The body is the capital of the revolution, and now that the problem of weak physique is solved, you can try more postures and more durable ...... Read, learn.

Qin Hongyu was overjoyed, said hello to the third uncle, and after having a hurried breakfast, he rushed directly to the school.

When he arrived at the school, the fat man greeted him in a hurry, but after seeing Qin Hongyu, he was slightly stunned, and he couldn't help but sigh with emotion: ", Brother Qin, did you go to plastic surgery last night? How did you become so handsome

?" "......" Qin Hongyu couldn't help but touch his face, "Is it so exaggerated?"

The fat man nodded again and again, still couldn't help but look at him carefully.

Qin Hongyu had goosebumps that came out of his eyes, and hurriedly changed the topic: "Why are you looking for me in such a hurry?"

The fat man remembered the matter, and said to him nervously: "It's not good." "

What's wrong?" Qin Hongyu asked casually.

"I just heard the news that in order to save the time of the majority of senior high school candidates, the school directly compressed the mock test, which was originally divided into two days, to one day. "The fat man was a little anxious.

The exam is a very serious exercise for physical and mental exhaustion, especially this kind of large-scale mock test, each of which is a multiple test of physical fitness, mental power and willpower. Under normal circumstances, taking two subjects a day can exhaust most people enough. But now I actually put all the four big test papers in addition to language and mathematics and science comprehensive in one day, which will definitely greatly increase the difficulty of the exam.

And Qin Hongyu has always been relatively weak, and he usually reads more books, but he has to lie on the table and rest for half an hour to recover. Now that the school has suddenly concentrated the four exams in one day, the fat man really can't help but worry about him.

Qin Hongyu was slightly moved when he saw his nervous appearance, but he still said lightly: "It's okay, I'm sure."

"Brother Qin......" The fat man wanted to say more, but Qin Hongyu waved his hand and entered the classroom directly.

When he missed the fat man's side, he left a sentence, "The four of you have a heart, when the mock test is over, please." Immediately

, he ignored the fat man's reaction and sat back in his seat.

As soon as she sat down, Xia Tiantian also looked at her in surprise: "Did you put on makeup

?" "Is it necessary for a person like me who is handsome enough to last a lifetime?" Qin Hongyu asked rhetorically.

"Then why did your skin and complexion suddenly become so good?" Xia Tiantian was a little disbelieving, and couldn't help but reach out and pinch his face.

After pinching it a few times, she found that there was no trace of makeup, and the surprise on her face deepened.

"I know I'm handsome, but don't take advantage of me. Qin Hongyu slapped her hand away, ignored her reaction, and started to review against time.

Now that the morning self-study has not started, there are still two hours before the start of the first session, which may not matter to others, but for Qin Hongyu now, it is extremely precious.

And after today's review began, I don't know if it was an illusion, Qin Hongyu actually faintly felt that his brain seemed to be more sober.

Originally, some formulas and theorems that were easy to get confused after reading them, but now when I look at them, they immediately become transparent.

Even, as long as he stays at those knowledge points for a while, many relevant knowledge points will be associated and connected with them.

Not only that, but after reviewing the entire math textbook in one go, he didn't feel tired at all, and even wanted to sing another rap.

"Probably, that's the good thing about good health?"


After the morning self-study, Qin Hongyu was about to go to the cafeteria for breakfast, when the fat man suddenly walked over: "Brother Qin, we have prepared breakfast for you and Xia Xiaohua."

"So intimate?" Qin Hongyu was a little surprised.

Xia Tiantian was even more surprised: "I also have a share?"

The fat man and the others were a little embarrassed: "The four of us are not learning materials, and in the exam, there is nothing that can help you, so we can only work hard in these places."

"As for Xia Xiaohua, what do you do to Brother Qin, let's all see it. In the next few days, if you don't dislike it, we will also bring you one when we help Brother Qin bring food. Try to save you more time and review as much as possible. "

Thank you. Qin Hongyu was not hypocritical, after taking the breakfast, he lost a 500 red envelope directly in the red envelope group, which was considered breakfast money.

Xia Tiantian inadvertently swept the amount of the red envelope, and immediately looked straight in the eyes, and then couldn't help but reprimand in a low voice: "It's just breakfast, are you crazy

?" "Distressed?" Qin Hongyu asked with a smile.

"Who feels sorry for you. Xia Tiantian glanced at him, and then pinched the soft flesh on his waist, "I can't get used to the way you look after winning the lottery!

Qin Hongyu laughed.

Xia Tiantian was stunned for a moment, then reacted, and smacked him with a slightly red face: "Phew, what you think is beautiful!"

Qin Hongyu wanted to tease her again, Xia Tiantian suddenly returned to her normal color, and changed her words: "I just saw that you are quite serious about reviewing, you should still attach great importance to this mock test, right?" "

The stakes are so big, can you not pay attention to it?" Qin Hongyu smiled.

Xia Tiantian's gaze shifted to other places, trying to make her tone appear as casual as possible: "That...... Do

you have confidence?" "Your question makes me feel that you have no confidence in me. Qin Hongyu pretended to be lost.

But Xia Tiantian didn't explain, but fell silent, obviously acquiescing to his statement.

The air suddenly became silent.

After the atmosphere was awkward for a moment, Xia Tiantian looked around, and after making sure that no one was peeking, she suddenly quickly wrote a small note and pushed it over.

"Tablemates, no matter what the final result is, I believe that you did your best.

Qin Hongyu looked at the note and didn't reply, but just looked at Xia Tiantian with a slight side face.

At this moment, Xia Tiantian was drinking porridge with her head down as if nothing had happened.

Her posture of drinking porridge is very beautiful - her body leans forward slightly, a slender jade finger gently brushes away the green silk hanging down from her mouth, and scoops up the hot mung bean porridge with a spoon with one hand and sends it to her lips.

The wind moves, the porridge moves, and the heart moves.

Qin Hongyu admired it for a moment, then silently withdrew his gaze and said secretly: "I won't let you down, today and in the future!"


After breakfast, the head teacher came to the classroom and announced the specific schedule of the exam: "Chinese from 8 to 10 a.m., mathematics from 10:30 to 12:30 p.m., English from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., and science and science from 7 to 9:30 in the evening."

The main purpose of this exam is to let everyone know their level, so this exam will not deliberately disrupt the action, and the teachers will not proctored the exam, and it is allowed to submit the papers in advance...... However, I hope that everyone can still abide by the exam discipline, after all, there is no point in cheating and deceiving others at this time. With that

, he left the classroom.

Gao Qiu turned his head and looked at Qin Hongyu with a smile.

Qin Hongyu smiled and ignored it.

Soon, the first exam began.

As the class teacher said, after handing out the test papers, the Chinese teacher sat on the podium and went about his own business, without the slightest intention of invigilating.

Qin Hongyu didn't care, after carefully answering the test paper quickly and checking it carefully, he took this mathematics textbook and handed it in in advance.

After handing in the papers, he ignored everyone's gaze and walked out of the classroom directly.

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