
"This result is invincible

!""Broke the school record, right

?""It seems that since the establishment of our school, the highest score in mathematics is

140?""Absolutely invincible

!""The full score test paper spread by the grapevine must be this one!

""Yes, didn't the math teacher also say that if the math test paper can get 140, it can be regarded as a full score." 142, a proper full score!

" "Gao Qiu is really a big guy, cowhide cowhide!"


There was a commotion in the class, and most of the students looked at Gao Qiu with envy and jealousy on their faces when they heard the sound.

Gao Qiu enjoyed this gaze quite a bit, and he was quite complacent, but he smiled lightly: "After all, it's only 142, when can you get 145, then it's a real perfect score."

Everyone was about to continue touting, when suddenly another exclamation came from the back seat: "Another 142!"

Everyone became more and more envious and jealous now: "Our class is so awesome that we want to go to heaven! Two perfect marks in one class!" "

The summer school is amazing, the people are beautiful and kind, and the grades are good, I am a Buddha."

"Everyone in our class is talented, and they speak well, and I like it very much. "


Xia Tiantian was a little embarrassed, and smiled modestly: "It's just luck, this time it's an extraordinary performance." Seeing

her so humble, everyone admired her a little.

Gao Qiu took the opportunity to interject: "We actually got exactly the same score in the exam, and it's quite fateful."

Xia Tiantian smiled awkwardly but politely and did not reply.

At this moment, the Chinese test paper was also handed out.

When I learned that Gao Qiu took the 127 exam and Xia Tiantian took the 128 exam, there was a small sensation in the class.

And when the comprehensive test paper was sent down, and when I learned that Gao Qiu had taken the 275 exam and Xia Tiantian had taken the 270 exam, the atmosphere of the eighth class of the third year of high school was completely ignited.

"I really don't know how to describe my mood except for the awesome! Gao Qiu and Xia Xiaohua's Mizuki University or Yenching University, the cliff is stable.

"Trembling under the pressure of the scholar!" "

The scumbag didn't dare to speak out loud at all, and was even a little afraid!"


Gao Qiu silently calculated his and Xia Tiantian's scores, and when he found that his three subjects of Chinese, mathematics and foreign languages were completely consistent with Xia Tiantian's scores, he couldn't help but be overjoyed: "It seems that we are really fateful, not only the scores of mathematics are the same, but even the scores of the three subjects outside the language and mathematics are exactly the same!" Xia

Tiantian just smiled and still didn't answer.

And many students in the class began to coax: "It seems that

this is really the case, is this fate?" "Fate, wonderful~" "

The total score of the two is about the same, and nine times out of ten they will be admitted to the same school in the future, it's terrible, how do you think this is the rhythm of being together?"


Gao Qiu heard everyone say this, his heart blossomed, and he was about to express his position, when the fat man suddenly stood up and exclaimed, "it

!" "What's the situation?" Many students in the class looked at it in unison.

The fat man ignored everyone's reaction, and a bear rushed to Qin Hongyu's seat and picked up the top Chinese test paper.

"Language 130?" Xia Tiantian's eyes were confused for a moment.

The class was silent.

The little wolf rushed over and picked up the comprehensive test paper under the Chinese test paper.

"Li Zong 282?" Xia Tiantian's eyes became even more confused.

There was deathly silence for the class.

Xiao Shuai walked over silently, and lifted the math test paper that was pressed to the bottom with a sluggish face.

"Mathematics...... 150?Did he really get a perfect score?" Xia Tiantian was completely at a loss.

Everyone in the class looked like they were hell-fazed.

Only the three class representatives who had previously handed out the test papers sat in their seats blankly, their eyes distracted.

When Qin Hongyu's test paper was sent just now, they were all so shocked that they even forgot about their amazement. Until now, they have not been free from their doubts for a long time.

"What's the situation?"

"Nima, I'm afraid I've gone to a fake school and entered a fake senior high school class today

!" "First of all, two students broke the record

of the highest score in mathematics one after another, and now another student has directly taken the test with a perfect score!" "And, the most important thing is that this product usually doesn't look good, and the grades are average! Although it was an upset last time, this time it was a direct full score, and the three subjects of language, mathematics and science are in full bloom! "


Many students were really incredulous, ignoring that the head teacher and teachers were still outside, and couldn't help but rush directly to Qin Hongyu's seat.

Gao Qiu didn't believe it at all, and followed everyone to Qin Hongyu's table.

But after seeing that the test papers in the hands of the fat man and others were indeed fine, he was silent.

The rest of the group subconsciously lowered their voices, and they tested each other with surprise: "Do you think this result looks like a problem?"

"From a rational point of view, I tend to be skeptical. However, combined with the fact that the head teacher personally brought six subject teachers, I had to believe it...... "

If, I mean if! If this result is true, what does it mean?" A classmate also cautiously glanced at Gao Qiu's face when he spoke.

When everyone heard this question, they all looked at Gao Qiu and did not say anything.

Seeing this, Gao Qiu's face became even more ugly.

He originally thought that he was very vague about Qin Hongyu.


this, the fat man smiled a little proudly:

"It means that Brother Qin is the first in the class in a single subject in Chinese, the first in the class in a single subject in science, and the first in a single subject in mathematics!" "It also means that Brother Qin is the one who caused a sensation in the office of the senior high school mathematics group! Brother Qin is the one who fills the history of the history of Nansha No. 3 Middle School mathematics full score gap!"

The most important thing is that it also means that someone who was still coaxing in front of Brother Qin a few days ago has been beaten by our Brother Qin


!" When Gao Qiu heard these words, his face turned dark, he couldn't help but be angry, and he turned around and left without saying a word!

The fat man didn't pay any attention to his reaction, still pinching his nose behind his back, and deliberately learned his tone to repeat what he said before:

"Qin Hongyu, I just want to see if you can take another thousand steps forward this time."

"Even if you make another upset this time and take a thousand steps forward, there is still a distance of eight thousand steps between you, Xia Tiantian and me.

"10,000 steps and 8,000 steps, there seems to be no difference?"

"Your previous declaration of secondary 2 is completely useless...... Little

Wolf and the others also looked disdainful: "Gao Xuewei, may I ask how many steps are between 142 and 150? How many steps are between 275 and 282?"

More than 140, one step at a time, each step is as difficult as climbing to the sky, if you want to calculate it like this, the distance between you and Brother Qin now is at least eight heavenly moats?"

Gao Qiu heard these words, his brain was congested and dizzy, and his footsteps staggered, almost hitting the table next to him.

Seeing this, the fat man, Xiaoshuai and others immediately laughed: "How do you say that sentence, thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, don't bully young people to be poor!"

Many students around also laughed.

Gao Qiu heard those piercing laughter, like a man's back, staggered all the way back to his seat, and after simply packing up some materials, he left the classroom directly.

He doesn't have the face to stay in this classroom anymore.

In the next few days, he decided: He will review at home, resolutely not come to school, and will not be affected by

Qin Hongyu! After all, Qin Hongyu's English is still the five scumbags, but the final score

of the college entrance examination is the total score! He wants to be ashamed of the total score of the college entrance examination, so that everyone can see clearly who is the real king of the college entrance examination in the third and eighth classes of high school!

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