Nansha No. 3 Middle School, Class 8 of Senior High School.

When the teacher left after emphasizing the discipline of evening self-study, Qin Hongyu fell on the table weakly.

Since the third aunt was diagnosed with uremia last month, the third uncle's family has been completely in a desperate situation.

For treatment, within a month, the third uncle emptied his family and borrowed all the people around him who could borrow it, but it was still barely enough to support the third aunt to be hospitalized. If you want to have surgery, you still have at least one million missing

! And just this afternoon, the hospital's latest physical examination report came out: If the operation is not performed within a week, the third aunt may have only one year left to live at most!

When Qin Hongyu was talking to the third uncle on the phone, he choked up when he heard the tower-like man's voice for the first time in seventeen years.

At the end of the phone call, the third uncle said that if he couldn't

think of a way, he would sell the only small house in the family! Selling the house for treatment was the last and most helpless way for the family to think of

! Qin Hongyu opened his mobile phone, and the 20,000 yuan of the WeChat microparticle loan had already been lent out for his third aunt when he was making up the first hospitalization fee!

Alipay borrowed, a total of 25,000 yuan, and when the third aunt needed medicine, he used 10,000 yuan, and now there is only 15,000 yuan left

! Moreover, the first repayment date of the micro loan is coming soon!

Qin Hongyu was a little embarrassed.

can think of him having no father or mother since he was a child, relying on the benevolence and righteousness of his third uncle and three aunts, providing him with food, housing for him, and school for him, and pulling him all the way...... gritted his teeth again, and used all the remaining 15,000 yuan in one go.

After waiting for the fifteen thousand to arrive, Qin Hongyu directly called all the money to the third uncle, and sent a text message: "Third uncle, this is just arrived, you take the scholarship from the school last semester first." O(∩_∩)O"

After sending the text message, he decisively put his mobile phone aside, and ignored the text message from the third uncle, and began to study at night.

Unexpectedly, after flipping through the two articles of the Chinese textbook, the mobile phone vibrated twice.

Qin Hongyu glanced at it casually, and was suddenly stunned.

It was actually a text message from the bank: "Your account is 2866, and you got 6836 yuan from reading on February 18, and the balance after the transaction is 6836.87 [Huaxia Bank]"

What the hell?

"Huaxia Bank Microbank: Dear user, there has been a transaction on your debit card with tail number 2866.

Trading time, 19:56 on February 18.

The transaction amount is 6836 yuan.

Trade notes, read the earnings.

Qin Hongyu was stunned again.

SMS may be a telecom fraud, but the micro-bank on WeChat, it seems that so far, there is no precedent for being impersonated?

He decisively opened the mobile banking app to check the balance.

"6,836.87 yuan!"

When he saw the balance number displayed in the mobile banking app, Qin Hongyu's breathing stopped! The

text message was actually true!

However, what was the matter with the income of 6,836 yuan?

The transaction notes and the bank text message both said that it was the reading income, and he seemed to have read the texts in the two Chinese textbooks just now......

Could it be that it has something to do with reading?

Qin Hongyu opened the textbook again and read three texts in one go.

Sure enough, when he stopped reading, the text messages and WeChat messages came again.

This time, his reading income was 8750 yuan!

Looking at the 15586.87 in the balance of the mobile banking app, Qin Hongyu lost his mind for a while.

If someone told him before today that studying is to make money, he would definitely scold the other party. But now, seeing with his own eyes the benefits of studying, his heart began to beat uncontrollably

! Before that, the operation fee of one million was an astronomical amount to him

! But at the current rate of making money, it is estimated that he can earn it in five or six days at most!

In other words, as long as he can seize the time to make money by reading, the third uncle will not have to sell his house, and the third aunt's surgery fee will also be settled!

Thinking of this, Qin Hongyu went all out and read a few more texts.

When his back hurt and his eyes were a little tired, he put down his textbook and was about to rest on his stomach when a rudimentary vertical screen suddenly appeared in his mind: "Loading......

The [God-level reading system] has been activated, and the system is being initialized!

Progress: 1%

""God-level reading system?" Is this the goldfinger that is now mentioned in popular online novels? No wonder I will have benefits from reading. Qin Hongyu suddenly came to his senses.

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