The third uncle noticed the change in his aura and was slightly surprised.

But before he had time to think about it, Qin Hongyu took the needle.

The silver needle is like a star falling!

But after only three stitches, Qin Hongyu stopped.

"Is this the end?" the third uncle asked subconsciously.

From Qin Hongyu's needle to the end now, he didn't feel the slightest.

No pain, no itching, no ice, no numb......ness

Qin Hongyu didn't answer, just twisted the three silver needles, gently dialed and swirled.

It was only at this time that a faint warmth poured into the third uncle's body from the tip of the needle.

"It's a bit of a feeling. He laughs.

Qin Hongyu still didn't say anything.

It wasn't until three minutes later

, when the needle was withdrawn, sterilized again, and the needle was installed, that he asked, "How do you feel now?" "How do you feel" "How do you feel it?" The third uncle was about to answer that he didn't feel it, when he suddenly found that his nose didn't seem to be blocked, his throat didn't seem to itch anymore, and the feeling of coughing and runny nose before had completely disappeared!

Even the slight chaotic state of the brain caused by the cold just now completely disappeared at this moment!

After being stunned for a long time, the third uncle turned around, looked at Qin Hongyu with a surprised face, and stopped talking.

Qin Hongyu saw his appearance, a little expectant, and a little nervous: "Is it better?"

The third uncle nodded subconsciously, and then said with deep meaning: "The teacher you are talking about, I'm afraid it's amazing!"

Qin Hongyu was also secretly happy, but on the surface, he just smiled: "Third uncle, you are okay."

"Remember to thank you teachers for me. The third uncle said, and sighed with emotion, "Knowledge is the ladder of human progress, and it is really good to read."

Qin Hongyu nodded, returned to the room after putting away the silver needle, and began to think about when to start treating the third aunt.

But after thinking about it like this, he found a problem

—this is special, he can't explain to the third uncle and the third aunt where his medical skills come from?

But the third aunt's body is uremia, and even the hospitals in the city have made it clear

that they can't do anything about it! If he tells the third uncle and aunt that he can cure it, and they don't believe it or not, the source of this medical skill will be a big problem that cannot be solved!

Moreover, he has no medical practitioner qualification certificate at all, let alone a famous teacher's inheritance...... Not to mention practicing medicine and breaking the law

, the hospital will definitely not allow him to treat the third aunt! Therefore, there seems to be only one path in front of him - when an unsung hero secretly treats the third aunt when the third uncle and the third aunt and the hospital are not paying attention!

Thinking of this, Qin Hongyu thought for a while, and simply put the needle bag and alcohol lamp into his schoolbag, and stuffed some review materials into the schoolbag.


In the evening, he went to the Municipal People's Hospital to visit the third aunt.

After learning that the third aunt was sleeping, Qin Hongyu asked the nurse not to disturb him, and then entered the single VIP ward and locked the door.

After that, while the third aunt was asleep, he directly used acupuncture to give the third aunt a general anesthesia.

After the anesthesia was completed, Qin Hongyu looked at the sleeping third aunt and took a deep breath.

Since the last operation, he has secretly made up his mind to create a miracle with his own hands to save the life of his third aunt. At this moment, the goal is finally about to be achieved, and he is really a little excited, his heart is beating wildly, and even the hand holding the needle is shaking.

"When the disease enters the kidneys, the five qi are not balanced, the five organs are not prosperous, and the six organs are not smooth...... The sixth and seventh injections of the green capsule acupuncture method can be adjusted, and a course of treatment can be taken every three days, and three consecutive courses of treatment can be cured.

After the treatment came to mind, Qin Hongyu took a few deep breaths again.

When his mood calmed down, he carefully sterilized the silver needle again.

The process of disinfection, like some kind of ritual, step by step, each step completed, his mood seemed to be tempered once, and his momentum would be invisibly improved.

When all the silver needles were sterilized, Qin Hongyu didn't even notice it, at that moment, his eyes were extremely shining, as if the flame of the alcohol lamp was flickering in them, and his whole person seemed to be a few feet taller, and his momentum was overwhelming.


time the needle fell, the fire in his eyes dimmed a point, and the momentum on his body also decreased by a point.

Although Qin Hongyu was already a divine doctor-level medical skill, he didn't know if it was an illusion, when he performed the sixth needle of the Green Capsule Acupuncture Method, as each needle fell, it seemed that some mysterious energy was drained from his body.

When all the seventy-seven and forty-nine silver needles fell, the brilliance in his eyes dissipated, and the momentum on his body also dissipated, and the whole person was extremely tired.

On the hospital bed, the third aunt's originally sickly face showed a little healthy ruddy for the first time.

"It really works!" Qin Hongyu smiled with relief, even if he was tired, he felt that it was worth it, not only was it worthwhile, but he also had a full sense of achievement.

With the means of medical treatment in the Qing Capsule Sutra, he can be completely sure that the health status of the third aunt has indeed been greatly improved.

And this probably means that the sixth injection of the green capsule acupuncture method that was judged before, after three consecutive courses of treatment, can it really cure the terminal illness on the third aunt's body?

"It's the first time Qin Hongyu has been so happy.

With exhaustion, he took out all the silver needles from the third aunt and put them all in his schoolbag, and then with a satisfied and happy smile, he fell asleep on the cold and hard wooden chair next to him.

No one noticed the anomaly, and no one knew, that there was a teenager who, in the middle of the night, performed miracles for his loved ones.

Qin Hongyu was so tired that when he woke up the next day, the third aunt had already eaten breakfast, and asked the nurse to prepare a breakfast for Qin Hongyu as well.

When he opened his eyes and saw that the third aunt was looking at him with a smile, Qin Hongyu was a little worried, and looked at his schoolbag for the first time.

He was relieved to find that the needle bag and the alcohol lamp were well packed in the schoolbag, and there was no trace of outsiders touching them.

The third aunt was a little distressed and said: "Silly child, I've been tired lately, and I don't know how uncomfortable it is to go home early to sleep, and sleep on a wooden stool?"

Qin Hongyu smiled and nodded, and after washing up, he began to eat breakfast.

After breakfast, he chatted with the third aunt and observed the third aunt from time to time.

The third aunt seemed to notice his gaze and said with a smile: "Don't worry about your third aunt, I have good teeth, good appetite and good health, and I can sleep soundly every day." Just now, the little nurse said that I feel that my complexion is getting better and better.

"The third aunt is a good person with good rewards, and she will definitely be healthy and live a long life." Qin Hongyu answered.

The third aunt smiled: "I don't dare to think about a long life, I can be healthy and see the day when our Xiaoyu marries his daughter-in-law and gives birth to a child, I will be satisfied~

" "Ahem, I am still a child." Qin Hongyu didn't dare to answer casually, so he quickly found an excuse to slip away, "Third aunt, I still have to prepare for the college entrance examination review, and I will come to see you in the evening......"

After speaking, he ran away.

The third aunt looked at his embarrassed figure and laughed heroically: "Stinky boy, what are you ashamed of, it's not too small, the third aunt will tell you what's wrong with this?"

Qin Hongyu pretended not to hear, and after leaving the hospital, he went back to school directly.


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