At 4:50 p.m. the next day, when Qin Hongyu arrived at the door of the indoor basketball court of No. 3 Middle School, he found that Xia Tiantian was properly upright

- she said no, but her identity was very honest!

At this moment, she, Su Mengmeng and the others were standing there, looking around, obviously looking forward to the surprise that Qin Hongyu brought her.

When she saw Qin Hongyu appear, she stretched out her hand and said simply, "Surprise?" "

Isn't it time yet." Qin Hongyu smiled.

"Then tell me now, what is the surprise?" Xia Tiantian asked.

Qin Hongyu glanced at her, "If I tell you now, can it still be called a surprise?"

"It's annoying! I want to know now~" Xia Tiantian didn't notice it, and she unconsciously pursed her lips and took on a coquettish tone.

Qin Hongyu was keenly aware of it, and secretly glanced at her, and then was amused by her cute little appearance.

Xia Tiantian heard the laughter, and then reacted, and gave him a small pink punch with some embarrassment: "Laughing fart, don't laugh!"

"Okay! Qin Hongyu dodged, but still couldn't help laughing.

Xia Tiantian was about to continue chasing, when a commotion figure appeared.

The first thing that comes to mind is a pair of slender white legs in flat shoes, then a corner of women's athletic shorts, then two unusually tall and tall clusters, and finally a kawaii face and well-behaved shoulder-length curls.

Qin Hongyu looked at it carefully for a while before he recognized it, the goods were ...... It's handsome.

And behind Xiao Shuai, the fat man and the others seemed to be holding back a smile, and while walking over, their shoulders were shaking.

Xia Tiantian, Su Mengmeng and the others looked at Xiao Shuai, and then at Qin Hongyu, still a little dazed.

"Don't you recognize it, Xu Xiaoshuai. Qin Hongyu reminded.

"......" Xia Tiantian was speechless for a while, "She...... Is it really

Xu Xiaoshuai?" Xu Xiaoshuai blinked his specially painted Carslan big eyes, and bewitchingly stood on tiptoe, spinning, jumping, and closing his eyes in front of everyone, and then said in a loud voice: "How is it, does it look like a girl?"

Xia Tiantian completely believed that this thing was Xu Xiaoshuai, and was speechless for a while.

Su Mengmeng stared at Xu Xiaoshuai's enchanting posture and seductive eyes, and said with emotion: "It's true, men are in a commotion, there is really nothing wrong with women."

Yingying and Lili also nodded in agreement.

However, after a while, the two of them thought of a question again: "The part of men pretending to be women is stable, but our focus is not women's clothing after all, but the main position of replacing Shuishui." Qin Hongyu, your friend, how is your basketball level?"

Xia Tiantian also reacted now, and looked at Xu Xiaoshuai with some surprise.

Although she has been classmates with Xu Xiaoshuai for three years, if it weren't for the fact that Qin Hongyu and Xu Xiaoshuai and others have gotten closer recently, she really doesn't know anything about Xu Xiaoshuai's gang.

What she knows so far is limited to Xu Xiaoshuai, who are very funny, and they are all centered on Qin Hongyu.

Does Xu Xiaoshuai know how to play basketball? She really didn't know anything about it.

Seeing this, Qin Hongyu smiled confidently, took Xia Tiantian and the others into the indoor basketball court, and then said to Xu Xiaoshuai: "Xiaoshuai, show a hand to these beautiful young ladies." "

Gotcha!" Xu Xiaoshuai gestured, and then motioned for Su Mengmeng to pass the ball over.

Su Mengmeng deliberately tried him, and passed the ball directly and violently.

But to her surprise, Xu Xiaoshuai not only took it easily, but also after getting the ball, he directly began to attack, a fast short rush, fancy dribbling to the basket, and throwing it lightly -

gorgeous hollow!


Seeing this, Qin Hongyu looked at Xia Tiantian and the others with a smile: "How about it, can it still enter your magic eyes?"

Yingying and Lili nodded hurriedly.

"He's fast, like I exploded in an instant. Moreover, he is also very proficient in basketball, and he seems to have a good set of shooting. The level is far above the water. Su Mengmeng's expression was a little stunned and surprised, "Where did you dig this person from? It stands to reason that at his level, he can be the main force in the men's basketball team, why haven't I heard of it?"

Xia Tiantian was surprised and a little confused at the same time.

That's right, Xu Xiaoshuai plays basketball so well, why don't many people in the class know about it?"

Qin Hongyu said, turning his gaze to Xiao Shuai.

Xiao Shuai smiled awkwardly but politely: "Actually, I also like to play basketball, I almost joined the school basketball team when I was a freshman in high school, but it's a pity that I ...... height it is not allowed.

Xia Tiantian and the others reacted at this time - Xu Xiaoshuai, who is just 1.6 meters tall, is quite suitable for the women's mixed women's basketball team, but in a bunch of men's basketball teams that start at 1.8 meters, it is really too compact!

No wonder he has empty strength, but he is unknown, and his feelings have no chance to play at all.

"Then you're on the right side of our women's basketball team. Yingying patted Xiao Shuai on the shoulder, "This is the most suitable place for you to shine!" "

Let's come on, boy!" Lili also smiled and encouraged.

"......" Although Xu Xiaoshuai knew that they were comforting and encouraging him, but these words sounded, why did they sound so wrong?

Qin Hongyu also patted him on the shoulder: "The hope of the women's basketball team is pinned on you. "

......" Xu Xiaoshuai smiled embarrassed but polite again.

Qin Hongyu looked at Xia Tiantian: "Is this surprise enough?"

Xia Tiantian nodded, then looked away, and whispered, "I'll count my words and promise you one condition." Say, what do you want me to do?"

Qin Hongyu looked thoughtful.

Seeing this, Xia Tiantian felt a pang of anxiety in her heart.

"What if he confesses at this time? It's too unromantic, this is someone's first love

......" "What if he is stupid and doesn't understand what others mean and doesn't confess, I don't know when next time, can I have such a good opportunity to create a confession for him......"

Seeing that Qin Hongyu had not said anything, her heart became more and more full of feelings.

Finally, when Qin Hongyu came back to her senses and looked at it again, her heart was about to rise to her throat.

But at this moment, Qin Hongyu spoke: "I haven't thought about it yet, I'll tell you when I think about

it!" Xia Tiantian saw the teasing look on his face, and immediately knew that he was doing it on purpose, and immediately hit him with his shoulder in some annoyance: "You hate it! Deliberately hang me!" "

Yes, why are you so witty and actually found out?" Qin Hongyu laughed.

Xia Tiantian was dumbfounded: "You...... "

Yes, is there any problem?" Qin Hongyu asked rhetorically.

"Tablemate, you've gone bad!"

"You're still so cute." Qin Hongyu said, glanced at Xia Tiantian's pretty face, and whispered, "Don't worry, I will take advantage of the opportunity you create." With that

, he walked away quickly.

Xia Tiantian looked at his back, and her heart was pounding:

"He knows that this is the opportunity I created for him?"

"He also said that he would take advantage of it?".

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