Su Mengmeng couldn't help but shrink her pupils.

She was concentrating on the assessment of Qin Hongyu just now, and she didn't notice at all that this big Buddha was actually watching from the sidelines.

"Hello Mr. Yao. She hurriedly stood up and said hello.

She knows the deeds of this big guy very well. Even, in the early years, she was a fan of her!

Teacher Yao nodded with a smile, and then walked up to Qin Hongyu, and didn't say much, just took Qin Hongyu's hand and groped for a while.

After touching his hands, his eyes lit up, he quickly took a few steps back, carefully observed Qin Hongyu's skeleton and the proportion of body muscle groups, and then slapped his thighs sharply: "Okay, okay

!" "This small body, this physical fitness, is simply born for sports such as basketball!"

Qin Hongyu didn't know much about Mr. Yao's past, only that he was the honorary principal of the school.

At this moment, he saw that Principal Yao's eyes were a little oozing when he looked at him, and his scalp was a little numb: "Principal Yao, who are you?"

"Qin Hongyu, don't be nervous, I just saw the hunting heart." Teacher Yao smiled, and then went straight to the point, "I heard that your grades are not good, and there is no hope for the college entrance examination, have you considered changing to physical education and taking the path of sports specialty?" "I

dare to guarantee that with your qualifications, coupled with my training and resources, you will definitely be able to escort the national team within a year, and within three years, you will definitely become a rising star in the Chinese basketball world!"

Su Mengmeng was stunned when she heard this.

Although she was also amazed after seeing Qin Hongyu's ball skills with her own eyes, she didn't expect that Teacher Yao, who had eyes above the top, would actually have such a high evaluation of Qin Hongyu!

She subconsciously glanced at Xia Tiantian in the audience.

Xia Tiantian was originally immersed in the shock of Qin Hongyu's series of commotion operations, but she was awakened by Principal Yao's words just now, and at this moment she noticed Su Mengmeng's eyes, and immediately nodded at her, and told her with her mouth: Principal Yao has been here a long time ago, and it is very likely that he came to Qin Hongyu from the beginning.

Su Mengmeng became more and more surprised now.

In addition to surprise, there is also full of envy.

As early as entering Nansha No. 3 Middle School, especially after entering the school's women's basketball team, she followed Xia Tiantian to visit Teacher Yao, hoping that he could guide the basketball team or even worship him. But Mr. Yao directly refused.

After that, she learned from other seniors that Teacher Yao had refused to go to the school for guidance countless times, and there were some basketball geniuses in everyone's eyes

! Even the gold medal coach of the city's professional basketball team came to ask for guidance, but he was closed!

But now, Qin Hongyu, who is obviously still a basketball layman, can actually let Principal Yao take the initiative to give advice!

Xia Tiantian was also a little happy for Qin Hongyu.

After all, Principal Yao's ability to say such things was enough to prove his recognition of Qin Hongyu's strength and talent.

The person she likes is recognized, and she is also honored.

However, after only a brief moment of joy, she became nervous again.

Because, the prospect proposed by President Yao is too tempting

! One year to escort the national team, three years to become famous!

And the big stars in the basketball world are originally extremely attractive and eye-catching, which is simply an ideal career for a young man, especially for a teenager who has just turned 17 years old and has the strongest stage of vanity!

But if Qin Hongyu really chooses to take the route of sports specialty, it means that he is destined to not be in the same school as Xia Tiantian, and it is even difficult to be in the same city.

From a subconscious point of view, Xia Tiantian didn't want to be separated from him.

Therefore, after thinking of this, she subconsciously looked at Qin Hongyu and unconsciously clenched her little fists.

Qin Hongyu was keenly aware of Xia Tiantian's expression and small movements, and also keenly captured the envy and shock on Su Mengmeng's face, and even saw the confidence in Teacher Yao's eyes. Just a moment later, he probably guessed that Mr. Yao was only afraid that it would be a big deal.

But after glancing at Xia Tiantian from the corner of his eye again, he smiled and said to Teacher Yao: "Thank you Principal Yao for your love and appreciation, but I still want to focus on the college entrance examination."

As soon as these words came out, the expression on Mr. Yao's face suddenly froze.

Judging from the information he had, Qin Hongyu obviously had a poor family, his grades were at the bottom, and the college entrance examination was hopeless, so at this time, he gave him such an opportunity and opened such a broad road for him, it stands to reason that he shouldn't be grateful and accept it without thinking

? He actually refused

? Didn't he realize how rare and precious this opportunity was?

Su Mengmeng was also full of disbelief.

This is a great opportunity that countless people have asked for! This guy didn't even think about it for a while, so he refused so easily?

Xia Tiantian was also quite surprised, but at the same time, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Can you tell me why?" Teacher Yao had already come to his senses at this time, and his eyes were firmly fixed on Qin Hongyu.

Qin Hongyu smiled again, and then his gaze swept over Xia Tiantian intentionally or unintentionally, and then he said calmly: "Because of a promise—" "

I once promised a girl, where she goes, where I go."

These words are neither hurried nor slow, nor light, nor heavy, nor deliberate, but they are like a bullet, and the unmistakable moment hit the deepest part of Xia Tiantian's heart.

At this moment, her heartbeat paused, and her brain lost the ability to think, but her eyes unconsciously drifted to Qin Hongyu, as gentle as water.

In the chaos, Xia Tiantian's mind unconsciously came up with an ancient poem that she had learned in a textbook not long ago: "Evil, I want to know you, longevity is endless, mountains are edgeless, rivers are exhausted, thunder and earthquake in winter, rain and snow in summer, dare to be with you!".

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