That night, Gao Qiu's photo with a dog tag spread all over Nansha No. 3 Middle School.

Gao Qiu was so angry that he almost closed himself.

The next day, when he went to school, in order to avoid being recognized, he deliberately put on clothes with a stand-up collar, a large mask and large sunglasses.

Not only that, but in order to avoid the crowd as much as possible, he also deliberately got up extra early.

Unexpectedly, when I walked to the school gate, I was stopped by the security guard.

The security guard had some vigilance on his face, and while stopping him, he touched the alarm: "If you are not a student of this school, you are not allowed to enter!" "

Uncle, I am a student in the eighth class of high school here." Gao Qiu's face was dark, and as he spoke, he secretly observed his surroundings.

When he found that many students had seen it, he immediately covered his mask tighter, lest he be recognized.

Seeing this, the security guard looked more vigilant and suspicious on his face: "Which class are you from?"

As he spoke, he raised the alarm.

On the campus of high schools, there are cases where people from outside the school mix into the campus to make trouble, and people like this kind of people wearing strange clothes and covering their heads and faces have always been the focus of the school security department.

Gao Qiu saw that the security guard had turned on the alarm, and he also knew that his dress looked a little suspicious, so he had to take off his sunglasses, pull off part of the mask, and said cautiously: "Uncle, I am really a student of this school, from the eighth class of high school."

The security guard was a little suspicious, but the crowd around him burst into a burst of wild laughter: "Hahahahahaha! Isn't this the one who was all over the school yesterday? The one who wears a red and green dog tag

!" "Fuck! Really, I said who came to school in the summer wearing stand-up collar clothes, big masks, and big sunglasses? The relationship is the Internet celebrity 'Gao Qiu' in the eighth class of high school

!""Is this afraid of being recognized by everyone? hhhhhh!".

"This is for fear of being recognized, and I came to school with my head covered and my face covered? As a result, ......I was blocked at the door by Uncle Guard!

As everyone spoke, they immediately took out their mobile phones and slapped Gao Qiu wildly.

When the security guard heard everyone's ridicule, he looked Gao Qiu up and down, and his eyes were a little puzzled: "The relationship is really a student baby?

After speaking, he couldn't help but look at Gao Qiu again, and muttered in a low voice: "What kind of unsightly thing is this, dress up like this in the summer, and you are not afraid of covering up your prickly heat?"

Gao Qiu walked forward with his head down, and his heart was dripping blood crazily.

His current mood can be said to be quite complicated.

Although he was finally let go by the security guard, but listen to what the security guard just said, is that human talk?

And, most importantly, his disguise is in vain, and it makes people see a joke

! "Shiitake mushrooms, blue thin!"

Gao Qiu felt bitter in his heart, but he couldn't say it!


At half past six in the morning, when Qin Hongyu walked into the classroom, he immediately saw Gao Qiu looking over with a resentful face.

Qin Hongyu was confused.

I provoked him by recruiting him, as for this look?

It wasn't until the fat man and the others arrived, and he showed him a few screenshots with a smile, that Qin Hongyu reacted, and the feeling was that Gao Qiu didn't want to be watched by people because he lost face yesterday, and he lost face at the school gate this morning.

"No wonder he looked at me just now like a little girl who had just been abused. The

fat man patted him on the shoulder and laughed: "His current face is probably lost."

"All the students in the school, who pay attention to a little bit of Internet information, basically know that there is a dog tag in the eighth class of the third year of high school who is tall and the mask is high.

"However, I guess Gao Qiu must hate you to death now. Brother Qin, take it easy, if you need the help of the four of us, speak at any time.

Xiao Shuai, Little Wolf, and Eryu also nodded again and again.

Although we don't have much contact with Gao Qiu, after all, they have been classmates for three years, and the other party's personality is still very clear.

Although that goods are the school committee, the captain of the school boys' basketball team, the rich second generation, and the top student...... But speaking of that character, it's really not bad!

What everyone is very impressed by is that in the first year of high school physical education class, when everyone was running together, a boy accidentally tripped him, and as a result, he didn't care about the boy's apology and everyone's persuasion, so he had to kick the boy a few times, and sprayed a lot of swear words greeting the other party's maternal relatives.

There was also a recess in the second year of high school, a new pen he bought was missing, and he said that a girl stole it, and he scolded the girl so much that she cried on the table. What's even more excessive is that everyone found out afterwards that it was when he was having lunch that he knocked the pen off, but not only did he not apologize, but he also said confidently that the girl who was scolded and cried by him before was from a poor family, and she looked like a thief, and it was natural to suspect her of stealing, and the other party was so angry that she almost closed herself

! This kind of person, who suffered such a big loss on Qin Hongyu's side, would definitely not give up!

Qin Hongyu also knew that the fat man and the others were kind reminders, and smiled and said: " If he's okay, if he's going to keep troublesome with me, then all I can say is that he doesn't know anything about true power

!" "Domineering!" the fat man gave a thumbs up.

Qin Hongyu just smiled.

He's really not blowing.

With his physical fitness after being transformed by the primary quenching pill, let alone Gao Qiu, even if it is five or six Gao Qiu, he can easily hang and beat.

If Gao Qiu really didn't know what to do, he really had a hundred ways to let him know what real strength was!

After sitting down, Qin Hongyu began to review against time again.

Yesterday afternoon, the results of science comprehensive and English also came out.

His science comprehensive, because he didn't have time to review much, only scored 126 points - although it has been a great improvement from before, but it is still at least 130 points away from the level required by Xia Tiantian's entrance exam.

As for English, Qin Hongyu's test was even more miserable, because except for the first note given by Xia Tiantian, he didn't review it at all, and his English only scored 43 points, which was at least 75 points away from Xia Tiantian's level in the same school.

And now, there are only about ten days left before the college entrance examination.

His time was running out.

More importantly, in addition to fighting for the college entrance examination, he really needs to work harder to read and improve his mental strength.

Right now, his mental power has reached 62, and he is only 38 points left before he is upgraded!


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