and adult stages and cannot be made large by itself. If it cannot be made large, it is completely an ordinary fox. As for the Eastern Emperor Bell, its main function is It takes time to trap the enemy and refine it.

"I'm so sorry to scare you here..."

Yan Yun knew his fate and sighed.

This is the industry in her family, and I didn't expect this kind of stubbornness.

Dali came over at this moment: "Miss, go home, it's dangerous outside."


Yan Yun looked at Lin Hong knowingly, she didn't want to leave.

"Let's go back."

Lin Hong smiled slightly, this is not about the Yanyun family, so let them not get involved.

"Master comes news, let you go back soon." Dali suddenly took out the phone, looked at it, and spoke again.


Yan Yun was well-known and wanted to continue to say something, but his father's fate was hard to violate, so he nodded and agreed.

People from the Yanyun family left, and Xiao Feng came to Lin Hong in a panic: "If they leave, wouldn't we be in danger?"

"You go back by yourself first, and Xiaomei will leave it with me."

Lin Hong smiled reluctantly.

When Xiao Feng heard this, he was immediately anxious: "Do you treat me as a scumbag? I'm not afraid of death!"

"I know you are not afraid of death, but I can't take care of you..."

Lin Hong smiled bitterly. He might be able to protect Xiao Mei with his kung fu, but if there was one more Xiao Feng, the clone would be useless.

Xiao Feng was stunned, he suddenly felt that he was somewhat useless.

"Shanwen, you go back soon." Lin Hong looked at Pang Shanwen, who was being protected by Pang Mu and Pang Shui at this time.

"I don't want it, I'm not that coward!"

Pang Shanwen shook his head, flicking the single ponytail behind his head.

The coward in her mouth is Yan Yun knows his fate. She said she liked Lin Hong and asked Lin Hong to be her boyfriend, but when it was a critical moment, she fled.

"Okay, don't play tricks, Pang Shui, take her back quickly." Lin Hong winked at Pang Shui.


Pang Shui didn't dare to be rude to Pang Shanwen.

But Pang Shanwen just didn't follow it.

Lin Hong sighed, and suddenly remembered something: "By the way, do you know how to become an Innate Martial Artist?"

He said this to Pang Mu and Pang Shui.

"It depends on chance... when the chance arrives, you can enter the innate and reborn!"

Pang Mu smiled bitterly.

This is too general!

Lin Hong thought for a moment: "Can you be more detailed?"

"It's just chance... It's said that some babies will get chance and even natural visions just after they are born. The legendary killing gods are born in vain, they are born with natural visions when they are born, they get great opportunities, and they directly become innate peak realms. The undefeated myth."

What Pang Shui said was very exciting, but suddenly his face was decadent.

If you don't get the so-called chance, you can only turn around in the acquired realm forever. This is the dilemma of the warrior's journey, and efforts are useless.

Lin Hong sighed: "I'm leaving first. The capital may not be peaceful these days, so be careful."

After he finished speaking, he directly picked up Xiao Mei and walked out of the box quickly without looking back.

Outside the Emperor Restaurant.

"Hey...little fox, Donghuang Bell, Guanyin tears."

Lin Hong got into his car and couldn't help but feel embarrassed. He now only has these three hole cards.

The little fox has fallen asleep in Lin Hong's arms, while Xiao Mei, sitting in the driving seat, looks out the window from time to time, clasping her hands, obviously frightened.

After all, she is just a child.

Xiao Mei looked at Lin Hong suddenly, feeling down: "Brother Lin Hong, those...monsters, why are you arresting me?"


Lin Hong was choked and couldn't tell why.

After thinking for a moment, he smiled softly: "Because Xiaomei made them jealous. Only good people can be jealous."

"Then... Am I going to make myself worse?"

"No, Xiaomei should become even better, so good that they are beyond the dust. Then, there will be no such monsters."



Lin Hong nodded affirmatively, then started the car and drove slowly forward.

Osman company internal.

Top floor laboratory.

"Miss Xiaomei, you'd better explain why there is an enhanced version of the biological robot!" The moon broke into the laboratory, staring at the robot Xiaomei with anger in his eyes.

I was afraid of what would come, this guy really didn't study strengthening potions, and spent huge sums of money to research other things!

"Why, aren't you satisfied?"

The corner of Xiao Mei's mouth chuckled, and she shook the reagent tube in her hand. It was not liquid, but a squirming meat.

The moon stared at Xiaomei, saying, "You, best, explain!"

"What is there to explain? Each of these biological robots is absolutely obedient, and moreover, comparable to warriors in the innate realm."

Xiaomei said casually ~www.readwn.com~ what the moon wanted to say, but two "people" suddenly came out behind her.

However, they are not real people, but biological robots.

"Huh, do you think you can threaten me with these two rubbish?" The moon suddenly sneered.

As he finished speaking, his fists blasted backwards fiercely, and the two biological robots exploded fiercely, becoming real minced meat, splashing in the laboratory.

"These two are for you to vent."

Xiao Mei still said casually.

Immediately, the corner of her mouth was gently raised: "The experiment of the third potentiation potion has been under research. This biological robot is just my little toy."

"You are a genius, but don't worry about it."

The moon looked at Xiaomei coldly.

As a natural peak realm, he has absolute strength, so he dare to use Xiaomei.

But now, he feels that he has been threatened. If this continues, maybe Xiaomei will be able to make a biological robot of the innate pinnacle level. By then, he will be completely unable to suppress her.

Therefore, he has made plans to wait until the third potion comes out, then kill it soon!

"Relax, I said, I'm just a geneticist, nothing more."

Xiao Mei smiled softly and put down the test tube in her hand.

"Better like this..." The moon left without looking back, and decided to send someone to monitor Xiao Mei.

"I'm just a geneticist, but there are so many things that can be done with genes."

Seeing the moon leave, Xiao Mei sat on the chair beside her and shook her neck.

In her mechanical eyes, a humane light flashed: "For example...destroying the world or something."

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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