In the next few days, Qin Hongyu started the crazy book brushing and crazy review mode.

High school mathematics, before the last mock test, had almost been reviewed, and Qin Hongyu spent another night consolidating and checking and filling in the gaps, and it was completely stable.

However, unfortunately, it is probably because there are too few knowledge points to check and fill in the gaps, and at the end of the review, the system did not give him an increase in mental power.

However, after seeing that the bank balance had increased by another 16,000, Qin Hongyu didn't care about these details.

On the second day, the comprehensive review of science begins.

A set of physical materials, with more than 100,000 words, can be completed in one day, plus consolidation.

On the third day, review chemistry.

There are relatively few chemical materials, only about 50,000 words, but there are many things that need to be memorized by rote, and they need to be read and memorized repeatedly. Qin Hongyu also brushed it in one day, plus consolidation.

On the fourth day, review biology.

There are fewer biological materials, but all of them need to be memorized, and Qin Hongyu still spent a day brushing them up.

On the fifth and sixth days, review the language.

Although Chinese is something that every Chinese person comes into contact with every day, the content of the exam is very complicated and profound, and there are a lot of materials that need to be reviewed, which is 200,000 words!

It took Qin Hongyu two days and one night to complete the review in a real sense.

On the last day, start reviewing your English.

When he reviewed English, Qin Hongyu was a little confused.

Since he was in junior high school, he has not laid a good foundation in English, and now although Xia Tiantian helped draw the key points, he still feels a little unsure of where to start.

Xia Tiantian noticed it on the side, thought for a while, and then reminded: "The foundation of English is built on vocabulary and fixed phrases, if you don't know where to start, you can first memorize all the English words in the three years of junior high school and the three years of high school." "

Okay, then I'll memorize the words first. Qin Hongyu found a breakthrough and immediately began to recite the words.

There are more than 3,000 English words for three years of junior high school and three years of high school, excluding some repetitive parts.

According to Qin Hongyu's previous urine, he can carry a hundred a day, even if he is desperate.

However, now that he has increased his reading skills and physique, he has actually memorized a full eight hundred of them in a whole day, and they are the kind that they are very familiar with!

When he finished the whole week of review, Qin Hongyu opened the system panel again

: "Host: Qin Hongyu

Age: 17 Strength: 18 (10 above average) Agility: 18 (10 above average


." Spirit: 80 (level 1, 10 above average), 80% mission completion. "

Why has the mental power increased so much?" Qin Hongyu was taken aback.

Originally, according to his understanding, he would increase his spiritual power by two points after reviewing a volume of materials, and he should now have 72 spiritual power, but the system showed that his spiritual power had reached 80.

"Could it be that I guessed wrong before, the calculation rules for the increase of spiritual power?" Qin Hongyu thought of this, and immediately opened a few data books to see the number of words in each book.

After such a check, he reacted: "It seems that I really guessed wrong before."

"It turns out that the system calculates mental power according to the number of words read, not directly according to the book. Like these knowledge points, about every 50,000 words, you can increase 2 points of mental power.

"I'll just say, the system shouldn't have such a big loophole, otherwise it's too unfair to read a million-word book and a short story of tens of thousands of words to increase 2 points of mental power.

After figuring out this, Qin Hongyu checked the bank balance again, and when he found that the balance had reached more than 1.5 million, he couldn't help it.

Seeing this, Xia Tiantian on the side said casually: "What are you so happy about, the last mock exam tomorrow, review it

?" "Guess what?" Qin Hongyu responded casually while packing up his things.

"I don't guess!" Xia Tiantian didn't think twice, "You just give me a sharp word, have you reviewed it?"

Qin Hongyu sold it.

"What a ghost!" Xia Tiantian dropped the pen and said with her teeth and claws, "Don't believe

me or not, I'll pinch you?" "Come and chase me, if you can catch me, I'll let you pinch and pinch you~" Qin Hongyu jumped away with his schoolbag on his back, and rushed out of the classroom at the same time.

"You get out!" Xia Tiantian rolled her eyes and simply ignored him.

Qin Hongyu didn't care, he trotted back home, briefly reviewed the content of today's review, and then lay down to sleep.

The next morning, when he stepped into the classroom, he saw that Gao Qiu surprisingly did not review, but was sitting on the table, chatting with a few boys.

Seeing Qin Hongyu coming, he squinted his eyes: "Is the forty-meter big knife ready?" "

It's not a big knife, it's a dog's head, which is specially used to cut a dog's head." Qin Hongyu said, smiling, "Don't believe we can make another bet?"

As soon as Gao Qiu heard the bet, he recalled the dog tag that he had shamed last time, his face turned black for a while, and his heart was also terrified.

But he still pretended to be calm on the surface: "It's okay to bet, anyway, if I win you, it won't do me any good."

"I just want to see if you can take a thousand steps forward this time.

"However, even if you make another upset this time and take a thousand steps forward, there still seems to be a distance of eight thousand steps between you, Xia Tiantian and me."

"10,000 steps and 8,000 steps, doesn't it seem to be the difference?"

"Your previous declaration of Form 2 seems to be completely useless." Hahahaha.

Several people around Gao Qiu also laughed.

Qin Hongyu didn't explain, just smiled and shook his head, then returned to his seat, continued to memorize the words quietly, and waited for the last mock test later.

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