I Can Become a Treasure by Picking Up Garbage

Chapter 99: Donghuangzhong Shenwei

  The voodoo flew out like an arrow and sank into Lin Hong's body.

   "So, this is your support?"

  Lin Hong is safe and sound, staring at Sun Shanliang indifferently, his expression is neither sad nor happy.

  Sun Shanliang was taken aback: "Voodoo, how could it be useless?"

  What he didn't know was that the jade necklace that Lin Hong was wearing was immune to all poisons, and voodoo was also a kind of poison.

   "My patience is limited. Tell me where the fox is."

  Lin Hong raised the blood moon halberd, and the sharp blade of the halberd head rested on Sun Shanliang's neck. The chill on it almost made Sun Shanliang urinary directly.

  Sun Shanliang didn’t even dare to move, crying with a sad face: “Brother, brother, don’t shake your hands, I, I both!”

   "Stick again, I will kill you directly."

  Lin Hong's eyes seemed to have only ice cold left, and this ice cold made Sun Shanliang's heart tremble.

   "The house, in that house!" Sun Shanliang suddenly pointed to the main house aside.

  It was winter, and the air was a little bit cold. Lin Hong tightened his clothes and walked straight to the door of the house. When he came close, he swung out the halberd in his hand.

  Only listen to the "唰" sound.

  The Blood Moon Halberd did not hit the gate, but hit the air.

  Lin Hong reached out and touched it, and found that there was a wall in front of him that was invisible but could be touched, wrapping the whole house.

  "Could it be the enchantment symbol?"

  Lin Hong was puzzled in his heart, and displayed the Demon Sealing Chaotic Halberd.

  One click, two clicks...until a set of magic halberds was finished, the whole house suddenly burst out of dark gas, which was visible to the naked eye, enveloping the whole house.

  In the crack of the wooden door, black gas suddenly burst out, condensed and formed, it was a hand, straight to Lin Hong.

  "This is definitely not the way of China!" Lin Hong frowned, and slashed down at the flying hand with a blood moon halberd.

  The hand dissipated in an instant, but at this time, the room in front of him began to fly out the strange gas from the cracks in the door, window, and various places, condensing into the hand.

   "Haha, the wizard is angry, watching the magic of this comic, you just wait to die!"

  Aside, Sun Shanliang was gloating, clutching his stomach and laughing.

  Lin Hong heard the words and looked over: "Magic?"

  The wizard in his mouth should be the person who was walking with him during the surveillance at the time. As for the magic power, it was something from the western side.

   "Damn, are you going to be crazy? Look at your face, I'm damn!"

  Sun Shanliang first took a sip and spit, and then he was in a safe place, feeling distressed by the poison before him.

  And Lin Hong, still struggling with the hands condensed by the magic power, had no time to talk to him.

  Although these hands are not difficult to deal with alone, the key is a steady stream.

  Hundreds of hands flew around Lin Hong, and suddenly one hand seized the opportunity to pinch Lin Hong's arm joints, making this arm unable to move.

  Lin Hong lifted his halberd and killed this hand: "It's really troublesome!"

  It feels like there are countless flies flying around in front of them, and they can’t kill them cleanly.

   killed this hand, but immediately after that, there were more hands only in this neutral position, buckling Lin Hong's various joints, Lin Hong frequently parried, but it was already weak.

   "Look at how you died." With a sneer on the corner of Sun Shanliang's mouth, he suddenly looked outside the gate of the courtyard.

  There was Lin Hong's car parked there, and Zhongmei in the car was lying on the glass, looking over worriedly.

   "Hey! Isn't this Lin Hong's girl..."

  Sun Shanliang had a smirk on his face and made up his mind. He felt that doing this kind of thing is best to be foolproof.

  Now, he walked to the car.

  And Lin Hong still concentrates on dealing with those hands.

  It’s just that the situation is a little bit bad.

  His arms were locked, and he was gradually grasped by more than 300 hands. Although these magical hands were not dangerous, they directly wrapped Lin Hong into a zongzi.

   "It's really annoying!" Lin Hong gritted his teeth and was about to slash, when suddenly, the Donghuang Bell hanging on his earlobe shook slightly, emitting fluorescence.


  The Donghuang Bell vibrated violently, and the mysterious fluorescence on his body burst out suddenly.

  As a burst of strong light flashed, the hands condensed by the magic power disappeared.

  Lin Hong suddenly said: "What kind of wizard, obviously cultivated evil spirits, Donghuang Zhong specializes in evil spirits, why did I forget this?"

  Immediately, he took the blood moon halberd in his left hand, and called the Eastern Emperor Bell with his right hand. After the Eastern Emperor Bell, which was not as big as his thumb, fell into his hand, it suddenly became bigger, still emitting mysterious fluorescence.

  The magic hands condensed from the room, flying outside the fluorescent light, afraid to approach.

  Lin Hong saw that it was so, and directly dragged the Donghuang Bell to the door of the main house and smashed it down.

   "Kang Dang!!"

   Not surprisingly, with a loud noise, the door instantly shattered, and the hands floating behind him instantly turned into flying smoke and dispersed.

  Lin Hong broke in and shouted: "Fox!"

   "How did you get in!"

The wizard has taken off his hood, his messy hair seems to have not been washed for several months, and his beard on his face is even more dirty. Standing in the center of a magic circle, holding a magic wand, Lin Hong, who was originally chanting, suddenly appeared. To disrupt the rhythm.

  Lin Hong looked at the magic circle and was shocked: "Fox!!"

  The lines of this magic circle are extremely obscure. There is a five-pointed star in the center. The fox is in the center of the five-pointed star. It was originally white and fat. It has become skinny and is being entangled by a huge centipede.

   "Suffer to death!"

  The wizard pointed his staff at Lin Hong and directly shot a dark fireball.

   "I want to see if it is you or me!"

  Lin Hong burned with anger, and when he finished, he threw out the Eastern Emperor Bell in his hand and directly hit the dark fireball.

  The dark fireball was directly annihilated, but the Eastern Emperor's seed did not stop, flew away, and landed on the Zheng of the circle.


  The lines of the entire circle suddenly burned violently, and then went out~www.readwn.com~, leaving a dark fire pattern on the floor.

   Seeing this, the wizard became furious: "Just one step, just one step away!!"

  Wait until the centipede eats the fox, the centipede can become a real monster!

  He worked all night, but he stumbled here!

   "Huh, what kind of animal is this, dare to **** the blood of a fox!?"

  Lin Hong was holding the blood moon halberd, rushing to the side of the centipede, and directly chopped it down. The centipede could not dodge and was chopped in half.

  "My centipede! My centipede!!" The wizard screamed suddenly, his eyes red.

  When they first became a teacher, they were all given a centipede, but it was an inch long and needed to be nourished by magic day and night before the centipede would grow up.

   And his centipede has been fed by magic for eight years!

  Eight years!

   "I want you to die, I want you to die!!" The wizard pointed his staff at Lin Hong.

  This staff is just a crude wooden staff, but at this time, it slowly condenses a black magic ball.

   "Intermediate black magic, devour the magic ball!"

  The wizard yelled, the magic wand shattered directly, and the magic ball condensed by the wand slowly flew towards Lin Hongfei.

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