
middle-aged man straightened his waist, showed a smile that he thought was confident and sunny, ignored Qin Hongyu directly, walked straight to Li's side, stretched out his hand and smiled: "Hello, I am the auditor in charge of entertaining you, Yang Dingtian."

Yang Dingtian has seen countless girls, but the moment he saw him leave just now, he felt that he was in love.

Li's dress is very low-key, but Li's appearance deeply attracts him.

Although Li looked cold and looked like he had no feelings, Yang Dingtian thought that under his fierce offensive, this iceberg would definitely melt.

"Away. Li's answer was still simple, and she ignored Yang Dingtian's hand in the air.

Yang Dingtian was a little embarrassed, and smiled: "It's you who measure your physical fitness, right?" Your body proportions are simply the most perfect I have ever seen, you look like a cheetah, but your weak appearance contains endless explosive power, I believe you will definitely achieve good results."

"He is. Li frowned slightly, and slowly walked to Qin Hongyu's side.

Yang Dingtian followed her footsteps, with some courtesy on his face.

Li frowned when he saw this, and there was a hint of displeasure in his eyes.

Qin Hongyu smiled lightly, and kindly reminded Yang Dingtian: "Dude, this is a thorny rose, and it is an iceberg, I have known her for some time, except when she is doing things, she will never say a word, so ......" Yang Dingtian

not only did not accept his kindness, but said with some sarcasm: "You don't have this ability, but it doesn't mean I don't, understand?"

"Then start your performance!" Qin Hongyu didn't bother to say more to this kind of self-righteous person.

Yang Dingtian smiled proudly, looked at Qin Hongyu and raised his eyebrows, and then continued to come to Li's side: "Seeing that you are more face-to-face, it should be the first time you have come here, right?" "

How are you doing now, and you may need a burst of muscle strength for the physical fitness test later?" Li suddenly took the initiative to ask Qin Hongyu.

Qin Hongyu replied casually: "The state is okay." Li

nodded and said a few words of concern.

Yang Dingtian was on the side, seeing that he had always ignored himself, but took the initiative to chat with Qin Hongyu, and then looked at Qin Hongyu's gaze, unconsciously bringing something unkind.

"Alright, don't waste time, let's get started. He interrupted his words and walked straight to the 100-meter track.

Qin Hongyu and Li glanced at each other, smiled, and then followed.

"It's an honor for you to be here to get your fitness tested. Do you know what the best result ever has been on this track?" Yang Dingtian asked inexplicably.

Qin Hongyu didn't answer, and it was impossible for him to answer, which made Yang Dingtian embarrassed again.

"10 seconds! There are several, less than 11 seconds, are you afraid?" Yang Dingtian slowed down, and then said, "Do you feel very face-saving to be on the same track as them

?" "Finished?" Qin Hongyu said lightly: "Let's start when we're done." With

that, he walked onto the track.

All along, he wanted to know what kind of strength his body had strengthened, and now, he finally had a chance.

"Hehe, I don't see how big the ability is, but the fan is quite sufficient. Are you ready?" Yang Dingtian sneered.

Qin Hongyu nodded, bent down and squatted, making a standard starting motion.

At this moment, his whole temperament changed, like a cheetah about to hunt!

Yang Dingtian held the starting pistol, and then pulled the trigger sharply.

Qin Hongyu immediately moved.

Quiet as a virgin like a rabbit, when he moved, the wind seemed to slow down.

In the next second, Qin Hongyu appeared ten meters away.

Yang Dingtian, who originally wanted to see his jokes, was stunned, he just started so fast? Is this still a human being?

He has seen many excellent runners, but none of them can have such a suffocating explosive power as Qin Hongyu.

Because of the shock, he even forgot to pinch the stopwatch.

Li's reaction was the same, Qin Hongyu had always been more unexpected than her, so she was prepared, but just now Qin Hongyu ran ten meters away in an instant, and she was very stunned.

There are also many talented people in the security group, and she knows several people who run in 100 meters for ten seconds, but she has never seen someone as explosive as Qin Hongyu.

And just as these thoughts flashed by, Qin Hongyu's figure had already reached the center of the track!

Yang Dingtian was shocked.

Although he didn't pinch the stopwatch, as an auditor, he still had a clear idea of the approximate passage of time.

Four seconds have passed at most since he sent the signal just now!

Half of the four seconds have passed, how evil is this?

Even a world sprint champion can't do it, right?

In a few seconds, it was only a few breaths, and when he returned to reality again, Qin Hongyu's figure had stopped and was slowly walking back.

Yang Dingtian, who had just eased up, was stunned again.

Because according to his long-standing experience, the time it took Qin Hongyu to complete the 100 meters was definitely no more than ten seconds! It

might even be less

than nine seconds? He couldn't believe this result, you know, the world record is also more than nine seconds, so in this case, Qin Hongyu has already broken the world record?

Thinking of the highest record here that he deliberately mentioned to Qin Hongyu just now, his face felt hot.

And in the embarrassment, he suddenly saw Qin Hongyu's dress—

his pupils unconsciously dilated, as if he had seen the most incredible thing in the world.

"Qin Hongyu, he actually ran out of this result in skinny jeans?".

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